advice please for after surgery

I'm having surgery next week and depending on what they do I wouldn't be able to exercise for 2-4 weeks. My goal is to still loose 1.5 kg before I go in, [I need to be .5 less than what I am now to be under obese]. I am exercising 1-2 times daily [ elliptical, walking or aerobics] burning between 450 to 1000 cals a day. I have also increased my calorie intake to between 1300-1400. So hopeful when I can't exercise and drop my calorie intake back down to 1200 I'll still be able to loose a little while not being able to workout. My question is do you think this will work or has anyone got any other ideas.
PLEASE HELP. I have lost 23.5 kg since Xmas and have 11-13 kg to go.


  • goldmay
    goldmay Posts: 258 Member
    I think you should ask your doctor. I don't know what type of surgery you're having, but I had major surgery a few years ago and my doctor didn't want me losing any weight for about a month or two after. You need to make sure you're getting the nutrients you need to heal properly.
  • pamella1308
    pamella1308 Posts: 10 Member
    Thank you for taking the time to reply.

    I'm having my last ovary out and some bladder work done.
    I did asked him about exercise but not weight loss.
  • k8eekins
    k8eekins Posts: 2,264 Member
    pamella1308 said: Hi,'m having surgery next week and depending on what they do I wouldn't be able to exercise for 2-4 weeks. My goal is to still loose 1.5 kg before I go in, [I need to be .5 less than what I am now to be under obese]. I am exercising 1-2 times daily [ elliptical, walking or aerobics] burning between 450 to 1000 cals a day. I have also increased my calorie intake to between 1300-1400. So hopeful when I can't exercise and drop my calorie intake back down to 1200 I'll still be able to loose a little while not being able to workout. My question is do you think this will work or has anyone got any other ideas.
    PLEASE HELP. I have lost 23.5 kg since Xmas and have 11-13 kg to go.

    A 51.81 lb loss so far (in a little over 7 months). with the intention to lose 24.25 lb - 28.66 lb, now that you're within the vanity weight category is best approached, by consciously opting to pace yourself ~ slow the rate of loss to 1/2 a pound to 1 lb per week, if that ~ No rush. You may opt to risk it by forgoing your exercise for the fortnight/month post surgery, by basically eating at your TDEE less 15% - 20%.

    A friend of mine underwent surgery to address her uterine cancer and her healing process was tough. I wouldn't have wanted her to exercise or to be stressed with weightloss when her focus should be zeroed in on recuperation. But if you must - Counting your calories is the safest, the most gentle and is the logical approach.

    Weightloss is about calories-in vs calories-out, not exercise. You may deal with directing your body towards your ideal/fit self, once you've fully recovered.

    Congratulations on your stupendous loss so far. :flowerforyou:
  • pamella1308
    pamella1308 Posts: 10 Member
    Thank you