Weigh In?

Just curious to know if everyone has a certain time of day they weigh themself? I notice a 2-3 lbs difference if I weigh myself in the morning as to the evening..which reading do I take?


  • for_a_mittengrl
    for_a_mittengrl Posts: 93 Member
    Since your weight fluctuates during the day so to get the most accurate read, you should weigh yourself at the same time, every day that you weigh in. As to what time of day you should do it, I'm not sure.
  • merrillfoster
    merrillfoster Posts: 855 Member
    Morning is most reliable, as it doesn't fluctuate according to what you ate that day.
  • merrillfoster
    merrillfoster Posts: 855 Member
    Morning is most reliable, as it doesn't fluctuate according to what you ate that day.
  • merrillfoster
    merrillfoster Posts: 855 Member
    oops double post
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    I weigh myself in the morning after I go to the bathroom and before I eat breakfast. I want that number to be as low as possible! But since body weight can fluctuate up to 5 pounds from day to day you should weigh in at the same time every time.
  • CarolHudson11
    I weigh myself in the morning right around the same time (after I pee, of course! every little ounce helps! LOL). I don't ever weigh myself in the evening after I've eaten all day long. :/
  • praymond17
    praymond17 Posts: 20 Member
    Great thanks so much! I do love my weight much more in the morning anyways!!:wink: