jisabelle Posts: 156 Member
edited September 23 in Health and Weight Loss
Today I find myself soo...hungry!
I don't know why? I've been eating just fine and Its only a matter f like 30 or 45 min latter and I'm hungry again.
Can someone please explain? I'm worried I'm working so hard to loose don't want to gain any weight.
IPlease someone Help!!
Take a look at my food diary any suggestions welcomed.


  • kac7700
    kac7700 Posts: 125 Member
    You need to eat more! Eat some of those exercise calories, your body needs fuel. Food isn't bad, and you're getting good protien in your diet. If you're hungry, listen to your body.
  • Foods with protein and fiber make better foods to get you through the day. Are you eating lean meats, veggies, etc? Things like that will hold you over longer. I know I ate a lean cuisine today and was starving about an hour later. I do better if I'm eating carrots, sliced bell peppers, sliced chicken, etc. And don't forget the water! Sometimes I'll be hungry and will drink 20 oz. of water and realize I wasn't really hungry - I was thirsty. Hang in there!
  • foxxybrown
    foxxybrown Posts: 838 Member
    You have almost 2000 calories left so just eat. :-)
  • laddyboy
    laddyboy Posts: 1,565 Member
    Well if your diary is correct then yes, you may want to eat something.
    And if your exercise is correct then you will be gaining weight not losing. You have a negative net caloric intakes.
    Take it easy on the exercise and eat within your calorie range.
  • Agreed... for the last two days you have eaten way under the cals you've earned with exercise. Feed that body or it will revolt.
  • disneymom94
    disneymom94 Posts: 32 Member
    Try adding more protein to your snacks; like some natural peanut butter with your apple or some cheese; nuts are also a good source. This will stick with you longer and help you to fill fuller. Also watch your water intake. If you are exercising more, you could just be dehydrated. Often feeling hungry is really just thirst. See if any of that helps-good luck.
  • Ignore my last statement for the most part (the food part is good) - you're not eating enough! You still have tons of calories left - eat, girl!
  • Hard to help when we don't know much. DOn't know how fast you are trying to lose so I don't have any indication of how many calories you are eating. Not sure if you are exercising, not sure hwere you are getting your calories...balanced diet or sugars...and on it goes.

    It can help alot to eat 4-5 almonds becasue they supress appetite. It is also really helpful not to eat three big meals but to eat 5 smaller ones. This keeps you from getting too hungry in between "meals" it also has the side benefit of keeping your metobolic rate higher.

    if you share a bit more you might get more info...also keep water intake as high as you can

    good luck!
  • NightOwl1
    NightOwl1 Posts: 881 Member
    You're starving because you need to eat more. Considering how much you've burned, even if your real burn was just half of that, you should eating almost 1000 more calories today than you should have. Remember, you need to eat back your exercise calories.
    PLUMSGRL Posts: 1,134 Member
    OH Girl!

    You're not eating enough and not often enough! If you're exercise incorporates weights, you'll also need to eat more protein.

    Beans and lentels will add fiber to your diet to help fill you up, and more veggies.

    Good luck!
  • Wow you have a lot of calories left to use from excercise. You are hungry because you're body is going into starvation modewith so few calories consumed vs burned, which actually makes it harder to lose weight. So eat or your're just going to find yourself hating this diet and spiral out of control and eat too much later on when you get fed up!
  • jisabelle
    jisabelle Posts: 156 Member
    Thanks guys!
    I'm gonna eat now.
    I need to buy more fruits and veggies.
  • Eat more! According to your diary you are not eating nearly enough. You are burning a ton exercising. Try eating some of that back!
  • I was having the same problem! I tried Crystal Light: Hunger Satisfaction Strawberry Banana; It has 30 calories and 3g protein per package. I drink it after breakfast & it holds me over until lunch. Good luck!
  • cagcooper
    cagcooper Posts: 15 Member
    I sit at a desk all day long and have the "munchies" all the time. I've found that if I eat small things in decent quantities (ie. nuts) I feel better. I've also bought some 100 calorie packs of craisins, smart food, etc. I used to try chewing "mint" gum, but have found that "fruity" flavored gums (sugar-free, of course), help too!

    Hang in there!! I know that I've got a long way to go to reach my goal, but I'm working out more and more every day when I get home from work.....Treadmill (M,W,F) and Stationary bike (T, Th)...then Just Dance2 and Wii Fit Plus.

    This site is a BIG help for me!!
  • TazzytheMotivator
    TazzytheMotivator Posts: 646 Member
    Drink plenty of WATER!!!!
    Eat no butter popcorn it takes excess water out of your body and give you a full feeling (microwaveable)
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    Ok so everyone has already advised you to eat more. What I would like to know is what sort of exercise are you doing to burn those amount of calories? Mine is very meager to yours, but I am also very unfit but working on it.
  • jisabelle
    jisabelle Posts: 156 Member
    I was having the same problem! I tried Crystal Light: Hunger Satisfaction Strawberry Banana; It has 30 calories and 3g protein per package. I drink it after breakfast & it holds me over until lunch. Good luck!

    Thanks for the tip.
    I'm gonna try that
    Drink plenty of WATER!!!!
    Eat no butter popcorn it takes excess water out of your body and give you a full feeling (microwaveable)
    Didn't know that, I love pop corn! will be trying this also.
    thanks to all for your suggestions
  • jisabelle
    jisabelle Posts: 156 Member
    Well if your diary is correct then yes, you may want to eat something.
    And if your exercise is correct then you will be gaining weight not losing. You have a negative net caloric intakes.
    Take it easy on the exercise and eat within your calorie range.

    oh! ok, I get it now.
  • jisabelle
    jisabelle Posts: 156 Member
    Ok so everyone has already advised you to eat more. What I would like to know is what sort of exercise are you doing to burn those amount of calories? Mine is very meager to yours, but I am also very unfit but working on it.

    I did Zumba Rapido for 8 min, Step Aerobics 96 min, and ran to awall back and forth for 3 min and some yoga for 6min. But havent entered it.
    Today I did way too much! I think i'm just gonna stick to 30min or 40min a day.
    I learned my lesson! I'm ok but I was starving! I would eat and soon after i'd be hungry, horrible feeling.
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