Looking to add some friends, still have a 100 lbs to lose!

kmsnyg Posts: 100 Member
So I've been here for a few months but I haven't formally introduced myself or have been very active in the MFP community.

I have been here since February but have also used another site to do the majority of my food tracking. I've lost 50 lbs so far, but would like to lose another 100 lbs. Although I have a long way to go, I've also come a long way. Before I started, I couldn't exercise for more than 5 minutes, now I can do an hour at a time.

I eat about 1300-1500 calories a day, and try to exercise at least 4-5 days a week. I'm really serious about making this a lifestyle change and getting the weight off as I'm getting older (37 years young!) and want to live a long time.

Other things about me:

I'm a pathologist so I look at folks biopsies under the microscope. And yes, I do autopsies occasionally, too.

I'm an avid football fan--NY Giants!!! And try to get to games when I can.

I'm also an avid classical ballet fan (I know...football and ballet are a strange combo) and I have season tickets to NYCB and ABT.

oh, I'm also a big dog person! I can't wait to get in better shape so I can run with my dog!

So, if you are not going to judge my calorie intake (I occasionally eat 1200 calories..don't need the food police), please add me! I need all the inspiration I can get, and I know there are some amazingly successful and inspiring folks on here!

Oh, and I promise to cheer you on as well!


  • thegreatcanook
    thegreatcanook Posts: 2,419 Member
    Wow, 50 pounds so far...That's great. Feel free to add me. I have 25 to go.
  • BKJackson91
    You're more than welcome to add me. I am looking for friends also. I'm just getting started and have 120 lbs to go.
  • belledeboskoop
    belledeboskoop Posts: 3 Member
    I've recently joined too. You're doing brilliantly! Can't imagine anyone being judgey, you are obviously doing what it takes. Thanks for sharing your success, things like this keep me motivated too!
  • amimon
    amimon Posts: 4
    Hi, you can definitely add me. I have about 110 lbs to lose, and I would love to have some weight loss friends for support and encouragement.
  • klballet
    klballet Posts: 12 Member
    I love ballet too. Have you tried the Ballet Beautiful workout? Its a great way to get fit and feel graceful at the same time. Feel free to add me.
  • SeptemberLondon
    SeptemberLondon Posts: 151 Member
    Congrats on your progress! Feel free to add me - we all need the support!
  • chrissyrenee1029
    chrissyrenee1029 Posts: 358 Member
    Hey there! You are doing AWESOME! I'm down about 16 pounds as of this morning and have at least 70 more to go to get into the "healthy" BMI range.

    I seriously considered a career in forensic pathology when I was younger...volunteering at the hospital had me quickly changing my mind, lol. I just didn't have the stomach for it.

    I'm also a huge dog lover (we have 2, but I'd make it 10 if my hubby would let me, lol)

    Feel free to add me...I need all the motivation I can get!
  • mandyosetti
    mandyosetti Posts: 72 Member
    Feel free to add me, I have just over 100 lbs to lose as well!
  • kmsnyg
    kmsnyg Posts: 100 Member
    Thanks for the support, y'all! It's greatly appreciated!
  • lovestolift67
    Great job! Feel free to add me. Everyone can always use support!
  • Rockstar_sister
    Rockstar_sister Posts: 65 Member
    GREAT LOSS so far!!! You are doing great!!! I love me some football, too.... My house loves the REDSKINS!!! I wish you continued success in your lifestyle change!! I lost, blew out my knee, fell off the wagon for about 1 1/2 years, now I am back losing it again and trying to be healthy... especially since I am turning 40 this year!!! My family is also going on a cruise at the end of this year. I want to feel good about myself at that time, and of course continuing my loss even after. My son is a Senior this year, so there will be several photo opportunities to go along with the year ending. I am hopeful, with the encouragement of other friends, that we can all do this!! I have the right mind set, sometimes we all just need that extra nudge! :) Feel free to add me!
  • Icandoityayme
    Icandoityayme Posts: 312 Member
    Feel free to add me. I usually accept all adds.
  • rcadams97
    rcadams97 Posts: 106
    Feel free to add me.
  • Ehecatl915
    You can add me, I have about 81 more pounds to lose.
  • doctorregenerated
    doctorregenerated Posts: 188 Member
    We are Giants fans in my home too. Although, I am also a big Denver Broncos fan, I have lots of love for my Giants.
    I saw them open with the Broncos last year. Great game! (for me, not for the Giants, though.)
    Feel free to add!!
  • kristijohnson1
    kristijohnson1 Posts: 24 Member
    about to send an FR. I have 200+ to go. Your profile sounds interesting.
  • graci0221
    graci0221 Posts: 34 Member
    50lbs is a great loss so far! Feel free to add me if you'd like :)
  • kimmylowe86
    kimmylowe86 Posts: 14 Member
    Hi, Ive also got a load of weight to lose. Started using Juice Plus Complete Shakes as a meal replacement about 10 weeks ago, and have so far lost a stone. Started using this site again to track calories as my weight lose slowed right down, despite doing regular exercise and eating clean most of time. Some people suggested that I track calories as I may have been under eating, so will give this a go and see if I can drop another stone :)

    You weight loss so far has been incredible!
  • KarenGog
    KarenGog Posts: 7 Member
    Feel free to add me too - have been on MFP for a couple of years now, on and off. Just getting started again today and in the past did not use the forums at all so i thought I would change it up a bit and try and get some support this time around, especially from those of you that are going through the same thing! I have about 100 lbs to lose in order to be where I want to be. I am so ready!!! I took a couple of before shots this morning and I can't wait to do some after shots!!!
  • ilove2weave
    ilove2weave Posts: 4 Member
    Good for you! A 50 lb weight loss is a huge success! I have just begun tracking, have 70 lbs to lose, and need motivation to keep me going. Please add me.