


  • SugarDiva
    SugarDiva Posts: 403 Member
    I know this may sound a little weird since I just said that I downloaded it, but do agree with you. I do completely understand what you're saying. Believe me. If I still had my other pay check, I wouldn't think twice about dropping the money for the set. But I had no warning my lay off was coming, and I had no warning that I probably wouldn't be going back to that job. Now, I've taken a DRASTIC pay cut and sometimes wonder if I can afford to put gas in the car to get to work. So when I say I wouldn't drop the money on it, really I mean, I can't afford to drop the money on it. I kinda figured someone out there would be a little upset that I did that. But I know I'm not the only one who downloads.
  • Stooooo
    Stooooo Posts: 1,191 Member
    I know this may sound a little weird since I just said that I downloaded it, but do agree with you. I do completely understand what you're saying. Believe me. If I still had my other pay check, I wouldn't think twice about dropping the money for the set. But I had no warning my lay off was coming, and I had no warning that I probably wouldn't be going back to that job. Now, I've taken a DRASTIC pay cut and sometimes wonder if I can afford to put gas in the car to get to work. So when I say I wouldn't drop the money on it, really I mean, I can't afford to drop the money on it. I kinda figured someone out there would be a little upset that I did that. But I know I'm not the only one who downloads.

    Fair enough, and like I said good for you on getting off the couch and pushing play. Most people would just say I downloaded it so deal with. I just hate when people download or buy it off of ebay and then complain when they don't get the results. I have had people actually call me and complain, because they found my number and saw that I was a coach. I respect you for being honest. I hope your job prospects turn around in the future.
  • SugarDiva
    SugarDiva Posts: 403 Member
    Believe me when I tell you I'm not quitting. I swear I'm not.. I've fat for FAR too long and I'm not stopping til I can finally wear a two piece on the beach. I'm sorry that my downloading upset you. I really am. I'm not just saying it to keep you off my case. I guess I either should have kept my mouth shut that I downloaded it, or I should have explained my case why I did. I looked at in the store and I wanted it, I really did. But for me to buy it, I would have had to give up my internet for the month (and that includes my phone). And since finding MFP, I CAN'T give up the net. This site has become my lifeline. It's pulled me out of soo many downward slopes and my new friends have pushed me farther than I ever thought I could go.
  • jane77
    jane77 Posts: 489
    yoga for the first time today wowowowwo cant type it enough! didnt burn that many calories but i didnt hold to postions very long either. this is one tough workout. i have the feeling i wont feel strong untill i can do this well and be sweating with the kids..... do your best and forget the restl
  • tgh1914
    tgh1914 Posts: 1,036 Member
    Good for you on starting P90X. Question for you though, what do you do for a living?

    Well, really I'm a cook/baker.. but I got laid off so now I'm a cashier. My boyfriend's a mechanic. And you?

    Well I own a few businesses. You said you wouldn't pay $140 for a set of DVD's. Which if you want to be technical P90X is so much more then just a set of work out DVD's. Anyway how would you feel if someone asked you to bake them a cake, or your boyfriend to fix their car and then not pay you for it? Just curious?

    Don't get me wrong, I am very happy that you and your boyfriend got off the couch and are pressing play. Just don't like it when people steal something. Also, I feel that you get out what you put into it, so if you didn't invest any money into, it is much easier for you to quit.

    I've gotta confess (kind of) something. When I first started P90X I had "borrowed" it from a friend whom I knew had downloaded it - even downloaded the nutrition guides & stuff. I was quite skeptical of the program. So what I told myself was that if this works out, after giving it an honest try, I'll buy it.

    Well about 3 months later, after a lot of hard work and learning how to eat somewhat according to the nutrition guide, I was impressed with the results and wanted to continue. So I paid for it. Now I have a copy on my laptop and the DVDs.

    Meanwhile my friend, & others who I know have downloaded it quit it after 1 or 2 weeks. They've since gained weight.
  • debbyrae3
    debbyrae3 Posts: 200 Member
    Hey guys and gals,
    I'm new to the site. Wondering if someone could help me out. I bought p90x off one of my friends because i'm going to start working out, but nothing else came with the p90x dvds. Is there a website where I could download a workout routine.? Thanks in Advance.

    I have schedules and everything along with all the paperwork type stuff. If you need, you can message me your e-mail address and I'll email you copies.
  • summercoming
    summercoming Posts: 1 Member
    How do you all enter P90X in the exercise portion of this site, in terms of figuring out calories burned, etc.? Same question for Insanity workouts.
  • jane77
    jane77 Posts: 489
    i always wear my heart Rate monitor so i just enter in as cardio easy that way
  • missiklee
    missiklee Posts: 9 Member
    Hey everyone just wanted to check in here and let you know I have lost 4 lbs in the first 10 days! Woo Hoo! I'm so loving it!
  • jane77
    jane77 Posts: 489
    great job on weight:happy: :happy: i dont think ive lost anything but i think my love handles may be smaller
    do kenpo today ready for next week now that i know whats coming im sure i can work harder bring it ilove this stuff
  • SaraWo24
    SaraWo24 Posts: 192 Member
    Hey guys! Is anyone still here? :-p

    I didn't post the last few days and I appologize. I WILL do better at that! :) Yesterday was Day 16 for me...Plyo X! I seriously love to hate that workout hahaha.

    I launched my website a few days ago called www.passion-for-health.com, and started a blog. My goal for a little while is to show a person at home doing some of the P90X workouts...I first tried recording it on Monday and my camera wouldn't go past 3 seconds! I figured out that it was the memory card so I went and bought a better one to use for yesterday's workout, and guess what?? It froze! So no recorded workouts/blog posts for Monday and Tuesday. I'm trying again today, and I'm going to get it!!!

    How is everyone else's workouts going?? :)
  • I just started P90x with my fiance and roommate Monday. I'm excited for today. Plyo kicked my buttttttt last night. I do love it though! I haven't hopped on the scale yet I plan to do it Friday. Boy are my legs sore. It's really easy for me to say motivated, especially with my guy working out with me.

    I'm kinda trying to stick to my new eating plan. I have all the info on the diet but I want a diet I can stick with not something I do for 90 days. I dunno. Hope that doesn't negatively effect my results too much.
  • Stooooo
    Stooooo Posts: 1,191 Member
    I'm kinda trying to stick to my new eating plan. I have all the info on the diet but I want a diet I can stick with not something I do for 90 days. I dunno. Hope that doesn't negatively effect my results too much.

    Unfortunately this is a common misconception. Just because it has you eating a certain way (which by the last 30 days you are actually in a maintenence anyway) for 90 days doesn't mean you can't adapt it once you are done. It is more of a guide on how to eat. I tell people all the time P90X isn't just a work out program it is a lifestyle.
  • WindmillSong
    WindmillSong Posts: 81 Member
    I dug my P90X out from the drawer, and am getting ready to put in core synergistics. My husband and I tried it last year at this time, and ended up stopping-I struggled with the fact that I was modifying (my feeling of failure, I guess) and he was doing it to get more fit/toned-he has no weight problems. My plan was to lose some weight first, and get back to it. I've been going on the treadmill for awhile, and my stamina is built up just a little bit, but I want to try and mix it up-so I don't know if I'll do P90X every day, or try to do a mix of it, with the treadmill for "easier" days. We'll see how it goes :)
  • jane77
    jane77 Posts: 489
    I really don't know if p90x is the place to start if you don't already lift. Tony really doesn't explain form if you can't get more basic lifting DVDs start with really light 3to8 lbd weight and watch your form. Good luck. Windmillsong
  • Stooooo
    Stooooo Posts: 1,191 Member
    Pushed play with Shoulders and Arms today!
  • I'm new to this site and planning on starting my px90 next week. I bought it last year and gave up right away. I'm finally ready to fit back in my bathing suit so I'm making another attempt. Does anyone know if I can download the nutrition guide and work sheets anywhere?? I'm pretty sure when we moved a few weeks ago they got tossed. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  • SaraWo24
    SaraWo24 Posts: 192 Member
    I'm new to this site and planning on starting my px90 next week. I bought it last year and gave up right away. I'm finally ready to fit back in my bathing suit so I'm making another attempt. Does anyone know if I can download the nutrition guide and work sheets anywhere?? I'm pretty sure when we moved a few weeks ago they got tossed. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    Good morning!

    Congrats on taking the first step on deciding to start P90X!!!! You're going to love it! :) As for the downloads of the workout sheets and nutrition guide, you can actually find both on the TeamBeachbody website. The only difference is that the workout sheets are free for you to download and are accessible to anyone who signs up as a free TBB member, but the nutrition plan is only available to Team Beachbody Club members (it's a paid membership). The neat thing is that Club members have access to TBB's newly revamped Meal Planner (it allows you to incorporate nutritional items like Shakeology, and workouts like P90X), and other exclusive items like private chats with the celebrity trainers.

    If you want to get the workout sheets, just log on to teambeachbody.com, and there should be a link right on the homepage on the left.

    If you want to learn more about being a Team Beachbody Club member and getting the P90X nutrition plan then send me a message! I'd be more than happy to talk to you more about it! :)

    Best of luck on your P90X journey!!! :)
  • SaraWo24
    SaraWo24 Posts: 192 Member
    Pushed play with Shoulders and Arms today!

    OH man, I did that yesterday too and my arms are JELL-O!!!!!! One of the reasons I love this program. ;)
  • SaraWo24
    SaraWo24 Posts: 192 Member
    I dug my P90X out from the drawer, and am getting ready to put in core synergistics. My husband and I tried it last year at this time, and ended up stopping-I struggled with the fact that I was modifying (my feeling of failure, I guess) and he was doing it to get more fit/toned-he has no weight problems. My plan was to lose some weight first, and get back to it. I've been going on the treadmill for awhile, and my stamina is built up just a little bit, but I want to try and mix it up-so I don't know if I'll do P90X every day, or try to do a mix of it, with the treadmill for "easier" days. We'll see how it goes :)

    Congrats on taking that step to try it again!!!! You're just that much closer to being a healthier and fitter you! :) Let us know how your workouts went!
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