30, UK, 50lbs to go, looking for similar for motivation!

Hi I'm Kerry, I'm aiming to lose 50lbs!!! (scary prospect) to improve fertility. Used fad diet to kick start and lost 7lbs this week.
If you're similar and looking for someone to share motivation, recipes etc - add me!



  • mrsf15h
    mrsf15h Posts: 43 Member
    Hi Kerry.
    I'm in a very similar boat.
    Got a total of 84lbs to lose eeeeeep. I'm 26 (nearly 27). And I'm doing it for the same reason.
    Me and the hubby want a baby, and there's no way I'd be able to walk at 4 months pregnant with my added weight!
    So it's got to go! Whether it all goes when my body decides it's baby time I don't know. But when it's happy, I'm sure we will see two pink lines!
    I've lost 6lbs so far, and nearly into my next weight bracket.
    I'll happily add you ;)
    Count on me to keep you going, as I need the same!
    Meg xxx