Anyone else TTC

Hello, just wondering if anyone else is TTC and that can add me so I have some people in a similar predicament to me... x


  • Drkchyld
    Drkchyld Posts: 63 Member
    I'm ttc with infertility issues
  • thebatkat
    thebatkat Posts: 4 Member
    I am! I'm 26, married going on 7 years, wanting baby #1! Looking for some motivation buddies.:tongue:
  • sweetpea03b
    sweetpea03b Posts: 1,123 Member
    28, married going on 7 years... on my first cycle of clomid 50mg now... keeping fingers crossed! Feel free to add me!
  • lynsie86
    lynsie86 Posts: 17
    I'm a newb to this forum and just restarting a diet plan since my OBGYN won't start me on Clomid until I lose 20lbs. I've been TTC for 14 months now and started Metformin for PCOS last week but it made me too sick. I am a SAHM to a 3 yr old little boy.
  • pyrowill
    pyrowill Posts: 1,163 Member
    Christ these abbreviations are killing me these days. All the best with your efforts though, all you ladies!
  • hey ladies! i'm 25, ttc for 2 years...just found out we will need IVF so we are waiting to see when we will decide to drop the $$$ to do it. feel free to add me!
  • leahlyn
    leahlyn Posts: 5 Member
    I am! We did IVF 4 years ago for our daughter and we have since done 3 more IVF's and an FET, and had an 8w miscarriage and other chemical pregnancies. So, we're still trying, but on our own. We were diagnosed with unexplained IF. :( I want to lose the 40 lbs I put on ttc! We have been ttc for 8 years come October, but minus the 8 months I BF my daughter. Good luck girls!!

    Add me if you want :)
  • HollyDee14
    HollyDee14 Posts: 21 Member
    I'm right there with you ladies! Started TTC a few months ago and was diagnosed with PCOS shortly thereafter. Metformin has been tough to tolerate, and we're planning to start Clomid in the next couple months. I'm really trying to focus on getting healthy and losing weight so that I can have a healthy pregnancy and baby. (Although I'm planning to maintain the habits I'm forming now so that I don't gain it all back later!)

    Hubby and I have been married almost 10 years and now that I'm done with school (finally!!), we're ready to start a family. Anyone can feel free to add me. :)
  • leahlyn
    leahlyn Posts: 5 Member
    Good luck HOLLY!!!! YAY for being done with school and the weight you have already lost!!
  • KatyRu
    KatyRu Posts: 55 Member
    I am...just started recently. I am going to talk to a doctor about Metformin soon, as I do have PCOS. I've been married for a year and a half, and my husband and I have agreed that now is about right for us. With PCOS, I worry about waiting too long. Feel free to add me and follow the struggle! I work at a Starbucks and am trying to cut caffeine for this process, so it's a tough one!
  • Leah_62803
    Leah_62803 Posts: 292 Member
    I am not ttc but I just wanted to say good luck and I'll be wishing and hoping for all of you!!!

    I have been there and it makes me get teary eyed thinking about it. We tried for 5 years before we were finally lucky enough to get pregnant with our son. "Unexplained Infertility" which makes you want to scream. Believe it or not, we actually tried an herbal fertility supplement and it worked! When I FINALLY saw that positive test I literally fell over and started hyperventilating. Lol.
    After all those years of heartbreak, basal body temps, charting, and 100s of cheap pregnancy tests....when our son was a year and a half old I went off birth control pills because we were going to start ttc again and I got pregnant with my daughter that very month!
  • LondonSuz
    LondonSuz Posts: 165 Member
    One of my main motivations for losing weight is so we can go through IVF. Had my pelvic ultrasound last month where they saw cysts so stated I have some level of PCOS, was a shock really as I'm always super regular with cycles but learnt a lesson that apparently regular periods don't mean you've ovulated! So all these years I'd thought I was fine but may not be!

    Since then I've been counting my carbs (as well as cals) and have stayed under about 60g a day which has helped my weight loss and despite loving cake, bread, crisps, potatoes, it does feel like I'm on a sustainable way of eating. Haven't snacked much between meals and haven't binged or been tempted to binge which has felt amazing :smile:
  • janupshaw
    janupshaw Posts: 205 Member
    Since I don't know what TTC is, I guess I don't have it...
  • janupshaw
    janupshaw Posts: 205 Member
    Ah, Trying To Conceive....that would be a BFN.
  • flip26
    flip26 Posts: 7 Member
    LondonSuz- I just finished an IVF cycle in July with a BFN. I am now preparing for a Frozen Transfer and I am trying to lose weight, this is the largest I have ever been. I am not sure if my BFN came from my weight gain or just because those wheren't the embryos for me to have.
    How are you doing on your weight loss? I just started last week on Friday, my neighbor is doing it with me as she is also large and wants to loose weight.
  • LondonSuz
    LondonSuz Posts: 165 Member
    Flip26 - is going which is great! I'm almost into 'overweight' rather than 'obese' :embarassed: on the NHS weight tracker...

    Still sticking with low-er carb which is working and generally keeping me full. Have a wedding this weekend so will be interesting how I manage to face that challenge with food and drink!
  • rjcsonka
    rjcsonka Posts: 7 Member
    I'm 28 and I've been married almost 4 years. We've been TTC for just over a year, with no success. First plan of attack is to lose 20-30 pounds! Would love to have some friends/support system with similar struggles. I'm the last of my friends and siblings to start having kids, so, while I know they all love me and support me, it's difficult to pour my heart out to people who just don't know what I'm going through. Plus, when I talk about it face-to-face, I always end up crying...and I have a pretty ugly cry face.

    LOL...oh, that? That's my humor. It's my defense mechanism.
  • lmclaren29
    lmclaren29 Posts: 6 Member
    I am trying for LO #2. I have PCOS, ended up getting pg with #1 naturally after 8 months of TTC (I was supposed to go on Clomid but found out I was pg just before I was about to start).

    Started TTC this time around in June. Here to hold hands!
  • PMA140
    PMA140 Posts: 60
    I'm 32 with a 4 yo son, took 3 years to have him. Been TTC for 2 years now. My regular OB/GYN is not being proactive at all. I am currently looking into fertility specialists to see where to go from here.
  • MoveitlikeManda
    MoveitlikeManda Posts: 846 Member
    Not ttc but also wanted to wish you all the best of luck with everything.
  • mrs_moonkues
    mrs_moonkues Posts: 8 Member
    My DH and I are as well...started trying in April and nothing yet :-( I was diagnosed with PCOS at 16 and Hypothyroidism last year along with a birth defect so I'm hoping for some extra strong baby dust soon! GL ladies :-)
  • lmclaren29
    lmclaren29 Posts: 6 Member
    For those ladies who have PCOS and have been trying for a while, I HIGHLY recommend going to see a fertility specialist. As soon as my family doctor determined I had PCOS she referred me to a fertility clinic immediately and they were amazing. I didn't end up needing treatments for my son, but I am going to go again this time as they can re-do tests and put you on a plan for success. Good luck ladies, baby dust to all!
  • katpk
    katpk Posts: 1 Member
    First time looking on the message boards here and I'm glad I did because I'm TTC as well. I have a rare syndrome called Kallmans that is similar to PCOS and I'm currently taking daily injections of Menopur. I gained 10lbs during the last two 2ww and aftermath fallout of the subsequent BFNs. Does anyone else gain weight during that time?

    The whole reason I'm back on the diet and exercise bandwagon is due to being "overweight" with a 27 BMI and my doctor wants me at 25. I've had success since starting Myfitnesspal and would appreciate any "friends" to add me for support. I feel it's a different journey when you're combining it with TTC rather than just vanity or general health issues.