Any Fitbit Users?


I am still not getting this, I have my fitbit connected to MFP.

MFP says I should eat 1200 calories a day, yesterday Fitbit said I burned 1689 calories that is 489 more than fitbit says I am allowed to eat, so why does MFP only credit be wtith an allowance of an extra 8 calories to eat?

I really dont understand this, can anyone explain it please?


  • JoB998
    JoB998 Posts: 14 Member
    I have no idea but found the exact same problem, I now dont have the 2 synced. I will keep an eye on here though to see if anyone has the answers.
  • nathalier71
    nathalier71 Posts: 570 Member
    your explanation makes no sense to me - eating and burning = 2 different things. I've had mine paired for over a year and it's awesome.
  • ingeborgv
    ingeborgv Posts: 175 Member
    Fitbit tracks how much you burn, not how much you should eat. If you are aiming to lose weight, MFP will have you at a caloric deficit - 500 kcals less than you burn, for example.

    If your Fitbit finds that you are more active than you have entered as your MFP activity level, you will get extra calories added to your daily allowance. You will still be in the same caloric deficit.

    There's a whole group on here for Fitbit users, look us up!
  • CuckooGoose
    CuckooGoose Posts: 22 Member
    Ahh right, ok so I am thinking about it wrong, I thought that MFP gave me 1200 calories to eat which will let me loose 1lb per week, so if I am burning 1600 with fitbit I should have 400 inhand, I though calories eaten and calories burnt were the same thing?
    EG, if you eat a slice of bread which is 100 calories you need to burn 100 calories to get rid of it,
    No wonder I am not very succesful at this weight loss LOL :laugh:
  • zavislak
    zavislak Posts: 4 Member

    I have my Fitbit connected to MFP also. This may help to explain some things...

    To lose weight you must have at least a 500 calorie deficit each day. 1 pound is equal to 3500 calories, so in 1 week you need to burn an extra 3500 calories in exercise on top of your normal non-exercise days. So if you divide 3500 by 7 days a week that equals to a 500 calorie deficit a day.

    Example: To make it easy to follow I am using whole numbers.
    On a normal non-workout day I naturally burn 1600 calories a day so in order to have a 500 calorie deficit i can eat 1100 calories on non-workout days. But on days I workout I burn 2000 a day so on those days I can eat 1500 calories. Does this make sense?

    I use MFP to log my food and I customized my daily food goals according to what my dietitian recommended for me it also is in line with Weight Watches Points. I use my Fitbit to keep an eye on how many calories I have burned along with how many steps I have taken. You can also customize your Fitbit goals to suit your needs such as set you steps needed. I have my steps set for a 15,000 goal a day and my calories burned goal at 2000 a day.

    I hope this helps. Let me know if you have any other questions.
  • hj1119
    hj1119 Posts: 173 Member
    Maybe if you are really lucky, someone will come along with a link to the sexypants thread :)
  • americangirlok
    americangirlok Posts: 228 Member
    I have one, I like it b/c I don't have to think about it or "guess" how fast I was walking or whatever. And if I have a more active day at the office it picks that up and gives me credit for it and I don't have to log it as exercise- and on days I intentionally exercise you can "record" your stats for that- but it'll bring across your burned calories for you either way.

    Not sure if anyone else experiences this, but on days I don't have pockets and have to clip it to my bra my step count is much lower- even on days that aren't different from each other as far as where I walk, when I stand- that kind of thing. But I do like my fitbit and the syncing function w/ MFP.
  • CuckooGoose
    CuckooGoose Posts: 22 Member
    Thanks Zavislak

    I am beginning to understand.

    I really like my Fitbit was jsut getting confused with the calories in and out :happy:
  • zavislak
    zavislak Posts: 4 Member
    You're welcome. It takes a bit to figure it all out. Here is what I use a guidelines on MFP when I set my nutrition goals.

    My nutritionist recommended find your necessary calorie intake leaving a 500 calorie deficit
    then set
    Carbs at 45%,
    Total Fats at 30% and
    Proteins at 25%.
    Then set your
    Saturated fats no more than 10% of your total calories 7% is best,
    Ploy fats no more than 10% of your total calories,
    Mono fats between 10%-15% of your total calories,
    Trans fats at 0,
    Sodium at 1500mg, and
    Fiber at 35g.
    Everything else I use what MFP inputs.

    Hope this helps too.
  • CuckooGoose
    CuckooGoose Posts: 22 Member
    \hi Zavislak

    I have just been reading an article I found on the internet and it is spot on to what you have just posted, :happy:
  • iciclek1139
    iciclek1139 Posts: 6 Member
    I just got my Fitbit and so far I really love it! I walk 3-5 miles a day (busy New Yorker!), so it turns out that the 1200 calories MFP budgets for me for deficit is WAY TOO LOW. For example, the other day with a workout and walking (tracked exercise with HRM for optimal accuracy), my total burn was almost 2400, meaning that a 500 cal deficit put me at 1900. That is way more than I thought I should be eating. I didn't even make it to 1900. On days that I just do my 10,000-15,000 steps and don't do cardio, my burn is anywhere from 1800-2000. Again, MFP had me at 1200 cals a day. No wonder I was starving and frustrated all the time.

    Am hoping all these gadgets help me out. :)
  • gregwalker773981
    gregwalker773981 Posts: 3 Member
    I just added my fitbit to myfitnesspal and it is syncing it is showing calories burned but it is taking away from my calories allowed can someone please help me
  • samanthaalgar27
    samanthaalgar27 Posts: 31 Member
    I bought the fitbit one last week, I love it! I use MFP to input my foods. Them main reason I bought a fitbit was to see how many steps I do in a day, I have an app on my phone but with my work I can't take my phone everywhere with me.
    I only just worked out the deficit of 500 rule and now it makes a lot more sense, I can eat more than what MFP tells me I can but I don't always eat what it says just to be sure on the foods i input, just incase I miss judged the weights etc