My doctor

stokesmommy Posts: 8 Member
edited September 23 in Health and Weight Loss
My doctor wants me to thry the HCG injections to get my weight loss started and then start a very healhty life styles. not only does he believe hcg is the safest thing for me he things the results will encourage me more in the long run so i stay fit and healthy. He also says its a great way to jump start my stomach because less food is in it so it l=will help it shrink..

whats your opinion????


  • modernfemme
    modernfemme Posts: 454 Member
    Most of us aren't really qualified to answer this - but if you are uncomfortable, maybe you should get a second opinion from another doctor?
  • foxsmommy
    foxsmommy Posts: 40 Member
    If you can stick to the diet I mean really stick to the diet this stuff is magic drink tons of water and do your injection first thing in the morning and you will see the pounds fall off literally atleast 5 per week. Good Luck and keep in mind if you get your shots from a legit dr or homeopathic dr. They are an all natural hormone harvested from pregnancy if you think about it its really cool in a way. Dont listen to the internet this stuff when used right can really help those who just cant seem to do it any other way. Just listen to someone who is qualified to distribute it to you in person. and i promise you will see amazing results. plus the 2 days of loading you do before you start is a fatty dream...
    Truly good luck
  • stokesmommy
    stokesmommy Posts: 8 Member
    thanks foxsmommy. assurance is better then negativity
  • kmard81
    kmard81 Posts: 212 Member
    I reasearched this diet in depth before finding MFP. While it wasnt for me, but there are plenty of people that have had success on it. Good luck in your decision!
    MSDRIZZ Posts: 246
    I don't think there is enough research on it. There can also be many side effects like headache, breast tenderness, depression ovarian hyper stimulation, nausea, vomiting. It can also permanently mess up your digestive system. If you are still in your child bearing years you can also get pregnant easier and have a higher chance of having a pregnancy that is triplets or higher. Remember this is a fertility drug. It will stimulate your ovaries to release more eggs then normal. If you still plan on having children later it seems almost like you're "wasting" eggs. Women are born with a finite amount of eggs and you'll be usin g more of them. I would definately look this up on the internet and do more research if I were you.
  • anovasjo
    anovasjo Posts: 382 Member
    Please please get a second opinion.
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