Just stick to calorie deficit?!



  • farfromthetree
    farfromthetree Posts: 982 Member
    Thanks for your replies.
    I'm trying to open my diary, think I was mistakingly trying to do it through the app.

    I've cut the bread, pasta etc and I've been logging for 10 days, this is more of a question to start as I mean to go on I guess.
    I'm starting my day with a bowl of fruit most days. Being honest I know this isn't keeping me satisfied, will definitely look into swapping this for eggs/protein as some of you have said as I may not feel so restricted.
    I'm having issues this week as dieting (even with all the fruit and veg) has really messed up my digestion. I've never been this unbelievably bloated and in pain because if it, I won't go into it too much. Maybe this could also be why the scales aren't budging. I think I may have taken away too much of the bulky food and it's doing me no favours.
    I'll definitely get the scales out on the kitchen counter as I am estimatIng a lot or getting the stats from the brands available through the app.
    When you guys talk about Macros should these nessasarily be filled to be satisfied and to be getting all of the nutrients needed.
    Forgive me I'm a little diet clueless! Diets to me are all or nothing hence my previous carb free diet. This time around I'd like to do it healthily and long term. ????

    In the beginning I did not worry too much about macros...it was enough for me to weigh/measure log faithfully. Once I got that under control I began focusing on the macros. Some days I'm close, others I am way off. Don't look at it as a "diet". It is a lifestyle change. I like that expression so much better! If you need help figuring out what your daily calories should be, this is a great calculator:

    This particular calculator will take into account your "exercise" so if you use this, do not eat back your calories.If you want help, feel free to message me!
  • SeptemberLondon
    SeptemberLondon Posts: 151 Member
    Thanks for your replies.
    I'm trying to open my diary, think I was mistakingly trying to do it through the app.

    I've cut the bread, pasta etc and I've been logging for 10 days, this is more of a question to start as I mean to go on I guess.
    I'm starting my day with a bowl of fruit most days. Being honest I know this isn't keeping me satisfied, will definitely look into swapping this for eggs/protein as some of you have said as I may not feel so restricted.
    I'm having issues this week as dieting (even with all the fruit and veg) has really messed up my digestion. I've never been this unbelievably bloated and in pain because if it, I won't go into it too much. Maybe this could also be why the scales aren't budging. I think I may have taken away too much of the bulky food and it's doing me no favours.
    I'll definitely get the scales out on the kitchen counter as I am estimatIng a lot or getting the stats from the brands available through the app.
    When you guys talk about Macros should these nessasarily be filled to be satisfied and to be getting all of the nutrients needed.
    Forgive me I'm a little diet clueless! Diets to me are all or nothing hence my previous carb free diet. This time around I'd like to do it healthily and long term. ????

    In the beginning I did not worry too much about macros...it was enough for me to weigh/measure log faithfully. Once I got that under control I began focusing on the macros. Some days I'm close, others I am way off. Don't look at it as a "diet". It is a lifestyle change. I like that expression so much better! If you need help figuring out what your daily calories should be, this is a great calculator:

    This particular calculator will take into account your "exercise" so if you use this, do not eat back your calories.If you want help, feel free to message me!

    I'm in a similar situation - frustrated with stalled weight loss. I do cardio 3 times a week (cycling) and strength training 3 times a week. I lost 6 pounds pretty quickly but nothing over the past 2 weeks. According to MFP I'm under my calorie goals and I just used Scooby's calculator, which tells me I should be eating 1,900 calories per day!! MFP has me at 1200 unless I log exercise - and I usually do - but even then I'm rarely at 1,900 in a day!

    I'm so confused by the conflicting information.
  • SeptemberLondon
    SeptemberLondon Posts: 151 Member
    I'm seriously starting to wonder if I'm not eating enough.
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    i try and be mindful that i'm not eating junk and a lot of empty calories. enjoying an alcoholic drink or two a day is fine, but not overindulging. trying to not eat too much bad food. i guess i try and eat as healthy as possible, and work in a couple of treats into my daily routine.
  • DeguelloTex
    DeguelloTex Posts: 6,652 Member
    I'm seriously starting to wonder if I'm not eating enough.
    You may be eating too little, but that's not why your weight loss would be stalled.
  • williams969
    williams969 Posts: 2,528 Member
    My goals have evolved since I started:

    1. When I first started, it was just easier to learn the food logging by only worrying about the calories.

    2. As my logging accuracy improved, and I "saw" what foods contained what macros, I nailed down an appropriate (for me) macro mix (I use IIFYM, based on LBM to nail down protein and fats, and fill the rest with carbs). I'm flexible, so it's more of a comfortable range, to allow for my occasional ice cream, fast food, alcohol, etc.

    3. Now, after a few months of that, I've got another set of goals: TLC diet and sodium restriction (Dr.'s orders for my health conditions, sigh). Gotta tighten up on the saturated fats and cholesterol, increase the poly/mono unsaturated fats, and get my fiber up.

    I'm glad I started "slow" in adding in these additional health goals. Had it all been thrown at me at once, I'm sure I'd be totally overwhelmed, under-educated, and fallen off the wagon at the sheer difficulty of managing all of this at once.

    Consistency and accuracy (log every day, every bit, weigh it all--"good" and "bad") has helped tremendously to give me the knowledge of how I can craft my meals to be in a reasonable range to maintain the deficit, fuel my activities well, and keep me off the meds.
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    I generally eat whatever I want and just keep a calorie deficit. One thing I will say is that making sure you get plenty of protein helps, because you stay full longer.
  • SeptemberLondon
    SeptemberLondon Posts: 151 Member
    I'm seriously starting to wonder if I'm not eating enough.
    You may be eating too little, but that's not why your weight loss would be stalled.

    No? Please, tell me more. Seriously - because eating too little seems to be the feedback I've gotten so far from others.
  • DeguelloTex
    DeguelloTex Posts: 6,652 Member
    I'm seriously starting to wonder if I'm not eating enough.
    You may be eating too little, but that's not why your weight loss would be stalled.

    No? Please, tell me more. Seriously - because eating too little seems to be the feedback I've gotten so far from others.
    Weight loss is caused by caloric deficit. The larger the deficit, the larger the loss. The smaller the deficit, the smaller the loss. There are complications involving nutrition, muscle/fat loss, etc., but that's pretty much it as far as pure weight loss goes.

    Your body needs fewer calories as it gets smaller and if you've lost weight it is possible that your metabolism has slowed and it is possible that you burn fewer calories than someone the same weight who hasn't lost weight, but these changes are only enough to (marginally) slow weight loss and are not large enough to stop it completely.
  • FindingAmy77
    FindingAmy77 Posts: 1,268 Member
    just stick to real foods. if it was made in a lab don't eat it. if it was walking around or grown in a the garden/farm then eat it. For the most part I try to stick with this concept. There are many example out there for lower calorie recipes and meal plans. Just keep adding in new foods and recipes. Eat lots of vegies and proteins and drink lots of water too. My stomach was all messed up when I first started out as well. I think back to my first few weeks and maybe it was my body's way of detoxing out the bad stuff. Not sure but it sounds about right. Keep your foods and meals basic for now then gradually add in different kinds of foods like new kinds of vegies or breads and try new recipes a lot. It helps me out.
  • andreakurylo
    andreakurylo Posts: 15 Member
    Hi guys,

    I wanted to ask if those of you that have been losing weight regularly are just sticking to a calorie deficit without worrying WHAT exactly you are eating? Or are you doing anything in particular that is helping (e.g cutting back in the refined carbs or fats etc etc)
    I'm having trouble losing even though I'm sticking to a calorie deficit. The change in diet has upset my digestive system also somewhat and I don't feel like I'm filling up on the right things. A little point in the right direction would be amazing.

    Many thanks



    Please read this article. I'm so sick of people talking about this "Starvation Mode" thing and how you need to increase calories to lose weight...it's all complete b/s!!! U need protein to burn fat, and lean proteins make u feel A LOT fuller than carbs. So limiting carbs isn't necessarily a bad thing if you aren't feeling "full." I've been eating under 1200 calories everyday, but I also exercise 5-7 days/week. 30 minutes of cardio and 30 minutes of different weight training techniques. You would be surprised at how full you can get by increasing your protein intake to about 30-35% of your daily intake of calories. PROTEIN burns fat and builds muscle, and is a healthy and essential way to lose weight and feel full. I'm usually under 50 carb/day...not per meal...per day! Chicken and Ground Turkey have NO CARBS and make u feel full for a longer amount of time than just eating veggies and fruits. I eat a ton of fruits, make smoothies out of strawberries, bananas and blueberries (blueberries have enormous amounts of antioxidants and aid in weight loss) with a little Organic Strawberry Banana juice. I cut up all my fruits as soon as I buy them and freeze them, so when I'm actually drinking a smoothie, it's 100% fruits and antioxidants...not watered down with ice. That's usually my way of snacking and what I give my 4 year old son instead of ice cream. I LOVE TACOS!!! So I've found some pretty amazing whole grain carb smart wraps...one only has 11 carbs/wrap and one is 14 carbs/wrap and the one that's 14 carbs is only 50 calories too!!! So I'm getting whole grains, which help control insulin levels, ground turkey is the meat that I use...and it has no carbs at all and just a little serving or 2 of cheese. It doesn't matter if the cheese is 100-110 calories/serving because this meal is way under 500 calories!!! And what's more is that it's super filling!!! A mistake that people often make when it comes to tacos, is buying pre-packaged seasoning, and unfortunately, a mistake that I've made most of my life! I LOVE Old El Paso's Taco Seasoning...love it. And when my son's father was diagnosed with Meniere's Disease 3 years ago, I started using the one labled "25% less sodium." With Meniere's Disease, you have to cut your sodium intake immensely and this helped. However, from a diet stand point it breaks down to this: 1 package is 6 servings (and u use that whole thing in 1lb of ground meat) 15 calories per serving, 270mg of sodium, and 3 carbs. Doesn't sound like much right? Until you multiply those numbers by 6!!! So I opt'd to make the seasoning myself (which is waaayyy better tasting and healthier!) using chili powder, red pepper, garlic powder (not garlic salt!) and onion powder. You can put in as little or as much as you'd like for flavor and there's no added calories, sodium or carbs! Top w/some organic salsa or even some bottled taco sauce (but watch how much u use of the bottled stuff cause it does contain carbs, but being that this is an extremely low carb containing meal, 2 servings is no big deal) I also chop up tomatos and dice green chilies and add them to the meat for even more flavor and nutrients!!! The only thing I look for with cheese is the reduced fat kind. And here's a direct quote of why u need some fat....

    "Triglycerides, cholesterol and other essential fatty acids—the scientific term for fats the body can't make on its own—store energy, insulate us and protect our vital organs. They act as messengers, helping proteins do their jobs. They also start chemical reactions that help control growth, immune function, reproduction and other aspects of basic metabolism.
    The cycle of making, breaking, storing and mobilizing fats is at the core of how humans and all animals regulate their energy. An imbalance in any step can result in disease, including heart disease and diabetes. For instance, having too many triglycerides in our bloodstream raises our risk of clogged arteries, which can lead to heart attack and stroke.
    Fats help the body stockpile certain nutrients as well. The so-called "fat-soluble" vitamins—A, D, E and K—are stored in the liver and in fatty tissues.
    Knowing that fats play such an important role in many basic functions in the body, researchers funded by the National Institutes of Health study them in humans and other organisms to learn more about normal and abnormal biology.
    Despite fat's importance, no one yet understands exactly how humans store it and call it into action. In search of insight, Oklahoma State University biochemist Estela Arrese studies triglyceride metabolism in unexpected places: silkworms, fruit flies, and mosquitoes.
    The main type of fat we consume, triglycerides are especially suited for energy storage because they pack more than twice as much energy as carbohydrates or proteins.
    Once triglycerides have been broken down during digestion, they are shipped out to cells through the bloodstream. Some of the fat gets used for energy right away. The rest is stored inside cells in blobs called lipid droplets. When we need extra energy—for instance, when we run a marathon—our bodies use enzymes called lipases to break down the stored triglycerides. The cell's power plants, mitochondria, can then create more of the body's main energy source: adenosine triphosphate, or ATP."

    Eating leafy green veggies and fruits lower on the glycemic index is also SUPER important for weight loss and overall health benefits. Here's some essential info about the glycemic index...which was brought to my attention by my Endocrinologist.

    The glycemic index (GI) is a ranking of carbohydrates on a scale from 0 to 100 according to the extent to which they raise blood sugar levels after eating. Foods with a high GI are those which are rapidly digested and absorbed and result in marked fluctuations in blood sugar levels. Low-GI foods, by virtue of their slow digestion and absorption, produce gradual rises in blood sugar and insulin levels, and have proven benefits for health. Low GI diets have been shown to improve both glucose and lipid levels in people with diabetes (type 1 and type 2). They have benefits for weight control because they help control appetite and delay hunger. Low GI diets also reduce insulin levels and insulin resistance.

    Recent studies from Harvard School of Public Health indicate that the risks of diseases such as type 2 diabetes and coronary heart disease are strongly related to the GI of the overall diet. In 1999, the World Health Organisation (WHO) and Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) recommended that people in industrialised countries base their diets on low-GI foods in order to prevent the most common diseases of affluence, such as coronary heart disease, diabetes and obesity.

    This link will tell you all about the glycemic index of carb containing foods: http://www.glycemicindex.com/index.php

    Berries and Strawberries are really low on the glycemic index...making u feel fuller longer and more satisfied, while bananas are on the moderate side, slightly spiking your glucose levels...but not enough to be super concerned. They are to be eaten in moderation, while watermelon's GI ranges from 72-80 and cantaloupe's GI ranges between 65-70!!! Those should be avoided or eaten in moderation along with lower GI foods.

    I was diagnosed with Insulin Resistance 2 months ago and have a best friend who is a Team Beach Body Coach and I'm full of helpful information!!! If u have any questions or concerns feel free to message me and I'll hook u up with all types of info. Believe me, you can easily get filled on 1200 calories/day as long as u eat the right ones!!! The link above for glycemicindex.com will also allow u to search for your fav foods and see how they are rated on the GI scale. It's not just a blog talking about the benefits of eating low GI foods...it has all sorts of tools to help you!!! Good Luck w/everything!!!