Speed or Endurance ???

I was wondering if someone could give me some advice on what I should be trying t accomplish during my walks. Speed or endurance? I find that walking longer and slower is more fun and when I TRY (humor) to run I just get really tired and end up doing less.
I am just beginning to walk again (its been about 3 weeks).

Any advice on how I can improve?


  • brandiuntz
    brandiuntz Posts: 2,717 Member
    For now, I'd say endurance. Speed comes as endurance builds. You could alternate, too. Choose some days to walk for speed, knowing they will be shorter walks. Have other days be slower (regular) walks. That will give you variety and different ways to push yourself.
  • monolith66
    monolith66 Posts: 168 Member
    Do what you can sustain for 30-45 mins, then progress slowly after that in terms of speed or resistance. Cardio is cardio, whether you do it on a machine or the outdoors the end result is the same whichever form you choose.
  • savvybaby36
    Thanks!! I will try that.
  • savvybaby36
    I usually walk for at least an hour-hour and a half a day. 3-4 miles. Should I cut my time and build my speed?
  • monolith66
    monolith66 Posts: 168 Member
    I usually walk for at least an hour-hour and a half a day. 3-4 miles. Should I cut my time and build my speed?

    If your goal is to eventually run then yes, it's up to you. The cardio I do is on a machine so it's easier for me to stick with the same time and rate, but incrementally change my speed and resistance in order to keep it fresh and continue with results.
  • amy8400
    amy8400 Posts: 478 Member
    I would agree to start with endurance. Build up your distance a little more each time out. Then once you get to a point where you want to start incorporating speed, do bursts inside of your walks where you go as fast as you can for 2 minutes, then drop back to your regular pace for 2 minutes. Kind of like interval training. Then as you get better conditioned, increase the fast segments to longer periods so that you're eventually doing most of your walk at a fast pace and doing small segments of regular pace. Eventually, you'll be able to do much of your walks at the faster pace and burn more calories.
  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member
    I usually walk for at least an hour-hour and a half a day. 3-4 miles. Should I cut my time and build my speed?

    I'd work on improving the pace now, about 4 mph is a reasonable walking pace and when you can sustain that pace for 30 minutes you'll be in a good place to start a running programme of some kind.

    Notwithstanding the advice above I've veer away from doing it on a machine, the range of physical stimulation is less and the pace you can sustain is deceptive.

    I'd also disagree with the point above, all CV work is not the same. If you do load bearing CV like walking and running that has much more effect than an ellitihell.