Help! I need advice from the pros out there!

Ok so I am an over weight male. I started my weight loss on April 23 2014 at 343.2. Today i weight 306.8. My success is do to watching calories and going to the gym. I go to the gym about 3 times a week. My work out is 60 min of cardio on 3 different machines, 20 min stairs, 20 min rowing and 20 bike.

This past week i really wanted to boost the weight loss so i went Monday, Tuesday normal routine. Wednesday I did heavy lifting for 40 min and 20min on the treadmill. I choose to throw in this heavy lifting day because I heard its great for weight loss.

Thursday I went back to the good old 60 min of cardio.

Now here is were I think i Might need help. I bought and adult push scooter. Biking hurts my back and I wanted somthing fun. It's much like pushing a skate board as far as exersize goes. I have went for a rigorous 45 min scooter ride every day as well as the gym.

Is this too much?


  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    I'm no pro, but dang that's a lot of cardio.
    I choose to throw in this heavy lifting day because I heard its great for weight loss.

    Not necessarily weight loss, but it is great for fat loss and maintaining existing muscle. That said, I don't think one day will be enough to do much.

    If you just want the scale to go down, than the amount of cardio you are doing will certainly assist in that.
    If however, your more concerned about losing fat, than you might want to cut down on the cardio a bit and do a heavy lifting program like Strong Lifts 5x5 or New Rules of Lifting or Starting Strength.
  • stuffinmuffin
    stuffinmuffin Posts: 985 Member
    That sounds like a good amount of cardio to me and basically just do as much as you're comfortable with. Your body will start telling you if you're doing too much. Remember to take rest days when needed (at least one a week) and you should be fine.

    The strength training is important, it's not great for weight loss but will help you maintain your muscle whilst losing fat. Also make sure to eat enough protein.

    With biking hurting your back, this sounds strange and like the bike might not be set up correctly or the right size for you. But if the scooter thing works for you then great! Sounds fun.
  • MelodyandBarbells
    MelodyandBarbells Posts: 7,725 Member
    Don't hurt yourself on that scooter, but yay, high marks for fun! :laugh:

    I don't think exercising 5-6 days a week is too much.
  • Great job on your commitment. Like someone else said, basically however much your body is comfortable with is the amount to go. You don't want to risk injury. I'm no expert but I've heard that as far as fat loss goes, lifting for muscle gain isn't going to help as much as spending the same time on cardio will. If you're trying to lose fat, focus on cardio, and do weight lifting in between. It depends on your body and genetics, but long amounts of cardio can take away muscle mass, so weight lifting will help maintain your muscle while burning fat, but weight lifting will not burn fat like cardio will.

    Bottom line, stay at or slightly below your calorie goal for the day, underestimate cardio calorie burn given by MFP, and exercise the amount your body is comfortable with.
  • AvonBell
    AvonBell Posts: 107 Member
    You're putting a lot of emphasis on exercise. If weight loss is your goal, most of your focus should on your diet. To lose weight you have to be at a caloric deficit. Do cardio and strength training for the general health benefits of doing cardio and strength training but don't rely on cardio or strength training to lose weight because you really won't be burning too many calories.
  • whatyouwill
    whatyouwill Posts: 71 Member
    You're putting a lot of emphasis on exercise. If weight loss is your goal, most of your focus should on your diet. To lose weight you have to be at a caloric deficit. Do cardio and strength training for the general health benefits of doing cardio and strength training but don't rely on cardio or strength training to lose weight because you really won't be burning too many calories.

    Although that's not true for everyone is it? At his weight he will burn a lot of calories through exercise.

    I typically burn an average of 800 a day, and that's massive for my weight loss.