anyone not put on weight whilst pregnant



  • blessed_mom
    blessed_mom Posts: 21 Member
    I did not gain weight while i was pregnant with my 3rd child. I was already some over weight and she suggested to me a high protein diet and she suggested alot of apples and cheese. The baby needs lots of nutrients from you so protein would be the best way to go i think. I would eat a lot superfoods too, just google super foods...they are the lower calories food with the best nutrients.
    if you start gaining weight then i wouldnt worry to much about it , you can always lose it when the baby gets here you will be running around like crazy trust me!!
    Bottom line, i would just ask my doctor about what weight she wants you to gain during pregnancy. Its great to get everyone opnion on here but again its the internet and you cant take for granted what anything says on here. I wouldn't fall through with a direct idea until i found out for sure with your doctor. I hope you have a great pregnancy and many blessings :)
  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    I wish I could say I didn't gain weight with my last pregnancy, but I did. The weight gain didn't start until around 20wks for me. I'm 5'4.5" and was around 170lbs when I got pregnant (after losing close to 90lbs). The day before I was induced, I was 212lbs at 41wks. That said, 2 weeks later I was fluctuating between 191-194lbs and I stayed in this range for about 4wks. It's been a little over 2 months now and I weighed 187lbs this morning. I didn't start counting calories until 6wks postpartum. I was also not able to do much till around 6wks PP. I had a csection and my incision started coming open around 3wks PP.

    You will have to discuss with your Ob what they want to see weight wise.
  • Faye_Anderson
    Faye_Anderson Posts: 1,495 Member
    Started my last pregnancy at 180lbs ended at 215 (the morning before AND the morning AFTER I gave birth :explode: ) Dropped 25lbs by my first weigh in a couple of weeks later. As long as you are eating at MAINTENANCE plus whatever extra calories you need for the trimester you're in it you shouldn't gain drastic amounts of weight. At the end I was eating 2600 calories a day (with a few 3000 calorie days thrown in which explains the 15lb fat gain). Also I didn't exercise whilst I was pregnant as I had other complications
  • bluestarlight19
    bluestarlight19 Posts: 419 Member
    I lost weight from bad morning sickness til 20 weeks.I started at 225 for both, lost down to 200. Then I slowly gained up to pre-preg weight with #1 and slightly over with #2. I still had bad food aversions with the rest of the time during my pregnancies. After birth I was below pre preg weight, around 200lbs, and didn't gain any back both times til I finished breastfeeding (it came back FAST after stopping). I did gain a lot back after my second though, because I was on bedrest (incompetent cervix) for most of the pregnancy and lost a lot of muscle mass/strength. I am still working on getting some of it back and she is 21 months old now (have a sore hips/back issue, never had problems before).
    I would ask your doctor, but if your having a low risk pregnancy and eat while, you would probably just gain the minimum anyways. Mine told me that any exercise you were doing before pregnancy is fine to keep up with, but not to start a new strenuous routine. Some exercises do need modification, like limited time laying on your back and no direct ab work.
    Don't forget, its not just the weight of the baby, but also amniotic fluid, placenta, your own blood volume increases significantly, the uterus itself gains some weight, you retain more water etc.
  • mamaoftwins9197
    mamaoftwins9197 Posts: 142 Member
    How do women NOT gain weight during a pregnancy?? I didn't even know that was possible? I mean there's a baby in there?? Doesn't that alone make a woman gain weight? Not fat, but WEIGHT? Someone please inform me because I am clueless.

    Maybe they lose FAT but gain weight from baby? and it evens out? Like seriously someone enlighten me. I didn't know that was possible. I don't have children/never given birth so I really don't know how it works.
    If you're losing weight for whatever reason (eating healthier, exercise, morning sickness), sometimes it ends up being more than the baby weighs. It's hard to explain, but I only gained 6 pounds with my twins and they weighed almost 13 pounds together. And I lost 18 pounds with my little one and she weighed over 9 pounds.
  • enterdanger
    enterdanger Posts: 2,447 Member
    I lost in the beginning due to morning sickness, but gained with each baby. I was around 195 with my first and went up to 220 and started at 210 with my second and ended up at 225. Both times I asked my doctor what was safe since I was already overweight. Now, my doc is real old school but he said every pregnant woman should gain some weight. That being said, since I was already overweight he didn't want me to gain more than 20lbs. Both my kids were sections (although I tried vbac with my second and when I was a week past my due date they told me I had to have another section because my baby was probably 10-11lbs.) He was 9lbs 10oz/

    If I have another baby, I think I would go to a nutritionist and have them tell me how many calories I should be eating. I've been yo-yo dieting for so long, I'm not even sure I know what is normal while not pregnant.
  • KellyR72
    KellyR72 Posts: 51 Member
    I have had 3 pregnancies and 4 kids - 1st baby gained 65 pounds (ugh!), 2nd & 3rd babies (twins) I gained 40 pounds, 4th baby I gained 20 pounds. Second and third pregnancy, I left the hospital weighing less than my pre-pregnancy weight. I tried to stay active and made good food choices for both my body and my babies. Personally that's where I think the focus should be when you are pregnant.
  • deebaby1008
    deebaby1008 Posts: 11 Member
    I also did not gain weight while pregnant with my second child. I weighed 242 lbs prior to getting pregnant and weighed 243 lbs at delivery. Two weeks after delivery I weighed 206 lbs. It was as if my baby pulled the fat stores from me (I was extremely thankful at the time). She weighed 8lbs 2oz at birth. I really can't explain why or how it happened as I don't recall watching what I ate nor did I restrict what I ate. That was 10 years ago and I gained all of that weight back plus an extra 30 lbs. But I'm finally on track to losing it all.

    Did you breastfeed? That helped me lose some weight.

    I did breast feed but only for 3 months. My breast milk did not agree with my little one. I was very disappointed to say the least.
  • sassyjae21
    sassyjae21 Posts: 1,217 Member
    How do women NOT gain weight during a pregnancy?? I didn't even know that was possible? I mean there's a baby in there?? Doesn't that alone make a woman gain weight? Not fat, but WEIGHT? Someone please inform me because I am clueless.

    Maybe they lose FAT but gain weight from baby? and it evens out? Like seriously someone enlighten me. I didn't know that was possible. I don't have children/never given birth so I really don't know how it works.
    If you're losing weight for whatever reason (eating healthier, exercise, morning sickness), sometimes it ends up being more than the baby weighs. It's hard to explain, but I only gained 6 pounds with my twins and they weighed almost 13 pounds together. And I lost 18 pounds with my little one and she weighed over 9 pounds.

    gotcha. Thanks!
  • knitknitknit
    knitknitknit Posts: 17 Member
    "Baby weight" is only about 10 pounds of stuff plus the weight of your baby. If you are eating healthier, have terrible morning sickness or no appetite, you only need to lose 15-25 pounds to have gained nothing.
  • jeannelabanane
    jeannelabanane Posts: 38 Member
    When I was pregnant, I was 200 lbs. I gained 15 pounds during the pregnancy. When I gave birth, not quite a week later, I was down about 20 lbs - so less than I was pre-pregnancy.
  • dlkingsbury
    dlkingsbury Posts: 90 Member
    i know someone who gained 6lbs through her entire pregnancy
  • feedmedonuts
    feedmedonuts Posts: 241 Member
    I was 150lbs pre-pregnancy at 5'5"...a bit bigger than I was used to being. I am now half way into 20 weeks and weight 148lbs. I did have severe morning sickness up until about 15 weeks though with lots of vomiting and still have persistent nausea now (at least no more vomiting) :sick: . IDK I'm surprised I haven't gained anything yet as I've been eating more and working out all my workouts are anymore is walking. I did notice I LOOK like I've gained weight though. My muscles are turning into flab :indifferent: My doctor didn't seem at all concerned with my lack of weight gain at my 16 week appointment, I have an appointment on the 6th and am interested what she'll recommend then. I have plenty of friends who hardly gained anything and came out with perfectly healthy babies so I'm not concerned until my OB is!
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    With my first child I put on 62lbs (I know :o) but within a week or so of his birth weighing 8lbs I lost 35lbs...over the next few months I dropped weight constantly without trying until I held on to 14lbs of baby weight

    With my second child I put on 23lbs she weighed 7lb 2oz I lost about 7lbs and I lost no more weight

    So with each of my children I gained about a stone (14lbs each) *sighs dramatically*

    I am now about 20lbs down calories in, calories out ... And have about 40lbs more to go ...I will get there though
  • marieamethyst
    marieamethyst Posts: 869 Member
    I was overweight when I got pregnant, and only gained 14 lbs by eating maintenance calories until the third trimester, when she started putting on real weight (which is when I gained the weight as well). I had a check-up a week after delivery, and was back to pre-pregnancy weight. So definitely possible! Just discuss it with your medical provider and see if they have any advice for you. They can go over what exercises you can do as well. :smile: