Help: Can't enough cal without going over in fat

I know I should eat more calories to make up for my exercise (about 400-600/day) but I can't seem to find enough to eat without blowing past my fat intake for the day. I generally get 1200-1400 per day (sometimes if I have a big meal on the weekend I can get up to 1600). MFP set me at 1200 to lose weight, but I need at least 1300 for my minimum according to calculations. I try and eat non-processed food and have tried nuts and avocado (fat goes too high). I get bored with chicken breast, but I do eat that and turkey breast as snacks and with meals. I am avoiding gluten (just because I don't like how it makes me feel after), but get a decent amount of carbs from veggies and fruit. Anyone else have any ideas to increase calories without blowing past fat goals or should I just not worry too much? I am confused. Also I need to make sure I get at least 100g of protein since I am doing weight lifting.


  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    I would not worry about the fat. I have found that focusing on overall calories and protein works well. Everything else kind of falls in place.
  • WalkingAlong
    WalkingAlong Posts: 4,926 Member
    Is there a reason you're limiting your fat intake?
  • WBB55
    WBB55 Posts: 4,131 Member
    If the fat is mainly unsaturated (like 2/3 from unsaturated sources) then I wouldn't worry at all, if you're getting enough protein and have enough energy for your workout.
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    Personally, I treat fat and protein as minimums to reach instead of maximums to stay below. But, if you're trying to limit it for medical reasons, then you need to replace it with either carbs or protein. With your diary closed it's a bit tough to give food ideas, since we don't know what you're already eating.
  • jmy1975
    jmy1975 Posts: 56 Member
    I have made my diary public now so people can look and offer suggestions. I am limiting my fat based on the fat percentages that are provided by MFP. Thanks for the input though. I guess as long as I eat the "good fat" I can increase it. Hopefully increasing will help with the weight loss since it is coming off very slow (I have only been at it for about 5.5 weeks and only lost about 4 lbs). Generally I drop about 3 lbs in the first couple weeks then it drops to about 1 a week, but I haven't even had that and some weeks I am stalled completely or gain 1/2 lb.
  • WBB55
    WBB55 Posts: 4,131 Member
    In general, I think you're doing fine. However, just some things to watch, they might not apply, but it's just some things that stick out to me from your diary.

    -Confirm your foods, if you can, with the labels and manufacturer's website. There's some dressings and things in your diary that don't list any sugar, and it's just unlikely that entry is accurate.

    -If you're not already, make sure you're weighing your food, not just using a "half cup" volume measurement. Like, Parmesan cheese, for instance. Go by weight in grams, not measuring cups.

    -Your fiber goes up and down. Is everything moving ok? Making sure to get a couple servings of fresh fruit every day can help with this and add some calories without much fat. So double bonus.
  • martinel2099
    martinel2099 Posts: 899 Member
    Generally speaking, if you are following IIFYM (If it fits your macros) this is flexible dieting. Some people take their macros very seriously and want to hit them exactly everyday. This takes the flexibility out of flexible dieting.

    What I would do is make sure you at least hit your protein and fat goals daily and your body needs these to function properly. If you over do the fats or the proteins thats ok, just consume less carbs that day.
  • itsbasschick
    itsbasschick Posts: 1,584 Member
    with the workouts you're doing, you could use some more protein. not sure if you're deliberately going light on carbs, so with that in mind, a few suggerstions:

    fage 0% greek yogurt - high in protein, no fat, low in carbs. quick and easy to eat.

    a tasty chocolate protein drink (and some are VERY tasty) will add protein and calories, with no or little fat or carbs (although seems like you have room for some complex carbs.

    sugar free pudding made with non-fat milk

    non-fat cottage cheese

    hard boiled eggs (i just eat the whites) or whip up some egg beaters

    definitely weigh rather than measure whenever possible. it's surprising with some foods what a difference that makes! also you don't have to eat all your exercise calories back unless you're actually hungry, so you're probably fine with your calories unless you feel weak, hungry or light headed.
  • jmy1975
    jmy1975 Posts: 56 Member
    Thank everyone. I will weigh the food and double check the labels. I think I have the calories right but it doesn't hurt to check. I guess I will keep up with what I have been doing.
  • shands1
    shands1 Posts: 9 Member
    potatoes/ rice
    rice pasta is gluten free
    lean meats
    greek yogurt with honey and fruit
    vegetables and fruit
  • hmroebuck
    hmroebuck Posts: 64 Member
    My nutritionist said to get in the protein and not worry about the fat (assuming it's healthy fat).