Girls, do you deal with this too?

Whenever your period is on the way do you tend to eat more than usual? Like I stay away from chocolate and candy and pop and chips completely. If I want something sweet I would grab a piece of fruit or fiber one bar. And I stick to lean healthy meats like chicken and fish and turkey (which I kind of only eat a little turkey on the time of the month).

Do you find different healthy options for your cravings? Or are you just like **** it and eat what you want?

I also workout and run six times a week and just don't want to get fat or anything.


  • carolinadaltton
    carolinadaltton Posts: 7 Member
    Actually I tend yo eat less than usual, Sometimes I feel sick or I have cramps so I'm just in my bed crying and asking God why why god I have to be a women.
  • ExpectantHope
    ExpectantHope Posts: 60 Member
    I always find it makes me hungrier. On the first day I usually just forget about logging and give myself the day off to eat whatever I feel like. But this is my personal preference and I've found that giving myself that day off doesn't affect my weight loss.
  • GeminiDelight
    GeminiDelight Posts: 45 Member
    i find that i get hungrier and have a harder time saying no to sweet and salty things.
  • CoachJen71
    CoachJen71 Posts: 1,200 Member
    Bad cravings and binges the week before, yeah. :-(
  • InnerInsanity
    InnerInsanity Posts: 13 Member
    I have a f*d period.. I get a 3-4 day period every 2-4 weeks. My cravings and cramps are unheard of and never regular. Sometimes I have cramps just non-stop for a month and sometimes I go through my period with only having cramps during the period itself. Same goes to my cravings, it's probably one of the reasons my weight fluctuates so badly... :/ I have an excess of hormones in my body (funny thing is that I tested my hormones not because of my period, but because people continuously tell me to CHECK my hormones because I'm asexual.. so they think I have too little hormones.. people don't seem to understand it has nothing to do with hormones at all >.>)
  • becomingittybittyme
    becomingittybittyme Posts: 23 Member
    I do get hungrier, I just try to distract myself before just giving into a craving. I try to paint my nails, play a game...anything to keep my mind busy. I also try to keep sweet stuff out of the house but if my craving just won't go away, I have a small amount of what I'm craving. I try to remember that it's all about moderation. (:
  • sarahsedai
    sarahsedai Posts: 273 Member
    i always know when my period is coming because a couple days before it starts, not only do i put on a couple pounds but i get stupid hungry... not necessarily for particular foods... i just could keep eating.. and eating. i still eat more than usual on those days since i started changing my eating habits... now i just grub out on healthier options and the occasional treat.
  • I always find it makes me hungrier. On the first day I usually just forget about logging and give myself the day off to eat whatever I feel like. But this is my personal preference and I've found that giving myself that day off doesn't affect my weight loss.

    I am the exact same way as you! Like, when I feel my period cravings come I consider a one day to let myself enjoy the foods my period crazes. And since I adapted a steady, active, and healthy lifestyle I only crave healthy options. And, shockingly with that one day of no log-in, after my period I ended u losing like, three or four pounds.
  • FindingAmy77
    FindingAmy77 Posts: 1,268 Member
    Found this article hope it helps I was wondering why I've been so hungry

    Cravings, bloating and then the hunger – the best diets are often laid asunder by your period. For many women, the symptoms leading up to and during the week of your period are outrageous, and one of these is the hunger that seems to ratchet up from nowhere.

    The reason for this increase in hunger is simple. Your body uses more calories during the time right before and in some cases during your period. This increase in calories makes your body burn more calories during this time, and as the calories as burning you’re going to feel hungry more often.

    To compound this, the hormones at work in your body during this time are also likely making you crave particular food items. So suddenly, you’re starving, you already feel bloated from water weight and now you want to eat chocolate or chips. No wonder we all feel so miserable during this week!

    Why Do I Get So Hungry Before and During My Period

    Calories are units of energy. You can think of them like tiny gallons or liters of gas. Just like a car burns through gas, your body burns through calories. Every day, if you were to lie in bed and do nothing at all, you would burn a certain number of calories just being alive. This number is your Basal Metabolic Rate, or BMR.

    As you lay in your bed doing nothing at all, your body is burning up fuel, or calories, keeping your digestive system working, helping your heart beat and all of the other wonderful things that happen inside us that we don’t have to think about on a daily basis. Every thirty days or so, the systems in your body pick up another task.

    With the menstrual cycle, the week of your period makes your body do some extra work. This extra work burns more calories and your BMR actually goes up. In some women, the week of your period can make you burn up to fifteen percent more calories, and you haven’t changed a single thing about your lifestyle!

    I just plan in good food to eat and stay active. I eat often but plan it out. It passes after a few days.:flowerforyou:
  • Found this article hope it helps I was wondering why I've been so hungry

    Cravings, bloating and then the hunger – the best diets are often laid asunder by your period. For many women, the symptoms leading up to and during the week of your period are outrageous, and one of these is the hunger that seems to ratchet up from nowhere.

    The reason for this increase in hunger is simple. Your body uses more calories during the time right before and in some cases during your period. This increase in calories makes your body burn more calories during this time, and as the calories as burning you’re going to feel hungry more often.

    To compound this, the hormones at work in your body during this time are also likely making you crave particular food items. So suddenly, you’re starving, you already feel bloated from water weight and now you want to eat chocolate or chips. No wonder we all feel so miserable during this week!

    Why Do I Get So Hungry Before and During My Period

    Calories are units of energy. You can think of them like tiny gallons or liters of gas. Just like a car burns through gas, your body burns through calories. Every day, if you were to lie in bed and do nothing at all, you would burn a certain number of calories just being alive. This number is your Basal Metabolic Rate, or BMR.

    As you lay in your bed doing nothing at all, your body is burning up fuel, or calories, keeping your digestive system working, helping your heart beat and all of the other wonderful things that happen inside us that we don’t have to think about on a daily basis. Every thirty days or so, the systems in your body pick up another task.

    With the menstrual cycle, the week of your period makes your body do some extra work. This extra work burns more calories and your BMR actually goes up. In some women, the week of your period can make you burn up to fifteen percent more calories, and you haven’t changed a single thing about your lifestyle!

    I just plan in good food to eat and stay active. I eat often but plan it out. It passes after a few days.:flowerforyou:

    That's a really interesting article. I typically forget a lot of times we tend to burn more calories on our periods. Well I must be invincible with calorie burning practically. Lmao! I keep my very active workout schedule going on or off my period. Really nothing would take me away from running. Or weight lifting. ????
  • I'm always STARVING when I'm on my period. No matter how filling the meal is, I will still be hungry afterwards and especially craving sugary foods.
  • Holla4mom
    Holla4mom Posts: 587 Member
    This is really helpful. I am so, so hungry during the week before and I find myself eating lots of extra calories in the evenings. I wonder if I should purposely eat under a few days during the my non- PMS time of the month so I can weather the increased calories right before my cycle.
  • jkal1979
    jkal1979 Posts: 1,896 Member
    I have what I want, but a much smaller portion of it. Usually just having a taste of it is enough for me.
  • jenniferhanisch5
    jenniferhanisch5 Posts: 44 Member
    I am on continuous bcp so I dont have a period any more but I'm pretty convinced whatever the reason they make it hard for me to lose weight.
  • brower47
    brower47 Posts: 16,356 Member
    The week before I'm far hungrier and hornier. I just try to be more cognizant of it and try even harder to adhere to my goals. I've heard that our metabolism is slightly elevated during this time as well. I don't account for that in my eating and tracking because I like keeping it simple but it's an interesting thought that might account for the common increases in hunger.
  • fittyinthemaking
    fittyinthemaking Posts: 126 Member
    recently my periods have become really heavy due to taking antidepressants, i've noticed a huge increase in my appetite! my calorie goal is 1490 atm, today for the first time ever i've binged and had around 2200, its the first day of my period and i probably wont do it again because i feel guilty haha, i've binged on chocolate,crisps,cheese & crackers and now i feel physically sick! next time i'm going to try to resist the cravings, i feel like a fat greedy piggy!

    i would say though, if your cravings are so bad, have a little binge! one day isn't going to make you gain a pile of weight, you could feel better for it, you could feel worse, at least you'll know next time what the best way is to deal with your cravings :wink:
  • BarbieFromHellx
    BarbieFromHellx Posts: 758 Member
    Yes! I'm a lot angrier than usual and I crave chocolate really really bad.
  • A lot of the time cravings are your body needing something but you being unable to identify what it is so whatever you think is closest is what you crave. For example. You can crave ice cream for a variety of reasons. This is common in pregnant people, and yes, during periods.

    I crave salt when I'm on mine. I want salt and vinegar chips. Pretzels. Salty popcorn. Salt salt salt.

    I also crave red meat. Only I crave Lasagne, or Sloppy Joes, or something with salt and red meat.

    If I dont eat those, then I binge of junk trying to get the craving satisfied. So I eat the meat in a healthier, less greasy way, and it helps immensely.
  • jtarmom
    jtarmom Posts: 228 Member
    YES! I can always tell when my period is getting close because I get so hungry the week before.
  • SamLD88
    SamLD88 Posts: 111 Member
    If you can, you guys should consider going on continuous birth control, either via IUD, implant, or pills without the sugar ones. I had awful periods when I was young. 8-10 days of heavy flow, cramps, constipation, diarrhea, mood swings, binges, nausea... anything you could think of. I've been on Yaz, with a brief stint on Loestrin, for 7 years and been continuous on it for about 2 years (no sugar pills). I spot for a few days every 3-4 months. No cramps. No binges. Little blood.
  • smarieallen85
    smarieallen85 Posts: 535 Member
    Yes! I get so hungry more than I do get cravings. I also hold on to a few pounds that week, AND when I'm ovulating. Which is frustrating.

    I try not to give into too many cravings unless I think it's going to prevent me from being a psycho b*&#c to everyone.
  • thingofstuff
    thingofstuff Posts: 93 Member
    Week 1 of my pill after a period: hello hormonal adult acne.
    Week 2 of pills: begin to feel human, skin clears; halfway through the week the bloating begins
    Week 3 of pills: feel fat and grumpy, wicked PMS every 2-3 months
    Placebo Pill week: period begins, get super hungry but feel active and motivated to be a productive member society despite cramps and discomfort.

    It has taken me 3 different hormonal balances in 3 different pills to find one that doesn't cause terrible depression or inconvenient and unpredictable breakthrough bleeding. I think you just need to cut yourself some slack during your period and accept that you need a bit more fuel to get the job done and get back to normal. We must appease the hormone beast.