New Mom!!!

laurascott20 Posts: 7
edited September 23 in Fitness and Exercise
Hi there MFP peeps! I am recently a new mom to a two month old now :) I am needing some advice on how to tone my tummy back up? I dont have alot of free time with work and the little one, so any quick good exercises are great for me. Please help me out with any options on this?


  • Cardio Cardio Cardio and balanced diet...take little one on a jog/walk thru the park, do baby aerobics, exercise in the am before your daughter gets up...soon she will be sleeping thru the night if she isnt already :) Dont worry it can take 3 to 4 months to get back to your pre preggers body...Keep with it, and it will all work out
  • typeaimages
    typeaimages Posts: 29 Member
    Hi! I'm a new mom too (my daughter is also almost 2 months old. I also have a 3 year old). The trick is MAKING time to work out. I decided that I have no excuse to be excuse for anything. I have 25 lbs to lose and I'm going to lose them no matter what.

    So, I work out 6 days a week at home, whenever I have time...this morning I did it at 5 AM when I was up with the baby and she had drifted off to sleep. I go back to work next week, but I work from I'll have work, the two kids, and making time to work out.

    You have to work it out, and MFP will help. Get some workout DVD's and get started!
  • timanda2
    timanda2 Posts: 149
    don't worry if it takes a while...I have two kiddos. It took me 2 years to lose all the weight with my first and 18 months to lose all the weight with the second. Right now focus on being the best mom you can, take it slow, it will happen.
  • curleesam
    curleesam Posts: 462 Member
    Yep I'm afraid there is no easy option! I also have a 3month old daughter and I'm dieting and slogging to the gym for cardio sessions 3times per week. If you can't make gym why not get walking uphill with baby in a sling? It's better to do it now while she's light so that you build up your stamina as carrying my 13lb daughter in a sling is now very challenging! Lol
  • praymond17
    praymond17 Posts: 20 Member
    Hi! I have a 6 month old (sigh..time is sure flying) anyways I did hot yoga and it helped me shed the weight and helped with my tummy situation. When she was a little bit younger I would do work outs at home while she napped, in the summer time we went for a lot of walks..helped me burn some calories and it seemed to help her sleep.
  • Laura and typeaimages - I know someone who lost 30 lbs in a 3 1/2 month span, simply by using this app! So I really believe it helps! Plus having people to keep you motivated REALLY helps!!
  • Ahendon824
    Ahendon824 Posts: 22 Member
    I am in the same boat! I have a 2 month old and a 3 year old. In my I have my fathers wedding to attend and also the end of summer my high school reunion. Good luck to you!!
  • New mom - baby boy born 10/10/10. Workout and eat healthy regularly but after having my son I find myself to tired and can't find the energy or motivation to spend what little time I have working out. I eat when I get a chance but am not grabbing the best foods (hand full of popcorn, boiled egg, piece of cake - whatever is around). I am planning to getting pregnant in a year so I want to lose the 10 lbs I gained from pregnancy om before I start trying again. Usual weight is 150lb - current weight 160lbs. I have decided to get back on track in hopes to get my abs back before baby #2. I'm baaaaack!

    p.s. Anyone from Toronto, Ontario?
  • Brandzilla
    Brandzilla Posts: 51 Member
    I'm a new mom too! My baby girl is 12 days old! I have a 12 year old and a 2 year old too. With my two year old I waited 6 months to watch what I eat and hit the gym. This time around I don't want to wait. I found tracking my calories and the gym took my weight off. It's true...exercise and watch what you eat and you WILL lose all the weight and then some if you already had some extra (like I do). I joined the YMCA. They have a child care room to watch the little ones while you work out. That also gives you a little break from the kiddies while you're getting healthier. I found the extra energy from being more fit made me a better more playful less tired mom too. New moms add me!! I just hopped back on mfp and would some buddies in the same boat.
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