any idea for a picky eater?

I'm looking for some good recipes that are easy to make and low on calories, the problem is, I'm a SUPER picky eater. I dont like fruit, at all, not one bit, and I'm not really a fan of vegetables either, but I can stand some of them. I'm kinda a meat-bread-cheese-potatoes kinda person (I love pizza, obviously). Any ideas?


  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    i dont like paying rent (i would love to do other stuff with that money!!) but i do it because i dont want to be homeless. eating fruits and veggies are good because it helps you get the nutrients you need so just suck it up, and start trying some different things (like can you honestly say you've eaten EVERY fruit or vegetable the world has to offer?

    what you could do is add them to thinks you already eat. like if you eat meat loaf, add some shaved carrots, mushrooms, and green peppers to the meat. Add veggies on your pizza

    also keep in your mind that your taste buds can change like habits.
  • Tugar4440
    Tugar4440 Posts: 9 Member
    The problem is that none of the things you mention you like are low in calories. I love them all as well. So it's going to be portion control. I am diabetic, so if I want pizza, I have to limit myself to a slice, maybe two at most, depending on the pizza.

    As an example, I can have a 20 ounce Coca-Cola, but is it worth skipping dinner in order to have it? Not yet, although there may be a bad day. I think I'd gag on all the sugar now that my body has adjusted to the diet stuff.

    As a guy I am allowed about 45 to 60 grams of carbs per meal. 45 if i want to lose weight and 60 to maintain. So...a burger and maybe a third of a small fries. It's not that you cannot have lasagna or pizza....just not a plate of it.

    The secret to losing weight is there IS NO SECRET. Simple physics. Burn more than you take in and you will lose weight. Eat right and exercise. Something I've known for decades, but didn't want to face until it was no longer an option to ignore.

    A serving of meat is about the size of an average cell phone. Carbs aren't the enemy, but eating the healthier grains (whole grains), add fiber and keep your body more stable.
  • meaglovin
    i do constantly try and re-try things, i realize that tastes can change, i was not asking for ways to incorporate foods that i do not like into ones that i do, but thank you for the advice. I was simply asking for recipes that may fit into my taste range at this point.
  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    I'm looking for some good recipes that are easy to make and low on calories, the problem is, I'm a SUPER picky eater. I dont like fruit, at all, not one bit, and I'm not really a fan of vegetables either, but I can stand some of them. I'm kinda a meat-bread-cheese-potatoes kinda person (I love pizza, obviously). Any ideas?

    Go to to make and account and try various search terms for low calorie meat recipes and so on.
    Also search for oil-free potato wedges.
  • mandi_spicer
    mandi_spicer Posts: 37 Member
    Try, and to search for recipes that would be to your liking. :) Try to incorporate the fruits and vegetables you already enjoy as much as you can...and don't be afraid to try new ones. Maybe you'll surprise yourself and find something you love!

    Until you start learning to like more fruits and vegetables, you might think about getting a greens supplement that will give you nutrients your missing out on. You can find it in powder or pill forms.

    Good luck!
  • Oi_Sunshine
    Oi_Sunshine Posts: 819 Member
    Go for lean meats and less dense bread, I guess. Maybe soups?

    And take a multivitamin so you don't lose your teeth to scurvy.
  • cincysweetheart
    cincysweetheart Posts: 892 Member
    The problem is that none of the things you mention you like are low in calories. I love them all as well. So it's going to be portion control. I am diabetic, so if I want pizza, I have to limit myself to a slice, maybe two at most, depending on the pizza.

    The secret to losing weight is there IS NO SECRET. Simple physics. Burn more than you take in and you will lose weight. Eat right and exercise. Something I've known for decades, but didn't want to face until it was no longer an option to ignore.

    A serving of meat is about the size of an average cell phone. Carbs aren't the enemy, but eating the healthier grains (whole grains), add fiber and keep your body more stable.

    THIS^^^ If you don't want to eat fruits and veggies… you're simply gonna have to exercise some serious portion control. I do a lot of sandwiches and wraps.
  • MinMin97
    MinMin97 Posts: 2,676 Member
    Maybe start with hors d'oeuvres?
    Or try pickled veggies, such as these dilly beans...
  • PunkyRachel
    PunkyRachel Posts: 1,959 Member
    I don't like fruit either so I "cheat", I buy mots healthy harvest applesauce in different flavors. I try to eat one everyday and count it as a fruit serving. I also drink V8 Vfusion juice every morning with breakfast. I make casseroles a lot and started putting 2 cups of mix veggies in, so I'll get my veggie serving. I hate salads and raw, cold veggies. Everything has to be cooked or boiled. So I eat a lot of green beans and carrots.
  • mariluny
    mariluny Posts: 428 Member
    i do constantly try and re-try things, i realize that tastes can change, i was not asking for ways to incorporate foods that i do not like into ones that i do, but thank you for the advice. I was simply asking for recipes that may fit into my taste range at this point.

    I think he meant to say, if you already like something, keep the recipe and throw in some secret veggies in it. Add more vegetable in the spaghetti sauce for example.
    We can "train" our taste buds. Often when we are not use to eat something we don't like it, but if you eat it twice a week for a few weeks, most likely you'll end up enjoying it. That's what happen with me and apples. Apple is the most boring fruit if you ask me, but I needed snack at work and i also needed more fibers and fruits, so I just brought a few. Now I have apples maybe 3 times a week and if I don't i just miss it. I ended up starting to enjoy the taste of it more and more each time.
    Same thing with brown bread. NOBODY who was raised on pure fluffy white slice bread will taste multi grain extra whole wheat bread and say yum. But you start little and you get accustom to it and somehow you end up liking the taste of it to the point were when you bite in white bread you just don't find it taste right.
  • MinMin97
    MinMin97 Posts: 2,676 Member
    This thread is woefully lacking tempting pics of amazing vegetarian cuisine!
  • PunkyRachel
    PunkyRachel Posts: 1,959 Member
    I'm looking for some good recipes that are easy to make and low on calories, the problem is, I'm a SUPER picky eater. I dont like fruit, at all, not one bit, and I'm not really a fan of vegetables either, but I can stand some of them. I'm kinda a meat-bread-cheese-potatoes kinda person (I love pizza, obviously). Any ideas?

    Thin crust pizza, leave off the extra cheese. Puree some carrots or any veggie and add it to spaghetti sauce. Bake your potatoes, and do not fry anything. Switch to wheat pasta, brown rice, and wheat bread. Instead of 2 cups of cheese in the pasta casserole, do 1 cup. Measure and weigh out everything you fix at home. Portion control is the key, eat what you like just find healthier ways to make it.