how much vegetables is TOO much?

is it possible to get TOO many vegetables in your diet? isn't the rule of thumb like 4-6 servings a day or something? i don't even remember. maybe the 4-6 servings includes fruit along with veggies. anyway my point is i eat a whole lot of vegetables as it's most of my diet and i was wondering if i'm going overboard? i just love vegetables sooooooo much


  • paulperryman
    paulperryman Posts: 839 Member
    i fail to see how too many of a good thing is a bad thing, Veggies are healthy, unless they are heavily processed.
    Personally i generally consume 450g of mixed vegetables every week day, the only thing too much about it is that it can be costly to keep buying it when it doesn't last long, health wise it's all good nutrients and unless you have some sort of medical issue with it i don't see how it can be bad. Vegetarians eat primarily fruit and veggies.
  • catcalledjinx
    I believe that Scientists actually think we should all be getting 9 portions of fruit and veg every day but thought that information was too much for us to handle psychologically. As a result we were advised to aim for 5 portions per day. If you love veg, go for it!
  • squishprincess
    squishprincess Posts: 371 Member
    nope no heavily processed veggies here. steamed/baked or raw is the only way i like em really! and wow 9 portions a day? i think i have that covered actually ;)
  • lollyhackett
    lollyhackett Posts: 79 Member
    Caloriewise, it's hard to overindulge on veggies because most are only about 35 calories per serving. Licensed nutritionist Monica Reinagel suggests limiting starchy vegetables like yams, potatoes, corn, beans and peas but not worrying about eating too many other fresh vegetables. If you’re downing more than seven servings of veggies daily and your skin is taking on an orange hue, you’re unintentionally losing weight or you’re experiencing unpleasant digestive symptoms, try backing off on the veggies and seeing your doctor.
  • squishprincess
    squishprincess Posts: 371 Member
    ah beans are a staple in my diet, as they're one of my main protein sources. but yea i know too much vitamin a can be really bad, while too much beta carotene can make you look like you stepped out of the jersey shore. some days i have more servings than usual, if i'm combining them in a recipe. but i'll keep note of how i feel if it does become over excessive..
  • mfp2014mfp
    mfp2014mfp Posts: 689 Member
    Do a web search on rotating your vegetable intake, it will provide you with interesting reading on why lots of veges are good but why variety in those veges is needed :flowerforyou:
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 17,959 Member
    I think the only time too many veggies is a bad thing is if you are basically under eating because you're prioritizing veg over all else and missing other vital macro-nutrients because of that.
  • squishprincess
    squishprincess Posts: 371 Member
    when i do eat them i try to eat them with a protein source, even if it's a snack, like pb or hummus or beans/fish/eggs so i do try to make balanced meals & snacks. and also do the occasional what i like to call refrigerator rabbit and be up late at night and sneak into the kitchen and munch on a few carrots or cherry tomatoes ahah
  • stephgas
    stephgas Posts: 159 Member
    i wish i had that problem! i love veg but i don't like fruit. i supplement with fruit and veg juice in the morning. i usually try to get something with berries since they're good for us and i hate them. i think one of the big things we're supposed to watch for is different colors - as long as you're not only eating red and green veggies, you should be getting a nice, full profile of nutrients.
  • Missjulesdid
    Missjulesdid Posts: 1,444 Member
    The 4-6 is a MINIMUM serving portion. Swapping out some grains/starchy veg for greens and other non starchy veg is never a bad idea.. unless you are having a hard time keeping on weight.
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 17,959 Member
    i wish i had that problem! i love veg but i don't like fruit. i supplement with fruit and veg juice in the morning. i usually try to get something with berries since they're good for us and i hate them. i think one of the big things we're supposed to watch for is different colors - as long as you're not only eating red and green veggies, you should be getting a nice, full profile of nutrients.

    I... don't do fruit. I will eat any veg there is (except the ones that are fruit pretending to be veg - I'm looking at you, tomato and avocado..) but fruit - no. I've found you don't need it, you can get what you need from veg. There's nothing magical in fruti, except it can fix some peoples sugar cravings, but yeah.
  • squishprincess
    squishprincess Posts: 371 Member
    oo i like fruit (just not the carbs or sugar that come with it...) but i also like some of their benefits for my skin & also cancer fighting! well.. some of them. but yea. blueberries, apples and bananas are my fav. but to each their own :)
  • 1mommycamp
    1mommycamp Posts: 9 Member
    you cannot eat to many veggies! PROVIDED they are cooked healthfully and no drenched breading, fats and cheese. And I guess also as long as you are not eating tons of starchy veggies. Look at Dr.Furman's eat to live book. He stands behind a plant strong diet. The logic of it all makes perfect sense and I have had great luck when sticking to it. I have yet to overcome my poor habits so still working on it, but his book is filled with success stories, dramatic success