
Hi everybody.

I'm kinda new to actually using myfitnesspal and I was wondering if there are any 40+ girls out there who are struggling like me. I'm so frustrated and insecure and down on myself, I thought maybe talking to people in my same dilemma could help. You know, encouraging and just knowing that we're in this weight loss thing together would be great.



  • Hi! I am 40+, and am insecure, frustrated, etc... Losing weight after 40 seems so much harder than when I was younger for many reasons. What use to work to lose weight, doesn't work anymore. I feel like even eating vegetables makes me gain wait. :smile: Perimenopause is kicking my butt so that makes it harder too, physically and emotionally. With everything going on in my life: raising kids, emotions of kids moving on to college and adult life, working full-time, aging parents, etc... it's all a recipe for making me to tired and exhausted to plan and fix healthy meals and workout. It's a struggle. I'm back here again for the umpteenth time, and I'm hoping this time it sticks.
  • Rochester_mom
    Rochester_mom Posts: 100 Member
    I hear you - losing weight after 40 is a struggle! Just sent a friend request :)
  • sloane70
    sloane70 Posts: 45 Member
    Ditto on the age thing. I've been fortunate that my 34 lb loss has happened, but it's been slower than it feels like it should have been, and I've been combining serious food logging with lots of exercise to get some great results. Happy to have you as a friend; feel free to request if you'd like.
  • knittnponder
    knittnponder Posts: 1,953 Member
    I'm 43 and actually feeling better about myself these days than I ever did when I was in my 20's. I am losing soooooo slowly that it doesn't seem to be going anywhere BUT I am doing weightlifting and have found that I love it. LOVE IT! I feel strong and confident like I never have before and while it is hard and there are days I have to make myself go, I really enjoy how I feel from it. The bonus is, I weigh a little more than I did about 10 years ago but I am two sizes smaller so Yay for weightlifting!

    Just FYI, I am still at least 35 pounds overweight, have fibromyalgia and multiple food intolerances so I do know the struggle. Because of the pain and feeling like crap when I eat food that hates me, I decided to focus on feeling good and worry about weight loss later. It seems to be working because I've actually lost about 10 pounds over the last month. I haven't updated my ticker because like I said, I'm focusing on eating healthy, exercising and feeling good and the weight just seems to be happening on its own. I don't want to get obsessed with the stupid ticker and throw myself off my groove. ;)