weight-loss tips pleasee! :( anything!

kiannlouise Posts: 310 Member
edited September 23 in Health and Weight Loss
Hi Everyone,

I... just like everyone else here am trying to lose weight & as fast as possible- i feel uncomfortable in my own body and hate it! I do regular weight training with a PT twice weekly, but obviously it's the cardio that burns all the fat...right?? This morning I did a weigh in with my trainer but it had three more kilos on it then what my scales at home has and I guess this is the reason im writing this! I've only lost a few since I've been on here, but want to lose 15-20kgs by April/May and need some help!.... so if you know of any gym classes, food, drinks...exercises anything that will help me please let me know :) desperate haha

thanks guys xx


  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    One thing to consider: a lot of scales will read different things. So if you're weighing at the gym, use that as your "correct" weight and don't weigh at home. Or if you'd rather weigh at home, do that, and ignore what it says at the gym. You'll get inaccurate readings of your losses if you try to work with different scales.

    That said, all I can offer are the basics: count your calories, exercise, drink lots of water, and make sure you're getting plenty of sleep at night. You can do this!
  • I agree with the first poster...

    Make sure you're watching your calories and stay within the amount for you. And water, water, water.
    I have a lot of belly fat from having twins and cardio has helped me lose 3 inches on my stomach since early December. But don't go too much into cardio because strength training will help you build muscle which in turns helps you burn more fat.

    It's a tough process, but stick with eating right and working out and it will happen.
  • lynzt16
    lynzt16 Posts: 48
    Use one scale and ONE SCALE ONLY! I used to weigh myself at the gym and at home and it became very discouraging. Now i ONLY use my home scale.
  • Don't let 'desparation' get the better of you. That can often make for an unhealthy mentality and unhealthy behaviours when it comes to weight loss. Try to take it a day at a time. Eat as much 'fresh', 'real' food as you can. Real, wholesome food is much more satsifying and therefore, you will eat less of it.

    And walk. Walking, seriously, is one of the best things you can do. It's the foundation of exercise and it's so good for you!

    Good luck! :)
  • CoryIda
    CoryIda Posts: 7,870 Member
    Eat healthy, nutritious foods, drink lots of water, exercise regularly. No magic formula, just hard work and dedication.
  • kiannlouise
    kiannlouise Posts: 310 Member
    Yeah thanks guys!
    Ajweekley & Lynzt16- I definately am only going to use the gym scales now, that way I cant be disappointed and can be happy when my trainer sees it too :)
    hotmomma86- you have twins!!! yayy thats so cool. I wont stop my weight training with my PT, but she has told me I need to do alot of cardio otherwise we'll have to stop because ill be a stocky little muscle man haha- so I just need to pretty much pull my finger out and hit the gym!

    I actually think its the eating that might be the worst.... what do you eat when you want to lose weight? Im eating almost the same just in smaller amounts and I'm almost always under my calorie goal?

    thanks heaps for replying everyone x
  • kiannlouise
    kiannlouise Posts: 310 Member
    Okay real foods, water and walking..... I'll keep that in mind!
    Ohhh dont worry I am dedicated haha
  • It really does come down to calories in vs. calories out. Really, you could eat your net amount of calories in garbage and probably lose weight... but you will find that eating 'real' food will make you feel better.

    Personally, I subscribe to a Paleo/Primal way of life/eating and I have never felt better.

    You will get there!! :)
  • sarah44254
    sarah44254 Posts: 3,078 Member
    I hope you can get out of the mindset that you need to lose weight in a hurry. You will lose weight, but even if it doesn't go quickly, it will stay off forever as long as you continue to take care of yourself like all these suggestions are offering.

    I like the idea of fresh foods. Any chance you get, choose fresh over packaged. Eat your recommended amount of veggies every day. The prettier the colors the better they are for you (generally).

    If you really must go with a packaged or prepared food, choose an item that you know the ingredients to. If there are weird chemical names like sodium hydroxophanuloopy oil, try to stay away from that.

    It's not the fact that you are eating less, but that you are eating BETTER that will help you lose the weight. Exercise is very important but I always see results with better food choices faster than I do exercise.

    Keep your head up and keep asking questions about anything you need help with! This site and all of us are here for you. :)

    PS Drink as much water as you can :)
  • hummzz
    hummzz Posts: 385 Member
    I do Kathy Smith's Power Step Workout. It burns 36% more calories than the regular step workout. Its amazing. Hard, but amazing. If you've already been working out you should be able to do it. Me...I'm way fat and can only do 22 minutes of it so far. good luck!
  • loupammac
    loupammac Posts: 194 Member
    Apart from working out, try upping the little exercises we do each day like parking the car further away when at the shops, go for a walk in the morning, hire out a fitness dvd from the video store or watch You Tube videos. Those little things add up too. Maybe you could change one of those PT sessions to a cardio one to mix it up a little? I'm a huge fan of group classes because I find it hard to push myself when I'm on my own. I love Zumba and Aqua Aerobics. My gym also offers other great classes like Boxercise, Cardio Class and Body Attack that get the heart rate up. Maybe give a Spin class a go? Maybe your PT could draft up a cardio program to help you see the results you want?

    Just don't over do it :)
  • Hi, I have a very easy way of losing weight. i have a Slimpod, which is by Thinking Slimmer. It is an inexpensive hypnotic voice recording from Harley Street. Google it. You will def lose weight this way. no conscious dieting effort needed! Amazing stuff! good luck
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