5.2-5.3 ft girls trying to lose 10-15 lbs, success stories

i am 22, 5'2", 123lbs. I am trying to get down to 110.
I cut out junk/processed/sodas, trying to stick to whole wheat pastas/bread, beans, rice, fruits, veggies, yogurt, eggs, chicken and salads.
I walk 5 days a week for one hour and afterwards do a 1:1 (1 minute jogging, 1 minute walking….want to eventually get to higher intervals) and i also do repetitions of crunches, push ups, squats, etc every night.
I am using MFP to count calories and record my exercise.

Anyone had success losing around the amount of weight i want to lose? What did you do? and is my routine going to help me?
I haven't noticed much success and my head is telling me im doing something wrong and im really starting to get discouraged


  • tayloranncroniser
    tayloranncroniser Posts: 2 Member
    Hi I am 22 5'0" currently at 160lbs looking to get to 130-125lbs I have only been using this site about 2weeks almost 3 weeks and I lost 5lbs so far.....I have hit that lull that your at right now as well......I have been trying to figure out what to change to just get past the hump.....I do zumba for 1hr and clean my house and sometimes take walks with my family. I am trying to get myself into shape but I don't have a lot of open time to myself. Only thing that I have found to work better is portion control and not doing the same thing everyday...after a while your body gets used to it and kinda goes back to sleep......I have been thinking about adding push ups and crunches to my workout to change it up and see if this helps me over the hump in my weight loss goal. Maybe we can help each other get to where we want to be
  • lauractemple85
    lauractemple85 Posts: 109 Member
    I'm 5'3" with about 18 pounds to lose. When it comes to our height and the "little" amount of weight we have to lose- it's usually a slower process. Someone obese will lose weight at a much fast rate at first, then it will slow down once they reach those final 10 pounds. It also sucks that we physically can't eat as many calories as a woman who is 5'6". I've had luck with losing a pound a week by eating 1200-1400 calories with intense exercise 5-6 days a week (I do bootcamp twice a week, personal training twice a week, and INSANITY group class twice a week).

    Your routine will help you, although I'd suggest cutting out the wheat pasta and rice and switch it with Quinoa, brown rice. Even the whole wheat (what you want is 100% whole grain) stuff will spike your blood sugar, plus those types of starchy carbs are immediately processed as sugar in the blood stream. I hate running so I feel you on the intervals. Lifting weights will help with building muscle and thus burning more calories throughout the day; just make sure you are eating food high in protein within 45 minutes after your workouts or making some type of protein shake.

    Feel free to add me, we seem have a similar target.

    Edit: I'm 28 years old :smile:
  • knollmma
    knollmma Posts: 21 Member
    I'd suggest cutting out the wheat pasta and rice and switch it with Quinoa, brown rice. Even the whole wheat (what you want is 100% whole grain) stuff will spike your blood sugar, plus those types of starchy carbs are immediately processed as sugar in the blood stream.

    Nah - My good friend is an RD and has told me this is not true. There is nothing wrong with starchy carbs if you're incorporating them into a well balanced diet - which it seems you definitely are.

    You will likely lose slowly since you're already in a normal BMI range and really don't have to lose anything to be healthy. If your scale isn't budging, it may also be due to the fact that you are gaining muscle by doing squats, abs and pushups every evening.

    You may want to reduce the muscle work to every other day, since your muscles need time to recover.

    In your case, already being at a very healthy weight, I would suggest ignoring the scale and focusing on how you look and feel. Take measurements to see how your body is changing rather than staring at the scale.

    Good luck!
  • AprylMunro
    AprylMunro Posts: 11 Member
    I'm 5'0 and recently lost close to 17 pounds (not all of it was lost using this site), but I still want to lose more. I'm currently around 141lbs and am looking to get to 135, ideally 125.

    Hope we can coach each other to continue to lose.
  • I am trying to lose about the same amount of weight because I took up road biking and every pound less helps getting up the hills.

    My biggest problem seems to be carbs. I love good bread (not the white spongy type) and I like pasta and fruit. But once I have bread or anything similar in my house I cannot stop eating it, so I more or less gave up on it and eat only brown rice now.

    I bike up to four hours a day (not at the moment, it is too hot) and then my weight slowly drops to 115, but unfortunately the moment I do not bike so much I put on pounds again. It is a vicious cycle.

    I have to say so that when I was your age I could drop ten pounds in ten days. I am in my sixties now and it is getting much harder.
  • aedreana
    aedreana Posts: 979 Member
    As of yesterday, I reached my goal! Ten pounds lost!

    I am now 111 pounds. I am 5' 3 1/2."

    I never exercise. But I counted calories meticulously, and stuck primarily with foods that listed the calories on the package so that I was only rarely estimating calorie content (such as, apples or bananas.) I left very little room for error. Therefore, I was destined for success! Folks who miscalculate calories are doomed to fail. Our bodies will ALWAYS tally our calories accurately!
  • Hey guys,

    I'm 5ft exactly and I weigh 10st 13lbs (just lost my first 3lbs!)

    My eating:

    Breakfast: A mix of porridge (I eat wheat free as I have IBS and seeing if it improves it), vege egg white omelette or scrambled egg whites with smoked salmon.
    Lunch: A mix of wraps (hallumi, veggie and salad on brown wraps), smoked salmon or tuna with quinoa or mixed grain, hummus with pitta and celery or chicken breast (I lift so I need a lot of protein)
    Dinner: Aubergine, tomato and mozzarella bake (totally veggie and barely any fat, recipe changed my life) or chicken with grain or fish.

    As you can see I eat quite healthy. I have a blessed gift that I genuinely love eating healthy food and genuinely love a lot of healthy foods out there. I do occasionally slip because I dooo love a good drink but I only ever drink a small white wine or a pimms with soda water.

    My exercise:

    Cardio 4 times a week (I swim twice a week doing 60 lengths in a 25m pool in an hour. Great for fat burn makes me boiling hot and good for muscles). Or I do a gym circuit of Bike, Treadmill, Rowing and Cross Trainer usually burning around 500 calories.

    Strength: I do Legs and glutes once a week and then arms and back once a week too. Usually only using 3lbs dumbells as I'm just starting out doing a range of lunges, squats, lateral raises, deadlifts, wallsits, planks etc.

    I've only been to the gym 7 times in the last 11 days and i've still lost 3lbs. Amazing!!!! I'm loving my lifestyle change and can't believe it's working! MFP has helped a lot too!

  • delongpre
    delongpre Posts: 14 Member
    I'm also 5.1 1/2, and I would like to lose 20 pounds. My eating habits are terrible, and right now I'm just doing calories in/calories out. I realize that A LOT of people believe that that's no good, but this is my sixth day, and I'm going to try it out for a while. I have tried every diet in the book, and none of them have worked, so this is worth a try. I'm logging in every day, and I'm doing 30 day shred. Today was my unhealthiest day; although, I'm still under my calories, so at least that's something. Best of luck to everyone!

    Oh, I've lost 3 pounds so far! I realize that a lot of that may be water weight.
  • spunkychelsea
    spunkychelsea Posts: 316 Member
    5'3" I want to lose 12 lbs. I've lost 20 lbs of baby weight since she was born 11 weeks ago. That's 2 lbs of pregnancy weight+ the last 10 lbs I gained after getting married years ago. I mostly walk with the kids,count calories and recently started 30ds.

    Edited to add I realized you wanted success stories. Give me a few months and I'll be one. ;)
  • leighanastasia
    leighanastasia Posts: 3 Member
    I am 5.2 and would really like to lose about 10# as well. I'm in good shape, I run and I'm very active but my goal weight is 120 and I'm sitting at about 135. I don't want to get down too little because I'm almost 40 and I think that when I get too thin I look like crap but I just want my clothes to fit better, you know?

    For me it's the late night grazing and alcohol! :wink:
  • leighanastasia
    leighanastasia Posts: 3 Member

    I have to say so that when I was your age I could drop ten pounds in ten days. I am in my sixties now and it is getting much harder.

    Isn't that the truth!
  • WrenAlive
    WrenAlive Posts: 23 Member
    I've lost 12 lbs so far!

    I'm just under 5'3" . and 3Oish years old. At my heaviest I was around 150. My Goal Weight is 125(ish) depending on muscle gains. So far I've lost 12 lbs and half way to my goal, So I'm no expert but I am having success. I strength train for about 60 min 3 x a week and do cardio at least 2 to 3 times a week, on top of counting my calories to match. (and cheating about once a week, & when on vacation)

    I'm really happy with my success so far and should reach my final goal before Christmas.

    I suspect at your weight with any type of strength training you aren't going to see a dramatic change on the scale, but that doesn't mean you aren't making progress. So I suggest also tracking your progress in other ways. My first month the scale didn't change much but I lost an inch on each of belly, waist and hip. I also find recommended weight charts for girls our height don't take into account any type of curves or muscle mass. (I think I'd have to cut off my DD's or donate an organ to be under 110, but that is just me... hahaha). The smaller you are the harder you will have to work for every pound. But even just being healthy will reward you so much over the years, don't get too stuck on the numbers, but keep fighting for the body you want. If I can do it, anyone can!
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