Trying to have a healthier attitude...

Options well as a healthier lifestyle. :smile: Starting in 2011, I began losing weight. I lost eighty-five pounds, and tried for thirty more. I lost that too, but succumbed to disordered thinking, eating, and exercising patterns. My mother made this comment to me, "at what number are you ever going to love yourself?" I finally realized that all the exercise and calorie-counting in the world wasn't going to combat my pervasive body hatred. I took some time to reflect and get in a healthier mindset and, yes, I regained a little bit of weight. And you know what? It was totally worth it. Now I'm ready to lose the weight, sans the hate. I'm aiming for a seventy pound loss and that will put me right in the middle of the healthy weight range for my height. This time it's about taking care of myself, not running away from myself. I feel confident now that if I'm simply persistent in my efforts and patient with myself, I'll eventually get to where I want to be. I know everyone is different, but I'm personally going very slowly and introducing changes gently.

I think one of my biggest mistakes was not reaching out to the community sooner. I'm a little shy, but I figured it was finally time I introduced myself. :happy: So..hello, everyone! I know we can do it!

Well, work beckons. :smile: Have a great day, all!


  • CrazedCrow
    CrazedCrow Posts: 217 Member
    Hi inhobbited,

    Sounds like a sensible plan to me :wink: - you're right, everyone tackles things a bit differently and if going slow is the way to get across the line then I say go for it. One of the big dangers is going at it like a bull at a gate, burning yourself out, losing momentum and ultimately failing. So if this works for you then great. You can always change pace if and when you need to.

    Good luck with your efforts and I'm sure we'll be here to help and pick you up if things start to go sideways - add me if you like :smile:
  • thegreatcanook
    thegreatcanook Posts: 2,419 Member
    Sounds like you do have a healthy attitude!!! Feel free t add me!!
  • inhobbited
    Thanks a lot for the encouragement, both of you! I'd love to add you both! :smile: Sunday night's my weekly weigh-in, so here's hoping. :happy:
  • SunofaBeach14
    SunofaBeach14 Posts: 4,899 Member
    Kudos to your mom and you. She seems like a wise one. Good luck and keep it up!
  • scoobydooteresa
    scoobydooteresa Posts: 20 Member

    im glade you have reset your mind thinking. it's important not only to drop pounds but also love yourself. keep up the good work i think you will do fine and you can add me as a friend i would love to keep up with your journey and cheer you on. scoobydooteresa
  • mactaffy84
    mactaffy84 Posts: 398 Member
    Great attitude. Might I suggest to make Sunday mornings your weigh in? Pretty much lower in the morning than at night. I know that if you weigh at the same time every time, it really doesn't matter because you are looking at changes. But it is somehow more psychologically satisfying (to me, at least). Best of luck!
  • whovian67
    whovian67 Posts: 608 Member
    Mom sounds pretty smart...good luck to you.. you GOT this :)
  • inhobbited
    Wow! Thanks, everyone! :happy: I really appreciate all the kindness, support, and advice! I'm definitely going to add you, scoobydootere! Good point, mactaffy84, maybe I will weigh Sunday mornings instead. :smile:

    And..yeah, my mom's one smart cookie! :heart:

    edit: for typo. :)
  • AglaeaC
    AglaeaC Posts: 1,974 Member
    Hey, welcome! Saw this pop up in the news feed since Beach above commented. I'm so glad you got a reality check and have managed to break the bad pattern. Feel free to add me if you want support!
  • katieamy88
    Hi Inhobbited!

    You sound a lot like me- I have been on the site for a while and read the forums almost daily, but always been a bit nervous to post for some reason!

    I also have become a little bit obsessed with calorie counting and losing weight- I think it's so easy to turn from a habit to an addiction! You sound like you have a really sensible attitude now and a healthy mindset, so well done! :smile:

    Good luck with your goals this time!