Never again

...yeah that's what I said last time too :( my story is I'm 48 and been at my current weight twice before in the last 8 or so years - both times of which I took off ~24KG's. The first time I got rid of the weight through one mindedness and sweat and the second time I used the Dukin Diet, which worked...sorta but I couldn't maintain it and I think it caused a couple of issues.

So here I find myself again with all the extra weight back on. I find I just reach a point one day when I wake up and say enough is enough. So after giving myself a well deserved uppercut for letting myself go I decided to get stuck back into it and grab the bull by the horns to get back on track.

Seeing as how I'm a bit further up the track now I know it's going to be a bit more of a struggle and I currently have a gammy knee just to complicate things (hoping this sort's itself out when the weight starts to come off) - based on past experience the body is pretty good at bouncing back once you stop abusing it. Of course I realise I need to sort out what's going on in my head that has me 'yoyoing' like this - hmm, introspection, that sounds scary...

Be good to have a few friends on here to motivate and support each other when things start to get tough. If your of a similar mind then feel free to friend me. Nice to meet everyone 8)


  • schmoovey
    schmoovey Posts: 32 Member
    I hear 'ya!
    Once I hit 40 that metabolism really slowed down and it is taking twice as long to lose the weight. I wish I had continued to work out when I really got back into fitness about 8 years ago. Had I stuck with it I would not currently be trying to lose 15 pounds again!
    I'll add you as a friend. It's always good to have others to be accountable to.
    Good luck friend!