New Diabetic

Well I am a new diabetic i have let myself go too far i guess. I am 280 5'11" with blood sugar in the 160-130 I am struggling to control it even though i am taking Metformin 2x a day at 500mg.. My questions are how you determine the nutritional value of fresh food. Example I purchased chicken breast from the butcher and it does not have nutritional value on it so how do you know what it is to put in the tracker.

Also with exercise how do you determine calorie burn and so on if you’re not on a tread mill? Example My wife has me doing a 1 mile and 2 mile exercise video where they claim the work out equals a 1 or 2 mile walk but would have no idea how much burn that is.

I find this diagnosis very frustrating as everyone has different opinon's on food and work outs... I am finding it hard to settle into one type of diet plan. My Doctor says 1800 Calories and that’s what to worry about, other people say the sugar levels are more important. We are a family who got some type of take out almost every night so we are trying but really frustrated trying to figure out the right way to do it.

Any help/Advise would be great. I just signed up for this tracker today since my sugar is all over the place.



  • dorisopen9
    dorisopen9 Posts: 94 Member

    I guess you are a type II diabetic. If so, the bottom line is to avoid easily digested carbs like sugar, flour, starchy vegetables. Intermittent fasting is increasingly used with good effect and low carb high fat diets are suitable.
    Classic advice for diabetics to base food on starchy wholegrain food is counterproductive.

    I personally had very good results with 5:2 dieting, reducing the HbA1c from 63 mmol/mol in January to 44 mmol/mol last week; there has also been some weight loss despite normal eating on non-fast days.
  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    For now, listen to your doctor.
    When you reduce calories you will reduce blood sugar.
    The main point is to lose weight as that will reduce your A1C.
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    For now, listen to your doctor.
    When you reduce calories you will reduce blood sugar.
    The main point is to lose weight as that will reduce your A1C.

    Do this....
    We are a family who got some type of take out almost every night

    stop that....

    If you need detailed help ask your Dr for a referral to a registered dietitian

    To calculate estimated net caloric expenditure (ie additional calories expended directly attributable to the exercise) walking use this formula:

    .30 x weight in lbs x distance in miles

    @280 lbs you would be expending approx 84 additional calories per mile walked
  • dakotababy
    dakotababy Posts: 2,406 Member
    When it comes to calculating calories - you will need tools. Measuring cups, a kitchen scale are must haves. When you purchase lets say a "boneless chicken breast" you can put that into the search engine, and put in the amount based on what you weighed with the scale. Unfortunately without direct nutritional values on the foods, you will have to estimate, same as if you were at a restaurant that does not post the nutritional values on websites.

    Do not deprive yourself, track your sugars. I would focus on your calories, and your sugars first and foremost. If you focus every meal to have proteins and veg with minimal carb (like... .5 of a cup amount) and then minimal fruits, dairy/yogurts and nuts for snacks.
  • dlafko
    dlafko Posts: 4
    Brian Sharpe, Thanks thats a good scale
  • hookilau
    hookilau Posts: 3,134 Member
    Hey =) I was diagnosed a little over a year ago & after a whole lot of confusion, I found
    It helped me to get everything under control and understand how it works.

    At diagnosis, my casual BG was 260 mg/dl & fasting was regularly in the 270-300 range.

    I lost 36 #'s by using this website to keep track of my calories and going on a 'no starch, no sugar, no fun diet'.
    (heh, just kiddin' about the last part -_-)

    You can google the nutritional value of any food & you'll have values to put into your food log. One thing I would strongly suggest, get a digital food scale.

    When you weigh your food, you'll get a much more accurate picture vs. using volume like 'cups'. I weigh in grams, most serving sizes on labels will list servings in grams, so you can be sure about the amount.

    As you lose weight, the law of large numbers will be on your side, your blood sugars will get better.

    As far as exercise, you can get a 'fitbit zip' to help keep you motivated & it interacts with MFP, so it will help you to estimate your caloric burn. It came in handy for me when I first started too.

    The guidelines I used was to google a BMR (basal metabolic rate) calculator & then google a TDEE (total daily energy expenditure) calculator. Eat between those numbers.

    Good luck & as long as you keep to a reasonable caloric deficit, you will lose weight & your blood sugars will get better :drinker:
  • dlafko
    dlafko Posts: 4
    How do you all feel about the Paleo Diet Seems like that is low carb and seems very popular
  • sue_stef
    sue_stef Posts: 194 Member
    Like the others said listen to your doctor
    I can tell you what I did
    I was diagnosed type 2 at the start of Dec 2013
    my doc wanted to put me on meds for that and blood pressure and cholesterol
    I said I can't go on meds my autistic son would get into them and they would kill him

    So I put myself on a strict diet and exercise regimen
    well strict for me because I was a couch potato

    1) remember that the info here is estimates but at the start knowing the exact numbers of calorie burn and intake are not that big of a deal you want close to it , mostly you want a great deal less than you eating before

    2) sugars are important so if you eat sweets stop it , if you eat white bread white rice white noodles stop it find alternatives you will be able to go back to those eventually but for some type 2 diabetics carbs and sugars cause huge spikes

    3) exercise walk ride a bike swim lift weights whatever YOU like to do but get up and move. I use a fitbit to track my steps and estimate calories burned there are lots of different types of trackers out there I know several people who prefer a heart rate monitor look into those types of things type in fitness tracker into google and you will find more information than you ever wanted. ask people for opinions and again you will get more than you ever wanted just keep moving

    4) like others said stop eating takeout it is crap food full of salt and sugars and fat and little nutritional value you can cook better at home and still make things that are tasty

    5) cut sodium my dietician said that the average person (Im guessing she means in our area here) eats 6000mg of sodium a day. I have found that if I eat more than 1500 mg of sodium I retain water and swell up

    6) drink water lots of it and tea if you like it ask your doctor if you can use steevia I recommend using the actual leaves off the plant but that is MY thing and I spoke with my doc about it.

    for the fresh foods you can use google to find out how much things are based on size most of the nutritional value of foods is worked out on the weight of the food so you need a kitchen scale I got one for $15 and I use it daily

    yes this is a change from what you did before
    yes it is overwhelming at first
    it can be done
    my A1c went from a 9.7 in December to a 6.0 my doctor said she did not want to see me till November my hope is to have it at a 5.0
    I have so far lost 74lbs (I am 5'2" started out at 241lbs) I have about 30lbs to go before I get to what the charts say I should weight I would like at the end of summer to be 16lbs lighter (end of September)

    At first you will see big changes IF you stick with it
    You can do it
    don't quit
  • hookilau
    hookilau Posts: 3,134 Member
    How do you all feel about the Paleo Diet Seems like that is low carb and seems very popular

    I'm doing a Ketogenic diet, Low Carb/High Fat & some of the 'principals' criss cross the paleo lifestyle.
    Anything you do to modify your diet & lose weight will help you get control.

    For me, it was not enough to cut carbs. I currently eat <40 g per day & usually aim for <20 g, all coming from veggies.

    Paleo can be helpful cause it's a guideline that puts a name to what it is you're trying to do.

    Having been on a ketogenic diet for more than a year, I'm slowly starting to add back a few g of carb at a time.
    I'm only on Metformin XR once daily, so as long as my FBG's are btw 80-95 mg/dl & my post meal BG's are <120 mg/dl, I'm good.

    Your T2D is different from mine, and everyone else's for that matter. Not everyone responds the same way, and you have to do some trial & error. This may involve a whooooole lotta testing, it did for me.

    There's a T2D group on here that will give you lots of advice as you get on, join it & read up =)
  • GlucernaBrand
    Since there is no one diet for people with diabetes, as others have said it's up to each person working with your physician and diabetes educator/dietitian to figure out the best plan for you. All fast food restaurants have nutrition information available online, so you can look up what you usually order, and find healthier options so you know what to order before you get there. Of course, cooking more often at home is even better! Keep testing and making changes, and you'll develop a plan that fits your needs. ~Lynn /Glucerna
  • dlafko
    dlafko Posts: 4
    WOW Kooilau That is awsome weight loss did u do alot of weights or just the simple diet and exercise at home... One problem I have are the gyms around us are expensive for me and not really affordable so I am trying to do some walking videos my wife has