Intro to ME!

I've been doing MFP on and off since 2013. This time around, it's been about a 1 week streak! Here is a little bit about me and my weight history!

I have always struggled with my weight, even as a child. I remember being in middle school and my mom wanting to help by refusing to buy size 13 jeans in the junior section. That left me squeezing into size 11 jeans! Ekk! My sophmore or junior year of high school, I started taking Metabolife (secretly). Once my family discovered my pill taking, they got angry and threw my pills away. I don't think the Metabolife made much difference in my weight, but it was me actively trying to lose weight. I then turned to Weight Watchers. I actually lost 20-30 pounds by diet and exercise and was around 147lb at 5'8. I went off to college....gained weight....went back to Weight Watchers ( I wanted a quick fix! I went to LA Weight Loss, drank their cleanse juice drink...ate their snack bars etc. I went Vegan for about 6 months...lots of green smoothies etc. Was treated with a medication for migraines which caused me to lose 20-30 lbs without any work, I just didn't have much of an appetite! When I stopped the medication, the weight came back plus some! So, from 16-29 I've been a yo-yo dieter.

At 29 years old, I am at my highest weight ever.
Starting weight 210 (July 1)
Height: 5'8
BMI 31.9 (Obese)

I'm a ICU nurse and just finished up graduate school to become a Family Nurse Practitioner. I've been very busy these last three years- working full time at the hospital and studying/doing clinical hours. I have made excuses for exercising by saying I have too much to do! Which is partly true! I've had a gym membership and have not used it much at all!

My biggest concern with being overweight is....what will my patients think when I'm telling them to lose weight/get healthy for their health, when I'm not exactly a picture of health myself. I know we all come in different sizes and shapes, but I feel I need to lead by example. Another concern of mine is my family history of Type II Diabetes, Hypertension and Hyperlipidemia. While my health (labs, BP) are in a good range now, that will change if I don't act now!

I have started seeing a physician for weight loss. I have mixed feelings about taking a appetite suppressant, as I've heard the weight comes right back. But, for now, I needed to see results. I am more motivated to lose weight and get healthy now that I'm seeing results!

I'm turning 30 in October! For once in my life, I want to be able to reach in the closet, put something on and feel good in it! I'd love to not have to worry about what my "gut" looks like in pictures!

I am blessed to have a supportive family and also friends!

My goals-
Run 5K in October
Adopt a more active lifestyle
September 1- 190lb
October 1- 185
November 1- 180
December 1- 175



  • jessi331
    I am a nurse on a busy floor and applying to FNP school! Way to go for doing it all! You give me hope that I can finish.

    I am working on taking of 20lbs of extra weight I've put on since about February. I am finding that people are very negative toward anyone trying to lose weight. For example, I recently attended a party where BBQ was served. I didn't eat very much, but still afterward people would say, "Well, what do you expect when you eat BBQ?" The whole previous week of eating right...and I gained weight from the one bad meal. It's very discouraging.

    Cheers to you, and good luck!
  • jancie84
    jancie84 Posts: 83 Member
    I don't think one meal is going to make a difference.....

    peoples comments can be some rude sometimes!