Sabataging Myself

I have to date lost 33.5 lbs. (Until todays date it's 31.5lbs) I have done this over the course of 5 months. I have a few huge goals to meet - One of them, drop below 200lbs. That just happened a week ago. And the day after I weighed in and felt FABULOUS about it, I started eating wrong, not exercising and haven't now for days.... To the point where I gained 2 lbs and am at the 200 mark again... I know it won't take much to go under, but I need to stay under... My second goal is lose 50 lbs by November this year. I am over half way there, but if I keep sabotaging myself who knows where tis will go...

Is this normal? How do I get back in the game? Any advice?


  • twopaulines
    twopaulines Posts: 55 Member
    I understand how you feel. Take those "bad days" toss them in the trash and don't pull them back out again. Take the anxiety and the power away from those days and chalk it up to being life. Then go exercise and log your food. You probably won't feel the "honeymoon" phase again yet... you probably won't want to go. But when you follow the plan, trust the plan, that weight will come off. It's good to have a goal. But setting a particular time goal can also put unneccessary pressure which adds to anxiety which adds to bailing. Don't bail!!! And rethink your goals. For example, my goal is lose weight until I feel great and don't look old. I remember feeling that around 150-160. I have no time frame, I have a system. I have a plan. I stick to that plan, and my changing, healthy body will go at it's pace. I put pressure on myself to push hard each exercise session, to log in every day, to make the healthiest choices I can. Those are short term goals with an instant reward. And the weight is coming off! You know the system works, trust it, don't think another thing about it, and move forward! Good luck :)
  • cindyawhitlock
    Thank you
  • brenn24179
    brenn24179 Posts: 2,144 Member
    make yourself take care of yourself. I think we have to learn to tell ourselves No. I know easier said that done but it can be done. Make up your mind you are going to wear your clothes and that you don't want to be fat. I got off track a week ago and felt terrible, had to make myself exercise and eat right and work my butt off to get back on track. I said you are not putting that weight back on, had to go to a spaghetti dinner and a man told me on here to eat 3/4 cup, take my salad and that is it. Yep, just what I did.
  • _Josee_
    _Josee_ Posts: 625 Member
    This is a journey. You will have bad days, and good days. Bad weeks, and good weeks. Bad months, and good months.
    What matters is long term.

    You did great so far! You know you need to get your head back in the game, this is the first step.

    Good luck!
  • Siegeljanet
    Siegeljanet Posts: 31 Member
    I know how you feel! I'm in the same boat. Just had a bad month, gained back about 5 pounds and now I am trying to re rev for August. It will simply take an attitude of "just do it", get on that treadmill, or go do that long powerwalk, grab those weights. If I do it TODAY, I will MORE LIKELY do it TOMORROW. And next thing you know, I've been faithful for a week. So, it only takes one day to get RE started
  • kewwy1
    kewwy1 Posts: 41 Member
    Think everybody goes through this sort of stage. It's more just make sure you pick yourself up after a bad day and don't continue on the behaviour.

    Plus not beating yourself up for it :)