SO downloaded needs a kick in the butt.

So for a while now I've been trying to get my fiance to work out with me and now that he's seen how hard I work and my progress, he's thinking about changing his lifestyle. He downloaded MFP today and logged his breakfast and the 2 beers he's has so far. He looked at me and was upset with the amount of calories he had left and realized he ate more than what he thought he did. For lunch he had left over Chinese and when I asked if he logged it he told me that if he had to log everything, he's giving up. He then said the Chinese put him over and he'll start over tomorrow. He's gotten this far and I don't want him to give up. He wants to lose 50lbs and I want to help him through this. How do I motivate him to not stop what he literally just started?


  • polyglot1994
    polyglot1994 Posts: 11 Member
    You can't. My boyfriend is really overweight as well, but the only person I can look out for in that department is myself. After all, we're both adults.
  • candythorns
    candythorns Posts: 246 Member
    just be his cheerleader, you can't make him motivated but don't let him beat himself up when he is down

    I like to think of this like addiction....and if you relapse, that is ok, cause you just had a ton of great healthy days behind you and more ahead of you. It is always about getting back on that horse so good for you two for doing this!!!
  • elfram2
    elfram2 Posts: 26 Member
    do the logging for him. wait until he starts talking about the lack of results and then show him the mfp log. and hope the light bulb flashes on at that point.