Good foods for long hours on the road.

My hubby is most likely going to school soon to be an otr trucker.

To save money, he plans on taking as much food with him as possible. He's also looking at ways to lose weight and get in shape while being on the road all the time. Since I do most of the grocery shopping, I figured I'd check here for some easy foods to send with him.


  • Meerataila
    Meerataila Posts: 1,885 Member
    Home made varieties of trail mix with seeds, nuts, dried fruit, and fruit. Weigh and measure out portioned baggies, though, don't be like me and wipe out 1700 calories of a batch then add it up!
  • KelseyBee2014
    KelseyBee2014 Posts: 188 Member
    My dad is a trucker as well. He is home usually every Sunday though. My mom cooks many meals every single Sunday and then freezes them in small glad bags. He keeps them in a cooler under his bed and unfreezes/microwaves them whenever he wants one. It's a good way to keep the portion sizes right.