how did you start running?



  • keefmac
    keefmac Posts: 313 Member
    I don't like how hard running is on your joints, my knees arent the best to start with so I do cycling as well.
  • HannahLynn91
    HannahLynn91 Posts: 238 Member

    Running has always terrified me. in school track and field and cross country were absolute nightmares for me. i was always the worst runner in the school and it was pure torture. I've never been in good shape in my life. now im at 190lbs and im wondering if i have it in me to become a runner and actually enjoy it. my biggest challenge is breathing. i get REALLY out of breath easily and it takes a long time for me to recover from it (shovelling snow in the winter makes me feel like im litterally dying. its painful and takes about an hour for my breathing to go back to normal). I also have bad anxiety so being so out of breath can be scary because it feels very similar to a panic attack. on top of that im a smoker : /... bad, i know.

    Last night i went for a 40 minute brisk 2.2 mile walk, and managed to do a very short run in the middle(about 20 seconds) but it took about 40 minutes for me to get my breathing back to normal afterwards.

    any runners out there who started from very out of shape? how did you start and build your stamina(breathing in particular). are there any runners out there who smoke or am i just kidding myself?

    I'm just starting running. I literally have felt the same way about running all my life. My best friend was in track and field in high school and i really couldn't understand it.

    Now I get it. It's therapeutic, it's challenging and it feels damn good. I actually just started the 0 to 5k app this morning, and like you, before today I was running for about 20 seconds and walking for probably 2 min. With the app I'm alternating walking 1.5 min and running for a 1 min. I actually did it! LMAO. I am about 195-200lbs and get out of breath, I used to smoke and occasionally enjoy :smokin: So I attribute some of my breathing issues to that.

    But after about 3 weeks of walking/jogging and slight running, my breathing has become noticeably better (I can actually breath through just my nose now) so I think it takes time to build your lungs up. Each day I can feel myself become stronger as I workout.

    I would advise on quitting smoking, because like someone else mentioned, whats the point of getting healthy. But to each their own. When I used to go to a gym I would see quite a few people light up once leaving.

    I actually quit this year, for that exact reason. I felt like a hypocrite trying to eat healthy and workout, but yet smoke a cigarette.

    Edit: Clarification
  • breasyd2
    breasyd2 Posts: 32
    Yep, like they said. C25K Go at your own pace and repeat weeks if necessary.
  • JustSomeEm
    JustSomeEm Posts: 20,222 MFP Moderator
    I started with C25K (it's a great program), but quit it after about 3 weeks. I have an issue with someone telling me when to run and when to walk, so instead I downloaded the Zombies, Run! app, which is much more fun. Now, I'm routinely running 5K twice a week with longer runs on Saturday and shorter ones on Sunday... and LOVING running.

    Oh - and I smoke. Not every single day, but enough that I still consider myself a smoker. When I was in the Army, about half of us smoked, and we ALL had to run, so smoking while being a runner is not an impossibility. As a matter of fact, many smokers would have a cigarette right before their run and do fine. Army folks have to take a PT test at least once a year that times a 2 mile run - the minimum acceptable pace is still pretty fast... faster than I'm running nowadays, even though I can now run FARTHER than I did when I was younger.

    Start running in any way you feel comfortable. You CAN do it if you want. :) I originally started out because I remembered I used to like to run, so I decided to do a 5K. Fell in love all over again, and continued. My ultimate goal is to do a half marathon eventually.
  • JeralynSh
    JeralynSh Posts: 139 Member
    I started on the treadmill. Just walking. I did this for a good 2 months until one day, I realized that I jogged for the full half hour.

    So I did that for a while.

    Then I increased the speed and time.

    I'm now running for hours at a time - still on the treadmill (thank goodness for my tv and 3 consecutive hours of Supernatural!), and I'm doing 5Ks twice a week outside.

    Slow and steady. Do what you can - for now. And as several people before me have said, quit smoking!
  • AlyssamR6712
    AlyssamR6712 Posts: 114 Member
    i was up to a pack a day before i joined the military.. i still hate running, but i do it because i hate it... the more and more i ran the more i learned on my own to control my breathing.. i had people try and tell me out to briethe but when you focus on it, it can be more difficult so i just learned on my own. Singing while i run reallly truly helped me when i first started because it helps to regulate your breathing.. worth a shot right? Good luck with all your goals! and remember it is possible!!!! i quit smoking and am signed up for my first half marathon in november!
  • larrodarro
    larrodarro Posts: 2,512 Member
    Well when I saw the bear, it just seemed like the right thing to do at the time. Of course when I pulled my hamstring, I had 2nd thoughts about that course of action.
  • 12_oz_Curls
    12_oz_Curls Posts: 140 Member
    I can't say I had a hard time starting to run, but I will say that I hated running even though I did it regularly because of work. That being said, it's not about just running. It's about enjoying your run. if you hate it, then what's the point in punishing yourself? If you want to start the running thing, then probably get up with the couch to 5k app or similar. Better yet find a partner who is willing to do it with you. Having somebody who is there next to you can keep you going when you want to quit. and if that just doesn't sound like fun, then forget the whole running thing and pick up a tennis racket. 30-60 minutes of running doesn't burn much more than 30-60 minutes of another sport if you play hard. As far as smoking, try the E-cigs. Even if you use nicotine in them it makes a huge difference. I was a 1.5-pack/day smoker and was able to run, so it's possible. But after one month of the e-cigs (with nicotine) I was running faster, longer, and just felt BETTER!
  • AlysonG2
    AlysonG2 Posts: 713 Member
    Another vote for C25K. I was extremely out of shape when I started. I remember feeling like I was absolutely going to die during those 1 minute jogging intervals the first week, but, sure enough, I could run for 30 minutes non-stop by the end of it. It really works.
  • Missfit35
    Missfit35 Posts: 75

    I would suggest you start riding an indoor cycle bike before venturing onto jogging or running. Here are some facts from my personal experience. I'm an extreme athlete who's priority has always been running I'm 133 pounds and have found my feet are wearing down and i'm only 37 improper stretching and or not stretching at all throughout the years and not preparing for my running is causing issues with my feet today...
    Preparing your ankles and feet for the jogging will be very rewarding. The weight bearing can destroy the fascia in your feet causing LONG periods of down time and physical therapy to regain strength. If you prepare your ankles and feet with strengthening exercise prior to your jogging journey it will be much more comfortable and enjoyable not to mention the longevity you will get, same goes for fascia in your feet daily stretching and strengthening pays off. Riding the indoor cycle bike with resistance will teach you how to breath properly START SLOW with the bike I'm a indoor cycle instructor and can guide you if you should need. You can do it! Fell free to email me with any questions or comments. GOOD LUCK!
  • _Terrapin_
    _Terrapin_ Posts: 4,301 Member
  • krmthomas
    krmthomas Posts: 34 Member
    Hi. I have asthma and I hated running most of my life. I started this past spring and went from running 20seconds and walking 5 minutes to now running 2 minutes and walking 40 seconds. I can manage 5-7 km a night on nights that aren't too hot. It hasn't been an easy road but i work on extending my running time and SLOWLY decreasing my walk time. I use the runtracker app and also a timer app to help me track my ru/walk times and also to prevent pushing myself too hard early on and burning myself out for the rest of my walk. The runtracker app also has training schedules and programs for beginners but i haven't utilized them as of yet because i couldn't commit to 4 work outs per week (i manage 3 currently due to my schedule). Start where you are and aim for better is the best advice i can give you.
  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member

    Running has always terrified me. in school track and field and cross country were absolute nightmares for me. i was always the worst runner in the school and it was pure torture. I've never been in good shape in my life. now im at 190lbs and im wondering if i have it in me to become a runner and actually enjoy it. my biggest challenge is breathing. i get REALLY out of breath easily and it takes a long time for me to recover from it (shovelling snow in the winter makes me feel like im litterally dying. its painful and takes about an hour for my breathing to go back to normal). I also have bad anxiety so being so out of breath can be scary because it feels very similar to a panic attack. on top of that im a smoker : /... bad, i know.

    Last night i went for a 40 minute brisk 2.2 mile walk, and managed to do a very short run in the middle(about 20 seconds) but it took about 40 minutes for me to get my breathing back to normal afterwards.

    any runners out there who started from very out of shape? how did you start and build your stamina(breathing in particular). are there any runners out there who smoke or am i just kidding myself?

    In high school, the 1mi run in gym was the day I dreaded most. In the Air Force, the 1.5mi run was the day I dreaded most. I ran that sucker in 14min on a good day. When I started running, I just went out and... ran. I didn't follow a plan. I had a goal of a half marathon, and I made an unfocused, but forward moving, effort to get there. After the half, I lost motivation and quit running for 1.5 years and picked it up again in Jan 2013. I started with 1.5mi outings and had a more focused build up and relied on advice from some wise runner folks from here to achieve my goals.

    TL;DR, just get out there and run.
  • GiddyupTim
    GiddyupTim Posts: 2,819 Member
    I played soccer up until sophomore year in high school. Then I started smoking. As a result, I quit all forms of running about that time. It was too painful.
    Finally, when I was about 19-20 years old, I decided I wanted to get in shape, and maybe get some muscles, like guys that age do.
    I started running. I did not quit smoking. But I started to go out every evening to jog.
    At first, I barely went around the periphery of my apartment complex. Yes, once around. I did that for about two months, I believe. And, then, gradually, I wanted to go a little bit further and I was able to go a little bit further.
    There is the lesson: Do what you can, and go slow. I established a habit that way and I still run 30 years later. If you try to push too hard at first, you will hate it and you will quit, and if you quit you won't have done yourself any good. The progress will come. Just be patient.
    Go out and jog 400 yards, or 800 yards. Every night. For a month. Maybe more. You will come to look forward to that short run. Then you are ready to try something a bit longer.
    I only quit smoking about 3 years ago. I smoked and ran all that time in between. It is much harder to run if you smoke, but you can do it.
  • tappae
    tappae Posts: 568 Member
    I like to start by falling forward and sticking my leg out to catch myself. Then repeat for as long as you can.
  • badcemom
    badcemom Posts: 50
    I would definitely try c25k. However, if you're extremely out of shape, you might try some other cardio first. I started with 30 minutes on a recumbent bike at the beginning of this year, then switched to 30 minutes on an elliptical. Then I added Zumba several times a week. By the time I started running this month, I was in good shape for it and it's been pretty easy. Comparatively, my sister, who literally started from the couch, is having a more difficult time (but is still doing great!).
  • LoneWolfRunner
    LoneWolfRunner Posts: 1,160 Member
    When I was 14 I got arthritis in my hips and I have had to have them replaced. Twice. Three and a half years ago at age 53 I started running. I was ecstatic that I went a whole half mile in my Reebok cross-trainers. I did not follow any program... I just kept running 4 or 5 days a week. This past April I ran my first ultramarathon trail race (50k)... something I never, ever thought I could do and something my doctors told me I never could or should do.

    I now run 40-45 miles a week injury free and am currently training for another 50k in September and my first 50 mile race in October. I attribute it to being consistent (even in freezing crappy weather), eating right and spending the money on good running shoes. I personally cannot run in anything except zero-drop minimalist shoes, but they aren't for everyone.

    I am totally addicted to running now...especially the long, painful runs by myself at 4:30 in the morning. It's my therapy and much more. I am no athlete by any stretch of the imagination... I'm just an average middle-aged guy who wants to accomplish some "cool impossibles".

    I still feel like a beginner and I have loved reading all these threads about people starting out on their incredible journeys... don't stop posting on how you are doing.... they are all so motivational!
  • mtruitt01
    mtruitt01 Posts: 370 Member
    Well when I saw the bear, it just seemed like the right thing to do at the time. Of course when I pulled my hamstring, I had 2nd thoughts about that course of action.

    Now you know darn well you're not supposed to run from critters, as you trigger their 'must chase' instinct.
  • mtruitt01
    mtruitt01 Posts: 370 Member
    run/walk. find a fun/beautiful/interesting place to walk. Try one of the apps coach to 5K. maybe I will too.
    I think you'll find that the smoking phases out after awhile. That's how I quit smoking with no effort, huffing and puffing my way up a local hill all summer long. Pretty soon I just wasn't smoking any more.
    Run with someone who's a foot shorter, so you take smaller steps. My former running buddy came up to my shoulders, but she was like a little machine. We ran 6 miles the first time!! I wouldn't recommend that amount at first, but my point is that by slowing down and taking smaller steps I ran farther than I ever would have dreamed.
  • ka97
    ka97 Posts: 1,984 Member
    When I started I was about 180. I had always hated running, was always the slowest in high school, and had no desire to ever become a "runner." My first trainer was a runner and a triathlete, and he started me running as part of my session. We started with just 1-2 minutes, doing a lap or two around the parking lot. It was torture! I'm not sure how, but he managed to talk me into a 5k. He got me up to running 10 minutes during our sessions, and then gave me a running plan to work up to the 3 miles on my own time. I never did the run/walk thing, but rather that gradually increased my distance until I was doing three miles. I was so horribly embarrassed at how I thought I looked, that I did most of it on the treadmill in my basement. On the day of the race, I was absolutely terrified and would have bailed except for the fact that I know he was there waiting for me. I did that first one in almost 40 minutes. I then decided I needed to do one more, by myself, just to prove to myself that I could. A couple of my soccer teammates joined me for that one. Well they enjoyed it so much, they talked me into doing a third. I swore that would be my last, as I absolutely hated it! I did that third race in in 30 minutes which sounded amazing to me! So I stuck with it. I still didn't like it, but I was starting to like the races, and knowing that I had a race coming kept me motivated to run on my own, and to even start running outside. This was 6 years ago.

    Now, I love it! I had an injury and surgery this year, and the months I've spent unable to run are torturous. Running helps clear my head, and I find I'm happier and less stressed on the days that I run. Over the years I worked up from 5k to 10k to sprint triathlon to half marathon to olympic triathlon. There were two milestones when I actually begin to enjoy it. First when I started triathlon training. I hated (and still do) the bike. But I discovered, that I loved running when I got off the bike. I think that I'm soooooo anxious and stressed on the bike, that the running afterwards actually loosens me up. Second, when I had increased my mileage to the point when I was able to run 5 miles comfortably.

    It's hard at first. But the more you run, the easier it gets. Slow down. Don't worry about speed at first. Speed will come as you run more and increase your running fitness and endurance. And then you will start to enjoy it. But if you don't, it's not a big deal. Find something you do enjoy.