30 Day Shred {NEED FEEDBACK}

Whose tried Jillian's 30 day shred? Im thinkinng about goin out and buy it, seems reaally awesome(judging By the videos ive seen)
Is it a Great investment or not?


  • schpanks
    schpanks Posts: 468 Member
    I have shred it with weights. I don't use it daily. Couple times a week. I think she's trying to kill me. Ha ha. I feel like it's the most effective workout I'm currently doing.
  • Grenell1229
    I absolutely love it! Im not going to lie, its hard! Its challenging, and you can't give up.. trust me on that! I gave up on it.. well..."took a break" and it was so hard to get back into. Its well worth your money, and ive already lost 2 pounds doing it on and off for 2 weeks. My friend and I are doing it together, and we're going with the motto level 1 for seven days, level 2 for seven days, then level 3 for the final 16 days! Its totally hard, but its sooo worth it! Good luck! If you decide to do it, you can add me as a friend and we can keep track together!
  • iloveitzel
    It's the 1st video I tried when I started to workout again. I love it. It has 3 different levels, so you get to build up your strength and stamina. I still use it when I only have time for a short workout.
  • jgoff3003
    jgoff3003 Posts: 189 Member
    I ordered it today and I am super excited!
  • Pip_K_W
    Pip_K_W Posts: 47 Member
    I've just finished my 2nd day and i'm aching but feeling good!
    It's hard but feels like it's working already!
  • OneLife2Love
    Went today and goT the DVD! Only problem is i didnt purchase the kit.. but i do have an exercise mat and i plan on using water bottles for weights lol. What do you think would be another good alternative. Also if you are doing the workout you should add me so we can keep up with each other! :) Plan to start ASAP
  • Warmbloodwear
    Warmbloodwear Posts: 387 Member
    Im doing it just bought it and love it!!! I use big soup cans for weights lol! I cant afford to buy them and the husbands already mad I bought another workout video!!! Oh well its worth it.. Its hard stick with it!!! Im on Level 1 day 2 sore as ever :)
  • emkamp03
    emkamp03 Posts: 44 Member
    I got through 14 days strait and had a rest day yesterday. I have lost about 3-4 lbs and about 11.5 inches all over! I love it!!! It is 20 or so mins, so I know I can fit it in! If you are in your first 4 or 5 days...yep you are so feeling the burn. keep going it was the best thing I did and you really work out the soreness. It is the best video I have ever got! I am now ready to finish the next 16 days Happy Shredding!
  • NykoleMazzola
    i bought it on amazon way cheaper than in the store.. i love it! :)