Wii Fit and Balance Board users... Need advice

Monroe121 Posts: 358 Member
edited September 23 in Fitness and Exercise
I just got the Will Fit and balance board. What games/exercises do you recommend I do to LOSE and TONE? :smile:

Thank You!

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  • jennyfair24
    jennyfair24 Posts: 273 Member
    I like Wii Fit Plus. I know a lot of people like EA Sports Active and the Dance games.
  • xXAlana21Xx
    xXAlana21Xx Posts: 183 Member
    i really like doing the super hula hoop :)
  • mrssturgeon7911
    mrssturgeon7911 Posts: 19 Member
    I have Wii Fit Plus, EA Sports Active, My Fitness Coach, the Biggest Loser game, I have almost all of the fitness games and honestly, the one that makes me sweat the most out of all of my Wii games is Just Dance 1 and 2...They are crazy fun and they make you WORK, so that's fun for cardio, for toning stuff though Wii Fit Plus, doing the uninterupted strength exercises would be good for toning
  • Clew
    Clew Posts: 910 Member
    Mee too - super hula hoop. I burn like mad playing that and it REALLY works the obliques and upper legs!
  • staceyb_2003
    staceyb_2003 Posts: 396 Member
    hi hoop is good on wii fit plus and the free step and free jogging :-0 i'd recommend just dance too :-)
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    I also like Fit Plus, but if you have the original the exercises are mostly the same. My favorite exercises are the rhythm boxing and the step aerobics. I also like to do the "free step" while I'm watching tv sometimes -- helps keep me motivated when I'm feeling bratty and don't wanna exercise. :)
  • fitnesspirateninja
    fitnesspirateninja Posts: 667 Member
    I have the first EA Active. It's great for toning legs and thighs. There's a lot of lunges and squats, stuff like that. I don't like it quite as much for upper body work, but it's got some nice cardio workouts. I sweat a lot with that one. I also have Wii Fit, which I like for yoga and the hula hoop game.
  • shadiel
    shadiel Posts: 59 Member
    I do the advance step and the hula hoop!!!
  • thankyou4thevenom
    thankyou4thevenom Posts: 1,581 Member
    The great thing with it is you can chose the areas to target. If you want to lose, you have to use the aerobic exercises.

    I love the boxing one, it gets me all worked up. You need to get to the higher levels to get a good work out going. If you've get the Wii fit plus there's a lot of extra games that are very energetic.

    The yoga part is great for toning and overall flexibility. If this is all you're doing try to do Yoga one day and Aerobic the next.
  • The hula hoop exercise, particularly the one that requires you to do each direction back to back is a good workout. Do it enough and you can get up to 5 minutes in each direction! I also love free step - you can step for 30 minutes while following a tick, tick sound on the remote while watching TV. The boxing and bike riding exercises are also a good workout as well.
  • yellowfairy
    yellowfairy Posts: 207 Member
    Zumba and Wii Fit Plus. BEST EVER:) I have Biggest Loser too-but I like the other two better. Just a personal preferance. There wasn't anything wrong with it-and felt like a good workout-however-I have to have fun, or I am not doing it. The two I mentioned, to me, are fun.
  • scd78
    scd78 Posts: 77 Member
    I really like Jillian Michael's Fitness Ultimatum. I have the 2009 version. I also like Wii fit. A good one without the balance board is Just Dance 2....it kicks your butt if you do all of the movements. Good Luck!
  • hi debi here we love our wii ours has not been working so we have had to put a new one one layaway but i can say we have the active and it is good but even playing the games can be a work out i love bowling golf tennis have fun debi
  • christy_frank
    christy_frank Posts: 680 Member
    Just Dance 2 is awesome! Even Just Dance for Kids is a good workout and it is something you can do with your kids (if you have them). i want Zumba!!!! I go to Zumba classes but I cannot wait to have it on my Wii. Zumba is a ton of fun!
  • Definitely the Hula Hoop and Super Hula Hoop. Just 6 minutes and I am sweating and my muscles are burning! I also enjoy the free step and free run. I've gotten up to 2400 steps with free step and do the 30 minutes free run. It's great because the remote talks to you with the step and run so I can watch a TV show while getting my workout in.
  • I got a Wii Fit Plus for 2011 and have lost 4 lbs in two weeks. I find that on average doing 30-40 minds burns nearly 200 calories. I normally do at least 3 lots of the Step Plus, as this burns the calories quickest, but Super Hula Hoop, Rhythm Boxing (once you get good Advanced is harder) and cycling definitely works your legs because you realise you have a different posture.

    I often use the Wii Fit Plus Routine tool, where you choose what you want to work on and the game gives you a routine. The time flies by and it means you dont have to keep clicking through menus and such.

    For example I do, "overindulged, leaner mii and tummy exercises, followed by hips and behind, figure and arms. Then I do relax to warm down. All of these options alternate between using cardio, yoga and muscle exercises to go through the work out. All the yoga is very useful and I feel Im getting a little more toned and also getting a much better posture!

    Good luck :)
  • joannajohnsonrn
    joannajohnsonrn Posts: 36 Member
    I definitely like the Biggest Loser for Wii! Super fun, lots to choose from and many different levels.
    On Wii fit, I love the core exercises and yoga! The running is fun with a partner!
    Good luck and have fun!
  • I love my wii and wii fit! I am waiting for EA Active to come in the mail!!

    Your gonna have to work up to some exercises, but the more you play the more you unlock. The ones you play the most you will unlock longer times on them.

    My daily routine right now is free run for 30 mins, rhythmic boxing for 10 (they should have made this one longer!!) and then hula hoops just to get me to an hour haha! If i am not feeling a 30 min run I do free step for 30mins an island run (about 14mins) and some boxing!

    Enjoy and have fun with it!!
  • MissTomGettingThin
    MissTomGettingThin Posts: 776 Member
    Wii Fit Plus boxing works for me too.
    I really get into it and at the end you get 10 or 15 seconds to really go for it and I always end up doing the routine again.
    I'm not always coordinated but it makes me want to go and take up some sort of boxing exercise class.
    I also love the super hula hoop and advanced step.
  • Tennis is the best. Just play by yourself so you can actually have room to play like you would on the court. Doubles isn't the same! Really gives you a work out. I want to get a Wii!!!
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