What do you eat before/after workout?

I go spinning on a Monday and Tuesday evening at 6pm, straight after work. I have a slice of toast with banana around 4-4.30pm then a proper dinner at 7.30pm when home. This works well.

However, on Thursday evenings I go to spin at 8pm. I find this a difficult time for what to eat before/afterwards.
I am home at 5.30pm. I did try having a 'normal' dinner of spag bol last week and I felt sick during class, I felt too full while spinning.
Should I have something lighter like eggs/toast, beans/toast and then another snack when home at 9pm, or any ideas?

Thanks in advance!


  • 2bassets
    2bassets Posts: 193 Member
    On Thursdays, I have Zumba at 6:30 in the evening, so before class I usually blend chocolate protein and a frozen banana. This carries me thru until I get home at 8. Then I usually will have some fruit because we go to bed so early. If I eat a regular meal before class, I feel terrible!
  • Lelah77
    Lelah77 Posts: 177 Member
    I would do a complex carb/protein snack before - banana or apple with peanut or almond butter and a light dinner after with lots of fluids. Maybe a smaller dinner than normal, like PP mentioned, depending on your hunger level. If getting home, setting in, & cooking is what makes you end up ravenous, maybe 8 P spin night is sandwich night - spelt grain bread, lean meat (chicken breast or turkey breast), and lots of veggies with a big glass of icy cold lemony water! nom nom
  • oinkerjnn
    oinkerjnn Posts: 85 Member
    After I do a shake with whey powder, flax seed meal, and some sort of fruit sometimes. Always the first one, sometimes the second, once in a while the third.
  • Blair2374
    Blair2374 Posts: 50 Member
    Thanks for the replies.

    I have no idea about protein powders and shakes. Never taken them as always associated with bodybuilders until I started reading some topics on here and realising that most people take them. Can you recommend which ones and how to use? Thanks.
  • Leana93412
    Leana93412 Posts: 162
    Depends from person to person. But my workout is 8am. Before I eat a granola bar and a banana, for the carbs... Or an egg and bacon. Or cottage cheese with sweetener and berries/fruit, for the protein.

    After I always drink a protein shake.
  • oinkerjnn
    oinkerjnn Posts: 85 Member
    Thanks for the replies.

    I have no idea about protein powders and shakes. Never taken them as always associated with bodybuilders until I started reading some topics on here and realising that most people take them. Can you recommend which ones and how to use? Thanks.

    I thought the same thing. That's because if you work out In a gym there is always some giant walking around with a grainy odd colored shaker cup clutching it like its his firstborn.

    There are a whole bunch of threads on here showing which ones are good. When i first met with my trainer/nutritionist, I showed him my food diary, and he said he loved everything I consumed, except for muscle milk, which is far from natural, and he recommended I switch to an all natural whey protein mixed with water or almond milk.

    Find one that's all natural and roll with it. Stores like max muscle will let you sample several to find one that you can stomach. Note I say that you can stomach, not one that is delicious.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    I eat my dinner before my workout if my husband if off because it's ready when I get home. Usually a normal dinner.

    If he's not home depends on how hungry I am...if I am starved I eat my dinner...if I am not I have a small snack like a fiber1 bar or a yogurt and go do my workout...

    What I eat after...depends on which scenerio up there happened...

    1. my daily chocolate fix
    2. my dinner then my daily chocolate fix.
  • Lofteren
    Lofteren Posts: 960 Member
    I eat dinner, lift, do some conditioning work, then I have a beer and about an hour later I have a protein shake (Body Fortress, the cheap stuff from Wally World)
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,811 Member
    If I'm working out in the morning then my before/after is breakfast & lunch. (Apart from the days when I skip breakfast!)
    If I'm working out in the afternoon then my before/after is lunch/dinner.

    The only time I'm really concerned with food timing is when I'm cycling over 3 hours and need the fuel.

    For 99% of people what they eat over the course of an entire day is far more important than specific pre/post workout supplements or specific foods, or food timing. Most of it appears to be fashion rather than need.
    Eat well and train hard are the two elements to concentrate on IMHO.

    Protein shakes aren't magic, just a protein rich food in a convenient liquid form. If you aren't hitting a sensible daily protein goal then that's the time to consider them.
  • DznyGrlSD
    DznyGrlSD Posts: 8 Member
    I've heard several times that chocolate milk is one of the best things for you post workout. I have 8oz of it (almost) every time I get home from the gym.