Does drinking squash count as water intake?

As I asked in topic headline does drinking squash count as water intake,and is there any disadvantages using squash?sorry if this has been asked already couldn't see it anywhere?



  • skinny0000
    skinny0000 Posts: 90 Member
    Squash is fruit syrup mixed with water, right? If so, I would say yes, it counts as water intake , but make sure to account for the high sugar content (obviously). It is basically soda without the fizz.
  • love8383
    love8383 Posts: 169
    yes i think it does it's a liquid that keeps you hydrated.
  • zack1st
    zack1st Posts: 43
    I always use the no added sugar and the lowest calorie ones I can find,I just really struggle to drink water by itself,is that normal? I lost my weight so far in 40 days and starting to struggle a little now :-(
  • googlebear123
    I just really struggle to drink water by itself,is that normal?

    first world problems
  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    Weight loss slows down. Keep staying focused.
  • zack1st
    zack1st Posts: 43
    thanks ronda rose :)
  • FindingAmy77
    FindingAmy77 Posts: 1,266 Member
    As I asked in topic headline does drinking squash count as water intake,and is there any disadvantages using squash?sorry if this has been asked already couldn't see it anywhere?


    is squash the vegetable that you have blended up? if you only mixed it with water to do so then yes, count the water you took in. the water count is for the pure water you take in during the day. your body needs at the very least 64 ounces of pure water daily to just cleanse and detoxify itself. pop/sodas, juices or whatever else doesn't count towards the ticker. but if you add in water to your fruit or veg smoothies then go ahead and count it if you must. you still need to drink real water.