Meal plans for pescatarians that does not eat dairy?

Hey guys, so I am in a rut. I was recently put on an extremely restrictive diet due to an illness and I've been trying to stick to it for the most part, but I need some help.

I am not allowed to have Dairy(so no yogurt, milk, cheese etc), eggs (I can have egg whites), Meat (red and white), soy (really I am not supposed to eat beans but shhh. lols) and gluten(again I am not really following that.)

So what CAN I have. Fish, vegetables, fruits and grains. Probably some other stuff too that I am not thinking of. So basically I am on a vegan diet (but I am allowed to eat fish.)

And I am in a rut!! I want to stick to it, but I am losing ideas. It would reallly be helpful if someone could help me make some weekly meal plans?

Add me as a friend to see my food diary and you'll see. I needddd help! lols


  • thamm5
    thamm5 Posts: 11 Member
    nothing? anyone?
  • LAT1963
    LAT1963 Posts: 1,375 Member
    Get the cookbook "Easy Japanese Cuisine for Everyone".

    If you can't use soy sauce, use water and salt as an approximation.

    Other than soy, your food restrictions generally describe the Japanese traditional diet.

    add: try almond meal as a substitute in any recipe calling for 'breading'
  • LAT1963
    LAT1963 Posts: 1,375 Member
    Also try the YouTube series "cooking with dog" (the poodle supervises). A Japanese cooking show dubbed in English with a french accent.
  • shands1
    shands1 Posts: 9 Member
    rice pasta
    cous cous
    tofu- there are a bunch of other meatless soy products
    nuts/nut butters
  • That_Girl
    That_Girl Posts: 1,324 Member
    If the dietary restrictions are for health, I sincerely implore you to go gluten free. You will thank me. I have been gluten free for almost 3 years now and it changed my life. I cured all my ailments.

    I am also a pescatarian...but only eat fish about 3 times a week. The rest is vegetarian dishes either taken from Asian countries (India included, obviously).

    What specifically are you looking for?

    And you can eat beans, just not soy beans. Soy is in a lot (I avoid it too because of the estrogen properties it carries).
  • thamm5
    thamm5 Posts: 11 Member
    thank you! Well really I'm not supposed to have beans either (any legumes) but since I eat a lot of them I don't see that happening any time soon.

    I am supposed to be eating gluten free as well, but I have a hard time sticking to new diets and need to move in phases.

    The first phase I am currently in is getting rid of my meat, dairy and eggs. which to me is the hardest. Once I can stick to that then i'll move into gluten and bean free as well.

    I was thinking about following a Japanese diet, but what made me hesitate was the amount of soy sauce their dishes use. Thanks for the tip! I never thought of doing that!

    I'm looking for meal ideas in general, most days I don't know what to eat cause I'm use to grabbing a container of yogurt or having a chicken salad or something? I don't know I just know I am feeling very lost here. :sad:
  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    thank you! Well really I'm not supposed to have beans either (any legumes) but since I eat a lot of them I don't see that happening any time soon.

    I am supposed to be eating gluten free as well, but I have a hard time sticking to new diets and need to move in phases.

    The first phase I am currently in is getting rid of my meat, dairy and eggs. which to me is the hardest. Once I can stick to that then i'll move into gluten and bean free as well.

    I was thinking about following a Japanese diet, but what made me hesitate was the amount of soy sauce (soy sauce has gluten) their dishes use. Thanks for the tip! I never thought of doing that!

    I'm looking for meal ideas in general, most days I don't know what to eat cause I'm use to grabbing a container of yogurt or having a chicken salad or something? I don't know I just know I am feeling very lost here. :sad:

    Leave out the soy sauce. That will be fine. Add salt instead.

    My favorite web site in the whole world is

    Create an account there and try various searches for the foods you want

    Try one or two easy dishes each week. You will get the hang of cooking for yourself.

    For example how about salmon and green beans?
    Or how about Tilapia?

    Prep Time: 15 minutes

    Cook Time: 8 minutes

    Total Time: 23 minutes

    Yield: Serves 4


    4 tilapia fillets (about 1 pound)
    olive oil
    lemon or lime juice
  • LULU4178
    LULU4178 Posts: 69 Member
    Go online for vegan recipes. What about tofurky sausages and veggie burgers? There are also veggie chicken patties and veggie beef. What about a veggie pizza with vegan cheese? These things taste different than what you are used to eating but I gave up meat/dairy 4 years ago and never looked back.

    Breakfast: Egg white omelet and veggies, or english muffin and peanut butter and a banana, or oatmeal and blueberries and vegan yogurt

    Lunch: Veggie burger, salad, and roasted brussels sprouts or quinoa, broccoli, and some beans for protein
    Snack: nuts and an apple or orange (don't know if you can have nuts), hummus and veggies like carrots and cherry tomatoes

    Dinner: Roasted tofu stir fry
    Strawberries and cool whip (coolwhip is dairy free!)
  • thamm5
    thamm5 Posts: 11 Member
    I also cannot have peanuts. It's considered a legume (and my 3 year old is allergic to them as well so I keep them out of the house. :smile: ) and tofu is out too because it has soy and that's one of the problems I am running into. A lot of vegan recipes call for soy as well.

    I absolutely LOVE pinterest!! I have tried to find some dishes on there, but it's really hard to find ones that don't have peanuts, soy or tofu. sighhhhhhhhhhh.

    For example how about salmon and green beans?
    Or how about Tilapia?

    Prep Time: 15 minutes

    Cook Time: 8 minutes

    Total Time: 23 minutes

    Yield: Serves 4


    4 tilapia fillets (about 1 pound)
    olive oil
    lemon or lime juice

    That is my go to recipe! it definitely is a keeper, but I need a couple more so then I have a little variation.