Post Surgery?

I just recently had surgery on my foot and am on bed rest for another two weeks. After that, I'll be on crutches for another six, and won't be cleared for running or any exercise like that for three months. I have no idea how to lose weight when I'm only allowed to lay here with a foot I can hardly move! Any advice?


  • wannakimmy
    wannakimmy Posts: 488 Member
    Eat at a deficit... being able to move(exercise) is not necessary.
  • 126siany
    126siany Posts: 1,386 Member
    It's bad form to spam the boards re-posting in multiple topics.

    Why aren't you more concerned with healing properly? Your priority right now is recovery from surgery, not trying to drop more weight and prolonging your recovery.
  • _revO
    _revO Posts: 10 Member
    Why eat at a deficit? I don't think that that helps the healing process.. Eat minimum maintnance calories and eat healthy to fasten up the healing process. Atleast that would make sense to me - I'm not a doctor.
    And don't worry if you gain a bit of weight, you'll get back stronger and you'll lose it all.

    Always trust your doctor and think positive. (Just some tipps)