Hi everyone!

Hi there!

I am a 32 year old woman (almost 33) who is 5'5 and, at the moment, 161.6 pounds. Not ideal. I was 135 pounds for several years until I quit smoking and gained it alllllll back - it did take 4 years to put it back on, but I'm actually a few pounds heavier than when I started. I work out 4 times a week usually - spinning, cardio, and light weights (though I've been slacking on the weights a bit). I am active. Most people wouldn't consider me overweight from looking at me. I wear a size 8 in pants and a 6 on top. I just don't feel comfortable at this weight. Not one bit.

I went back on WW and their new plan didn't work for me at all. This time around, I am going to aim for lower carb. I bought a Fitbit and a HRM so I can more accurately gauge my intake and output. It looks like I was screwing up in two ways: eating too much on days I exercise (overestimating my output) and eating too little on days I don't. I walk everywhere because I live in NYC. I am active and healthy. My big weakness is WINE but I am working on it. Some people indulge with cake, I do it with wine! But I always track it.

I am currently in grad school and am trying to get on track before my semester begins. Part of the reason I wasn't able to focus is because I work full time and go to grad 3/4 time. Very stressful and DAMN NEAR IMPOSSIBLE to eat well when you are working/studying 85-90 hours a week. :(

I've never done MFP before and its super cool how it syncs with Fitbit. I am looking to lose 15-20 pounds. I realize slow and steady wins the race. I lost .4 this week - not the best, but at least it was something.

Looking forward to reading posts here. Cheers and good luck to everyone trying to lose!


  • Fleurissimo

    I joined today and already feel at home. The support is amazing, and I hope that will help you stay on track.

    I'm 38 yo. the same height as you and also struggling to lose a few kg that stubbornly refuse to budge.

    I had a bit more to lose a few years ago after I had 2 children (not much space between them and the weight piled on) so went to WW. The old system worked really well for me, but then they changed it and it was no use. I stopped losing weight and felt very frustrated. I left it after a few months and since then - 2 years to be precise - have been struggling to maintain. I really hope that tracking here will help me reach my goal.

    Good luck!
  • Cati321
    Cati321 Posts: 35
    Hey! Same as you, except 5"6 and same weight, would like to lose another 5kg or so. I've done it before, but then moved country and it was super stressful and awful at the beginning and my progress was lost! But really enjoying it this time, Add me for support :)
  • steveyinasia
    steveyinasia Posts: 121 Member
    Hi to you both,

    I had a partial start on this last year and was a disheartening failure.....mostly to myself. Here I am almost a year later and starting again, very slowly. getting the food right one part of the challenge, the second(and I am using this as an excuse) is that I travel about 80% of my year. I am 53 and used to be such a gym rat, now mostly rat(at least in body shape) and I want to be able to get back into my favourite shirts.

    Any motivational influence that anyone can send my way, I am great appreciative.

  • mamanewland
    mamanewland Posts: 281 Member
    Welcome! You can do this! Add me as a friend if you'd like.
  • iciclek1139
    iciclek1139 Posts: 6 Member
    Hi all - wow thanks for the replies! Looking forward to getting to know you all and going on this journey...again!