I am a Newbie with Diets

Hi All,

I havent really been on a diet before im my life!
I have used fitness pal but not religiously... so I am here to say hi and ask for your help!

I get married in October, and would love to lose a few pounds for the big day! I am currently 10st 4lb's with a height for 5'4inches..
I am a desk jobber which is really annoying as it isnt very active so my weight sticks... and fluctuates from 10st2lbs to 10st4lbs.
Ideally id like to be 9st10lbs nothing too drastic just a healthy weight/size. I fit in to a size 8-10 but because of my height i look a litte bigger and would like to be more proportionate :)

My problem i have no motivation - even with the wedding coming up as i dont class myself as over weight! even though i could be a little bit skinner or at least toned!
Sitting at a desk all day makes me tired when i get in from work and go after quick dinners like pasta's and freezer food (never microwave i hate the stuff) and flop on the sofa...

I need help with food.. How can i make veggies more enjoyable as i kind of dislike them but i am prepared to eat them if alot of flavour is involved.
I dont snack as i am in a job that doesnt allow me to eat at my desk and i have a very bad sweet tooth.. i did go a week without chocolate or junk food but then i get a huge craving!

I need your help with motivational tips for exercises.. wonderful LUNCH and Dinner recipes that i will hopefully enjoy.. (i dont like nuts of beans) however i do enjoy brown rice!
i never eat bacon or fried breakfasts either. I wish i could afford to join a gym but im on a low income that doesnt allow me the benifit of being able to afford it..

Please could someone help me with as much advise as possible and in the simplist terms for a newbie on a diet?

Thank you so much in advance!



  • allisonlayne10

    Our goals are very similar.
    I am 5 foot 5 and wanting to get my weight to 135 or lower!

    One thing I started last week was using my treadmill in the morning before work. Having to wake up a bit early is horrible, but I always feel better knowing part of my exercise is over for the day.

    I also started to lift 5lbs weights during commercial breaks, if I am watching tv.

    Another thing I have done is gotten rid of pasta. I use various rice in recipes similar to tomatoes based sauces.

    I've also found a lot of way to cook cauliflower on pintrest that taste great. There is a recipe on there that is called cauliflower pizza bake? or something similar. It's wonderful!

    I by no means am an expert but these things have definitely made a noticeable change on the scale.
  • euregirl
    euregirl Posts: 9 Member
    Hi everybody!

    I'm Denise and I'm relatively new to ACTIVELY using MFP.

    I'm 5'8" and I weight 230 which is the most I've weighed since having my daughter in 1998.

    I do go to the gym and workout at least four days a week; however, staying away from all the "bad for me" food is my weakness. I thought I was eating healthy and making wise choices until I started logging my food. Now I realize, even if it's healthy, I can't eat it all...lol

    I need to change the way I think about food. I need to stop loving food so much. If anybody can help with that, PLEASE DO!

    I'm hoping to meet wonderful people with the same goals as me who can keep me encouraged while I spread encouragement back.
  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    1.. Take the word "diet" out of your vernacular.

    2.. Get yourself a foodscale, measuring spoons/cups, and a cookbook. You can make veggies more appealing by roasting, stirfrying, etc. All of which can be done in <15min.

    Only you can find the motivation. If this is a priority to you, then you'll make it a priority. People get married, people sit behind desks at work, people still take care of their business.