New and need snack ideas!

Hi there! I'm a college student with not much money and a picky taste in food. I don't like fish, nuts, or too may veggies (except for broccoli with lemon)... My doctor says i need more protein in my diet and i don't know what to snack on besides peanut butter with other things. please read the list of things i enjoy and give me some substitutes !

Fruits: Apples, Bananas, Grapes, Watermelon, Cantaloupe, Honey Dew, Strawberries

Veggies: Broccoli, Celery (Sometimes), Carrots (with ranch)

Protein: Eggs (not scrambled or plain), Chicken, Turkey, Steak, Beef, Tuna, Chickpeas

Starch: Wheat bread, White bread, Italian bread, fried rice

Snacks: Tostitos with dip, Wheat Thins with hummus (or alone), Popcorn, Sunflower Seeds, etc. (I like salty things)

Now some of these sections I couldn't think of or don't know of anything else. (Starch, Snacks and Veggies)

Please help me and post some recipes or snack ideas, that are easy and cheap! Thanks!


  • habeeba300
    habeeba300 Posts: 33 Member
    1.cottagecheese with pineapple ,2,chickpeas drained tin in greek yogurt with toms,cucumber/spring onion.3.kidney beans in mince or alone curry
  • rachaelbeech
    rachaelbeech Posts: 10 Member
    yogurt is a good source of protein also they do non fat mozzarella you could try that with some sun dried tomato yummy :) both are rich in protein
  • MissElectricEyeliner
    MissElectricEyeliner Posts: 122 Member
    I pick out one snack item a week. This week my snack item is the Skinny Cow Ice Cream Sandwiches in Cookies n' Cream. You get 6 for about $4. Which to me is a bit pricey, but I really enjoy them for only 150 calories. I shop on $25 a week.
  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    Are you skipping meals? Most people can get enough protein in their meals. Did the doctor specifically say that you had to snack all day or did he/she say that you need more protein in your day?

    Have real meals and eat more protein at those meals. During meal time, get good enough portions of "Eggs (not scrambled or plain), Chicken, Turkey, Steak, Beef, Tuna, Chickpeas."
    For a snack, eat deli / sandwich meat with crackers or bread.
  • MinMin97
    MinMin97 Posts: 2,676 Member
    Hors d'oeuvres and mini-meals make great snacks!
    If you have a pinterest account, try searching raw or raw vegan snacks, or hors deouvres to get fabulous snack ideas you'd never thought of!
    I saw one for "banana sushi" that looked delicious.
    Carrot-cumin hummus
    avocado stuffed cucumbers
    mini veggie-sandwich
  • cantobean
    cantobean Posts: 287 Member
    Do you like avocado? Avocado on some whole wheat crackers is good...

    I also like greek yogurt, or carrots/celery/snap peas with hummus
  • Victoria5639
    Victoria5639 Posts: 42 Member
    I boil eggs at the beginning of each week. When I need a snack a boiled egg with a little humus is great.
  • kynsie2
    kynsie2 Posts: 35 Member
    What a great topic and perfect timing.
    I was just at the dr also and was told I need to up my protein.
    Great ideas!
  • lolly2414
    lolly2414 Posts: 186 Member
    Low fat cheese sticks are a favorite of mine, or Sargento thin cheese slices (only 70 calories a piece).

    I also boil a dozen eggs on Sunday evenings to eat through the week (to be shared with my whole family but I eat about half of them usually). You could maybe boil 5 or 6 to keep in the fridge and eat through the week.
  • SteeleVenile
    SteeleVenile Posts: 1 Member
    Whenever I just need a different taste or snack, I like beef or turkey jerky. They have tons of different flavors, teriyaki is my favorite, and it is low calorie, low fat.
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,949 Member
    Eat more eggs!
    And try dipping broccoli or carrots in hummus.
  • slomo22
    slomo22 Posts: 125 Member
    I eat Nature Valley Fruit & Nut bars (3g of protien). They help me get from breakfast to lunch. They are cheapest at Costco!
  • meghan_lovely
    meghan_lovely Posts: 48 Member

    This is a link to a great infographic that includes 26 low cal snacks! It helped me come up with new snack ideas
  • mcaila
    mcaila Posts: 33
    Lately I've been eating Joseph's flax & whole wheat pitas (60 cals/pita) paired with a wedge of Laughing Cow cheese (35 cals). It's a pretty filling snack/meal for <100 cals.
  • KHolladay36
    Lunch meat is high is sodium which can be harmful in large amounts. It also contributes to water weight.