In an epic battle with a sluggish metabolism

Hi all,

This is my first time in a community like this one, although I've struggled with my weight all my life.

My main problem is an extremely "efficient" metabolism (my maintenance level at my current weight is +/- 1600 calories/day), coupled with a passion for cooking, baking, cake decorating, and eating. Oh, and I'm hypothyroid, so I've got that going for me, too... ;-)

Anybody else out there facing similar challenges? I would really love to find somebody, anybody, who has been successful in the same sort of situation - be my inspiration!! :-)


  • thegreatcanook
    thegreatcanook Posts: 2,419 Member
    Ya, the passion for baking get's me in trouble! And I've battled with metabolism. being sluggish, too.
  • the_kat42
    the_kat42 Posts: 23
    And you've lost so much weight. Wow.
    How have you done it?
  • Leenda62
    Leenda62 Posts: 96 Member
    HI there. I have the same problem. I love to cook. It is my therapy but it has also what has gotten me here. My metabolism gets in gear for about 10 lbs and then stops. FOR WEEKS! Then I give up. It is ridiculous!

    This time I have not given up and am determined not too. Eating low carb and working out is helping me stick with it. But menopause, fibromyalgia and arthritis are also a problem I am new on these boards too but not on this site or at trying to lose weight. I would love to have some new friends with the same problem to enter act with.
  • the_kat42
    the_kat42 Posts: 23
    Yeah, I think pre-monopause is an issue with me as well... and chronic tendonitis, meaning anything like jogging is out of the question. But this time I'm really determined, and I have a powerful ally - my daughter is just finishing up med school, and she's being really helpful and supportive.
  • DonnaMc510
    DonnaMc510 Posts: 5 Member
    I have that same problem. I am currently using a combo of vitamin b tablets, flaxiseed, a few nuts to snack on during the day and green tea. Seems to be working at the mo. Oh, and i was half way through JM 30 day shred with no weightloss so switched it for pure cardio (JM banish fat, boost metabolism) at home and cross trainer/treadmill at the gym and scales going down again.
  • vanillalife666
    vanillalife666 Posts: 10 Member
    I have an under active thyroid too and before it was diagnosed I found it a lot easier maintaining my weight.

    I've always ate healthily but a year and a half ago I bought my first house and all of the healthy eating went out the window, mainly because of finances.

    Now I'm nearly back to where I need to be, I've been told that I may be under eating and that I should change my weight loss goal to 0.5 a week instead of 1.0 pound.

    Sometimes you'll plateau and sometimes you'll be storing water, I've learnt to weight myself 1-2 times a week and to not get fixated on my weight but more on my measurements.

    Sometimes your measurements will change but your weight won't, I've experienced this recently, I went from a 26.5 inch waist to a 26 waist and a 37 inch hips to a 36.5 inch hips.
  • DeenerN
    DeenerN Posts: 41 Member
    I can totally relate to this....I'm in a constant battle to just not to continue gaining---Thyroid issues are tough. Before my partial thyroidectomy I would swing to the hyper side and drop weight but that doesn't happen anymore =(
  • the_kat42
    the_kat42 Posts: 23
    Yeah, storing water is a definite issue - some days my wedding ring is almost falling off, other days I can't work it off my finger without soap... Thanks for the idea to take measurements - I've noticed changes in the fit of my clothes even when the scale stubbornly refuses to move.
  • the_kat42
    the_kat42 Posts: 23
    I can totally relate to this....I'm in a constant battle to just not to continue gaining---Thyroid issues are tough. Before my partial thyroidectomy I would swing to the hyper side and drop weight but that doesn't happen anymore =(

    I have never experienced hyperthyroid, but aside from weight loss, I understand it's not too much fun, either.
  • vanillalife666
    vanillalife666 Posts: 10 Member
    Storing water can be alleviated, try cutting down on refined sugars, drinking plenty of water (helps your body release stored water), non caffinated drinks, knocking alcohol on the head.

    If I'm honest I drink 2 cups of coffee every morning because I struggle without it and drink a mixture of green tea/black tea and no sugar cordials and I drink alcohol once a week.

    I could technically cut it all out but what fun would that be? I'd rather have some fun and treat myself once a week sometimes more because life is sometimes too short to become fixated on the numbers of a scale.

    I go by the rule of a once a week treat and I mean nice lovely treat like take away or booze or both! It helps keep the mid week cravings at bay :)
  • the_kat42
    the_kat42 Posts: 23
    I drink 2-3 liters/quarts of water a day, and alcohol only once or twice a month, so I don't think that's the problem. My coffee consumption is moderate (2 cups in the morning and one in the afternoon, usually), but I do have a hard time avoiding sugar. One more reason to try harder, I guess. :-)
  • vanillalife666
    vanillalife666 Posts: 10 Member
    When you say sugars do you mean refined or natural?
  • the_kat42
    refined - I have a sweet tooth, I'm afraid.
  • MynameisKimba
    Hi! I can completely relate with your story! Sweets are my downfall, and sugar is like the worst drug to me. Add to that a loving wife who thinks she's being nice by bringing me home giant candy bars from the store, and every half a lb lost is like a giant victory to me. lol Hang in there, you can do it! The community here is uber supportive, and even though I only started back up here two days ago, they have helped me so much! They will help you, too. :) Please add me as a friend, and I will add you as well..the more friends you have, the easier the journey becomes. :)
  • the_kat42
    I can sympathize with your wife - I tend to express my love with food, too. I feed people, it's what I do.