Omega 3 food source ideas

1seb1 Posts: 30 Member
Id like to get someones omega 3 food sources that would contain not only ALA kind,, tx :-)


  • 1seb1
    1seb1 Posts: 30 Member
  • xrachel2014
    xrachel2014 Posts: 18 Member
    Oily fish are good sources of omega three, they can be fresh, frozen or tinned. particually mackeral, kippers, salmon, pichards and sardines. Fresh tuna is also classed as an oily fish but tinned aren't, in the tinning process they get removed.

    Non fishy omega 3 sources are flax seeds or flaxseed oil. I tablespoon of flaxseed oil or crushed fraxseeds are enough for what you need. Other non fish sources are walmuts, pecans, almonds, soya beans, tofu and dark green leafy vegetables. The fats founds in these are your ALA fats (alpa linolenic acid) which your body can convert to small amounts of omega 3

    there are omega 3 enriched foods aswell (in the UK, likely everywhere else as well) often things like milk, yoghurts, eggs and fish fingers but you would need to eat alot of these foods to get the omega 3 target you need. They will be pretty expensive as well!!

    we need 1g of omega 3 per day (ideally, unless other wise told by a Dr, dietitian if you have had stroke of heart attack)

    hope that answers your question
  • shabaity
    shabaity Posts: 792 Member
    I get mine via supplement but give fatty fish a go and I think its flax seed thats a good choice for it from the veggie side.
  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    In the US look for added Omega 3 added to
    peanut butter
    orange juice
    some bread and pasta

    Or you could buy these foods

    Food with ALA Omega 3 ( a form of Omega 3
    brussel sprouts
    flax seed oil
    walnut oil