Need friends i'm 5'5" CW:181 GW:120 UGW:115



  • tuckeychicken
    tuckeychicken Posts: 167 Member
    Hi my top weight in life was 199lbs and by the time I got here I was 166 I lost a few put some back on when I went on vacation, but I have taken most of that back off since then. Now c.w. is 162.8. I am 5'1" and my goal weight is around 120-125. I have been on a fast metabolism diet and I really hope it works. However I will motivate, support and try to be an all around good friend. I won't give up on anyone. If I see yo are not active and not logging I will try to remind you in a friendly wa , hay you can do this don't give up. I really do care about all of us making our goal, whether you are a friend of mine or not.

    I want us to change the world. I know we can on day at a time. You never know what your example can lead to in another persons life. Just think how you making a good change could be that extra push someone else needs and it's like a chain reaction and before you know it a small change has become a huge and amazing one. It's like a smile or a kind word those may seem small, but to someone who needs it, that was worth more than money can buy right.

    So lets do this. Lets get healthy, get more eneregy, motivate each other, and change what we don't want to put up with anymore. Oh and don't forget let's go shopping for smaller cuter clothes too, because we should be able to look good, while changing even just a small part of the world.:drinker:
  • tuckeychicken
    tuckeychicken Posts: 167 Member
    Hopefully I can serve as a bit of inspiration ;) I'm 5'7 and started at 176 in January. I'm now down to 119. So while my stats don't match EXACTLY, they're fairly close to your goals. Wanted to let you know it is possible with hard work!! Don't let others deter you or tell you your goals aren't achievable!! :) You go girl!
    Well said and congrats on making reaching your goal.:flowerforyou:
  • Keevy333
    Keevy333 Posts: 32 Member
    Hello! I am adding you. I am also 5'5" and my CW is hovering near 170. My SW was 220 and my current GW is 150. I also have a daughter who is a 21 months old. I love new supportive and motivational friends. Anyone else, please feel free to add me.
  • sc0628
    sc0628 Posts: 1 Member
    I have been on MFP for a while, but I just started actively using it. Trying to lose those last few pounds before getting pregnant again. Don't ask! Anyway, I could use some friends since I have not pursed finding any since I have joined. I need like minded folks that that are wanting to lose weight and get fit. Just saying. If you see a friend request from me with no message, don't be alarmed. I'm not a psycho. Well, at least not this week. Hahaha...
