Exercise Alternatives (too fat/anxious for public exercise)

So! I've just recently started this journey of being a healthier happier person. I have LOTS of weight to lose. 100lb+ at this point.
My goal is not just to lose weight, but to be healthier person all around. That being said, my size makes me very socially anxious about exercising in public, especially in gym settings. I've read wonderful things about going to the gym, even at my size, but I'm not looking for encouragement to go. I would literally in all likelihood start panicking and the minute I walked in. This is not because of the gyms themselves, but because of my own anxieties.

I'm doing well (losing 2-4lbs a week) just with adjustments to my diet and walking about 5km a day (in a very hilly city, with many an incline) which I'm actually enjoying but I have no idea what to do when summer is over. On days I can't get outside I just lower my calorie intake, but this is not helping me with the fitness part. What are your suggestions for someone who would prefer to just stay in her home? It sometimes feels hopeless.

Also: I live in a one bedroom apartment with no room for equipment (even if I DID have the money for it...)

Thank you for any advice : )


  • Jennloella
    Jennloella Posts: 2,286 Member
    there's lots of DVDs that don't require equipment, do you have stairs at your apartments you could go up and down? Resistance bands are also great and don't take up any room.
  • love8383
    love8383 Posts: 169
    you should buy a treadmill that can fold, maybe pick up a used one cheaper...aerobics dvds, yoga, shopping (walking around the mall burns alot of cals)
  • KyrCo
    KyrCo Posts: 4
    Stairs! I was considering wandering up and down them, though they are the bane of my existence (I work on the 11th floor...)
    I might be able to convince my family to ship in for a fold up treadmill for Christmas : )
  • Stiang
    Stiang Posts: 82 Member
    Don't know if you have cable, but I know Comcast has exercise programs on their On Demand system.
  • AliceDark
    AliceDark Posts: 3,886 Member
    If you're at all interested in lifting, pick up the book You Are Your Own Gym, by Mark Lauren.
  • brandiuntz
    brandiuntz Posts: 2,717 Member
    Congrats on your journey so far! You don't need a gym to get fit. You've already made a great start. Perhaps in the winter when walking outside is hard, there is somewhere indoors you can walk (like a mall).

    Look up online some plans for body weight exercises (push-ups, squats, etc) you can do in your apartment. No equipment needed. It's how I started strength training. I think there's a website called fitness blender that has all kinds of plans and videos you can check out for free.
  • mishyaaa
    mishyaaa Posts: 2
    Go to nowloss.com,they have tons of at home work out plans. :smile:
  • HeidiCooksSupper
    HeidiCooksSupper Posts: 3,839 Member
    I'm a fan of Youtube for tai-chi videos and exercises for seniors. Also, google "back owner's manual" and you'll find lots of versions of a set of back exercises you can do right on your own floor. Walmart and similar box stores have very cheap little dumbbells. You'd be surprise how much exercise a 2 to 4 pound dumbbell gives those of us who are sedentary.
  • FatFreeFrolicking
    FatFreeFrolicking Posts: 4,252 Member
    Best way to get over your fears is to face them.
  • donnat238
    donnat238 Posts: 309 Member
    walking and used exercise bands at home. You can find examples of work outs on line, etc. I started easy a couple of different exercises with the bands each day. I joined a gym about 3-4 months after the walking/exercise bands and I became more confident in my abilities!

    Good luck!!
  • whitebalance
    whitebalance Posts: 1,654 Member
    I was reluctant to enter the gym at first, so I understand where you're coming from. You have good starting points below already. Having a treadmill at home was a godsend for me. A folding one does still have a bit of a footprint, but SO worth it. Climbing stairs is fabulous too... I used to go to a nearby building after work and just climb the stairs over and over... but do mind your knees and hips if you go that route. Aside from that... google Nerd Fitness, Convict Conditioning, or You Are Your Own Gym. You can do a LOT with just body weight and minimal equipment.

    Good luck and keep up the great work!
  • sistrsprkl
    sistrsprkl Posts: 1,010 Member
    Dvd's or do you have an Xbox? There are a lot of fun workouts on there. The best exercise is the one you like.
  • traceywoody
    traceywoody Posts: 233 Member
    You could try Leslie Sansone's Walk at Home dvds. It is really low impact aerobics, really easy to follow and gives a great workout and decent calorie burn (more than just a regular walk). I walk outside, but also use these and am getting really good results. All the best!
  • 8helli
    8helli Posts: 4
    Have you searched for exercise videos on YouTube? They are Free! :)
  • sympha01
    sympha01 Posts: 942 Member
    When I started with exercise a year ago I used fitnessblender.com exercise vids. They are free, they rate their exercise videos by difficulty so as a beginner you know right where to start, you can search their site by type of exercise and what equipment needed (and mostly their stuff requires no equipment, so you can search that too).

    It took me probably 6 months to graduate out of Level 2, but after that I quite quickly progressed to level 3 and 4.

    Good luck.
  • Lyndonbearsmommy
    Lyndonbearsmommy Posts: 1,083 Member
    YouTube has a lot of exercise videos.
  • CindyMarcuzAdams
    CindyMarcuzAdams Posts: 4,007 Member
    You could try Leslie Sansone's Walk at Home dvds. It is really low impact aerobics, really easy to follow and gives a great workout and decent calorie burn (more than just a regular walk). I walk outside, but also use these and am getting really good results. All the best!

    This ^^^ go to www.walkathome.com. she really gets you going.
  • zericaaaaa
    zericaaaaa Posts: 313 Member
    You could try Leslie Sansone's Walk at Home dvds. It is really low impact aerobics, really easy to follow and gives a great workout and decent calorie burn (more than just a regular walk). I walk outside, but also use these and am getting really good results. All the best!

    I second this!!!! leslie sansone seriously is my girl. her workouts make me feel powerful and without her dvd, I don't think I would have been successful. I lost 50 lbs (slowly re-losing now hehe) with her dvd as my only exercise and MFP to count my calories. I was almost 300 lbs when I began so I understand the anxiety factor with public exercise.
  • oinkerjnn
    oinkerjnn Posts: 85 Member
    One of the most in shape people I've ever met was a navy seal. He never set foot in the gym, and he was ripped.

    Know what he used to work out with?

    A half full keg and a beach!

    I'm not suggesting you move to the beach and work out with nothing but a keg, but my point is you can work out without doing so in a gym, or even without buying fancy equipment.
  • mtruitt01
    mtruitt01 Posts: 370 Member
    I'm going to get some warm clothes and walk 1/2 hour in the evening when I get home. I don't rise early anymore, and it has to be something in the evening. I don't care for gyms. I do love classes but can't do impact. So I'm still looking/thinking.