morning workout = SO TIRED

I'm a teacher going back to work next week after my glorious summer break. I'm trying to work out in the morning now, since that's when it will best fit into my busy schedule during the school year. Unfortunately, it means getting up by 5:00 and out the door running by about 5:30.

My husband and I ran this morning at 6:00 or so. I found I had plenty of energy for the workout, but after I got home, showered, ate breakfast, I was exhausted! I ended up falling asleep for another hour or so (yeah, still on summer break for a couple more days...). Then, after running a few errands and having lunch, I took ANOTHER nap. I feel like I can't motivate myself to do anything today!

Does anyone experience fatigue with morning workouts? I've heard from so many friends that they feel energized when they workout in the morning. What can I do to achieve this feeling?


  • maddymama
    maddymama Posts: 1,183 Member
    What time did you go to bed last night? Did you get a full night's sleep before today?
    Also, I love to workout first thing in the morning. I do think that it takes your body a few weeks to really adjust to working out in the morning if you are used to working out later in the day. Give your body a few more days to adjust to morning workouts.
  • cantobean
    cantobean Posts: 287 Member
    Options may have a point there. Tried to go to bed at 10, but had trouble getting to sleep. I probably fell asleep around 11, and 11-5:30 is not really enough sleep for me.

    I'll give it a few tries. Thanks!
  • budobo
    budobo Posts: 38
    Once you make it a routine, your body should become more accustomed to perking up (and staying up) that early

    You will probably notice yourself getting sleepy earlier in the evening....
  • HannahLynn91
    HannahLynn91 Posts: 238 Member
    I love working out in the morning. I work 9-5 and live about an hour away from my work. So that means I have to wake up at 5:45 be jogging by 6 and done by 6:45-7.

    At first I fought this. I was tired afterwards and didn't feel motivated to finish. But after about a month of kind of consistent (4-5 days a week) workouts, I don't feel tired any more and it honestly does help me throughout the day. I think what others have said is true, It just takes time for your body to get used to waking up early and putting in work!
  • Stiang
    Stiang Posts: 82 Member
    I get up at 4, workout at 5:30 and in my office chair at 7:30. But I go to bed by 9-10pm. I only get sleepy in the afternoon, which I get even if I don't workout at 5:30.
  • JenR_
    JenR_ Posts: 104 Member
    I just started morning workouts on Monday - getting up at 5:30am. I find I'm okay for the morning, come about 1pm, I'm ready for a nap! :) Hoping that I'll see a difference as I keep going with it though.
  • tmimi0387
    tmimi0387 Posts: 2
    Yesssss lol, I used to workout in the afternoon but then learned it's best to work out in the morning on an empty stomach (I still eat a snack 30 minutes before a workout such as an apple with peanut butter or something else with a lot of fiber and protein). Anyway, 2 weeks ago I switched to waking up before everyone else in my house to workout, I'm a stay at home mom and once my kids are up I can't get a full workout session in until my 1 year old takes a nap. So I get up at 6 and get on the eliptical for half an hour and then do half an hour of strength training and by 9 am I am tired. The first few days I just went to sleep with my baby. It's starting to get better and my body is still adjusting so I'm glad it only lasts for about a month.
  • Stage14
    Stage14 Posts: 1,046 Member
    Honestly, I've tried multiple times to do morning workouts and it just isn't happening for me. Hopefully, you'll have better luck!
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,150 Member
    I'm at the gym at 5:00 a.m., and I find that it actually gives me more energy throughout the day.
  • ecphillips1286
    ecphillips1286 Posts: 331 Member
    It took me a about a week to get used to hitting the gym by 4:30 am but once I made it a habit and forced myself to get motivated I now have more energy and focus throughout the day. My pre workout drink helps a lot as well. Packed with caffeine and B12. I drink it as soon as I wake up and by the time I get to the gym I'm completely awake and ready for my 90-120 minute intense weight session. Give your body some time to get used to the routine and keep your eye on the prize for motivation.
  • _Josee_
    _Josee_ Posts: 625 Member
    Yeah, I kind of gave up on that... I am NOT a morning runner.

    But I believe that once you get into the routine it will get easier. Good luck!
  • cantobean
    cantobean Posts: 287 Member
    Thanks for the advice, folks!

    Last night, I was ready to give it another shot. Then, this morning, the alarm went off and....

    well, I'm heading out for my run now, just shy of 8:00 (in less than two weeks, I'll have been at work for an hour by this time....oy).

    Will give it another shot next week!
  • ninav1980
    ninav1980 Posts: 514 Member
    Morning workouts are not for me. I feel the EXACT same way you do. I have the energy and stamina to complete the workout, but the rest of the day I am exhausted. I just dont get it when people say they feel wonderful. I have yet to experience this feeling, lol. Keeping in mind I workout hard 6 days of the week, so its not like I am not in shape. I cant understand it, so I just figured it will never be something I can do

    ETA ... I get up every day at 5am for work, so its not that I am not used to waking up early.