making time for the gym



  • QUOTE - CALLIOPE610: : I'd rather be a 52yo old fart who goes to bed early, runs a 9:00mile, deadlifts 210 and weighs 20lbs more than I did when I graduated high school (116) than be a young, unfit couch potato.

  • jwallner04
    jwallner04 Posts: 49 Member
    I just walking almost 1.5 miles this evening. Now I'm gonna get my workout clothes and breakfast around for the morning. I'm trying the overnight oats for the first time. It's got almond milk, dates, oats, vanilla extract, little bit of maple syrup for sweetness and some pecans. I was hoping to be more prepared for food tomorrow. I've at least got breakfast and snacks planned out. Its dinner and lunch that I need to figure out yet. It's still a learning process for me...
  • Purpleflipflops
    Purpleflipflops Posts: 563 Member
    I keep a gym bag packed at all times, either next to my bed or in my car. If I feel like I will have time to walk at work, I bring it to work. Sometimes it chills in my car during the day, sometimes It is waiting for me at home. It feels like it haunts me sometimes. It is good, because you can grab it and go to the gym before you have a chance to realize what you're doing.
  • jwallner04
    jwallner04 Posts: 49 Member
    Laying in bed not able to fall asleep and I make the decision to start lifting again. I have in the past done chalean extreme and loved it. I do better with home workouts so I'm sticking with what works. I'm thinking tomorrow I'll be starting that. I have to so im actually really excited!