Fat Bottom Girls wasn't meant for the "shelf butt"

I heard a guy the other day at work talking to a friend when this song came on the radio. He laughed and said "Did ever notice that the 'really' big chicks think this song is for them?" I was immediately put off by it, and as the day progressed, that kids voice rang in my head.

I've been doing a lot of reality checking of my thoughts, and behaviors lately, and as I bedunkadunked my way to the kitchen for my third cup of ultra rich and creamy cup of coffee, I laughed and thought of the two words that makes every overweight lady cringe.


I have it. You could serve the last supper across that thing. I just carry it all in the nether regions. I admit it, I laughed, but it really is no laughing matter in terms of my health.

This is me. Able to laugh at my own failures in health, but then again. . . using that laughter as an excuse that "it's okay". I'd much rather laugh that I embody the term "white men can't dance", so I picked up a kinect last night, did some dancing, had some laughs with my kids, and slept like a baby.

I'm drinking my rich and creamy coffee right now. But today is a baby step. ONE cup, measure my creamer, get all my water in, and enjoy a good sweat with my also rich and creamy significant other to some dancing tonight. He too has some bad habits that have led to his pant-size demise.

Glad to be here though, if I weren't doing this, and motivating myself for an active day, I'd be killing it in some Heroics. (You know who you are.) There is nothing wrong with being a WoW head, but now I've got the WoW butt. Time to shelf the shelf butt.


  • kristijohnson1
    kristijohnson1 Posts: 24 Member
    Wish there was a like button here.:smile:
  • Yielding2no1
    Yielding2no1 Posts: 20 Member
    Love this!
  • wozkaa
    wozkaa Posts: 224 Member
    Yeah, I wish there was a 'like' button for this post too. :-D

    Good on you. I was never a WoW head because I knew it would be like crack to me... I kept away, knowing it would not end well. LOL

    Every small change adds up.
  • Holla4mom
    Holla4mom Posts: 587 Member
    Shelf the shelf butt! Love it.

    I am trying to prevent one. As I started gaining, I saw myself going from a "fat bottom girl" in a good, sexy way, to a shelf lady, so I know what you mean.

    Glad you are here and look forward to seeing your progress.