Brand new!

So, I have been trying to use this app consistently for just over a year now and I could never make it happen. I am determined to this time, though. I started out in January at 200 pounds and I currently am down to 181. I want to reach 145, but my progress has stalled a bit and I am losing hope. I would love to have some support and be there to support others on their journey to a healthier life as well! I will add anyone and I post actively!


  • missladyj631
    missladyj631 Posts: 33 Member
    Feel free to add me!! I'm actively on here! I'm addicted to this app!!! Good Luck!! Don't give up hope! You might have to just make some adjustments to your calories. I had a friend on here at a stand still and she upped her calories and lost 3.5lbs the first week after changing!!
  • kimbo747
    kimbo747 Posts: 4
    Well done so far! I likewise would like support and support others. Feel free to add me.
  • drey0422
    drey0422 Posts: 39
    Don't lose hope... you've lost 19 lbs that's GREAT! It starts to slow down but you can't give up, think of how far you've come!! I've only lost 4 lbs so far, I'm currently at 185... you gotta keep doing what you're doing, its obviously working just don't cave in. Remember why you started this journey in the first place and think of how great you will feel when you finally reach the end... even if takes MONTHS from now... don't be discouraged!!!
  • ladyblue100
    ladyblue100 Posts: 37 Member
    Just keep at it. You have already done amazing. I have only been on this app for 10 days and yes it is a pain sometimes to write everything down but I know I feel happier seeing what I did and knowing every day I have the opportunity to make changes and do better.
    Feel free to add me :)
  • Thanks, guys! I have added all of you and I look forward to this journey.
  • joeygambucci
    joeygambucci Posts: 16 Member
    Lets rock it !! ... \m/ \m/
  • Jim_Barteck
    Jim_Barteck Posts: 274 Member
    Sometimes the body plateaus in weight loss, not because of anything you're doing, but because the body is desperately trying to hang on to what it has.

    Think of it this way: the rest of your body has no idea what you want to accomplish. All it knows is that it has grown accustomed to having a certain amount of fat reserve to fall back on in an emergency. Little by little, you've been whittling away at that reserve, and this is your body's reaction to it. For a short period of time, it will try to hang on to every ounce of fat until it becomes accustomed to the new level of reserves. Then it will start releasing fat reserves again. It's a natural part of the process and happens to every single person at least once in their weight loss process. As long as you stay in a calorie deficit, you will start losing again. The key is not to give up when this happens.

    That being said, you can also look at what you've been doing. For example, when you lose a significant amount of weight, you should also refresh your MFP goals to account for your new weight. As you lose weight, you'll have to gradually decrease your daily calories to account for this. Just go back through the goal setting process using your current weight and MFP will do it for you automatically. Personally, every time I drop even the slightest bit of weight, I go in and refresh my goals to keep my calorie allowance up to date. It's a bit overkill, but that's what works for me.