5:2 diet friends

Hi all planning on starting the 5:2 diet Monday ..

Any friends want to join me to share tips, recipes, goals, success stories or motivational tips.

Feel free to add me and join me on this ride :flowerforyou:

Look forward to your support and friendship :heart: :heart:


  • estathebesta
    estathebesta Posts: 5 Member
    Hi Kazz1976, that's my birth year. would love to join you, i've been doing the 5.2 for around three weeks now. And i really enjoy the benefits of it. so far so good.
  • cjajsmith
    cjajsmith Posts: 7 Member
    I just started the 5:2 plan on Monday - my 500 calorie days are Tuesday and Thursday. It was easier than i thought it would be this week, and for once i actually feel in control. I do tend to be a 2 week girl - able to stick with something enthusiastically for two weeks and then lose interest, but hoping this will become a routine for a lot longer.
  • cjajsmith
    cjajsmith Posts: 7 Member
    How do I 'add you'?
  • SrMaggalicious
    SrMaggalicious Posts: 495 Member
    Howdy! I'm currently just at 6:1...fasting on Thursdays. It fits my workout schedule really well, and it's actually quite easy for me. Doesn't slow down my workouts and I love the energy and alertness while in a fasted state!

    My only food tip is I do BIGGG fibrous salads on my fasting day and keep it well under 500 cals. I push my eating window as late as possible so I can go to bed w/a full belly. I also add hard-boiled egg whites to get a good amount of protein in there...keep my fats low on fasting day.
    Edited for type-o
  • binniesmart
    I've been doing 5:2 for 3 weeks, aiming for 4:3 until my summer holiday in 3.5 weeks. I fast from 11am-11am 2 x a week, then one full day fast, as I fine 500cals from sunrise to sunset quite a challenge. Works for me, I feel great and can still eat well and socialise at the weekends :-)
  • cartwoman
    Hello! I'm also starting 5:2 this week, tho I'm planning on doing 4:3 on weeks I want to push myself that extra bit :)
    Feel free to add me!
  • MargueriteMuguet
    MargueriteMuguet Posts: 230 Member
    Hello! I ve just started today as well.
    Planning on doing the 4:3 this week but if it doesn t fit my schedule then i ll transition to the 5:2 :-)

    I m also doing a small lifting routine on my fasting days. mon-wed-fri
  • flumi_f
    flumi_f Posts: 1,888 Member
    There are two 5:2 groups on MFP you can join. Lots of good people there! Lots of information and recipe threads, etc.

    Have a great start! I'm in it for life. Been at it since May 2013.
  • alexandravrr
    Hi I would be interested in Joining you on your journey. How often do you use my fitness pal so we could exchange ideas and encourage each other?

    Also I live in Sydney Australia. would you ever like to catch up for a coffee etc?

    Warm Regards Alexandravrr
  • emilyedmonds2017
    emilyedmonds2017 Posts: 13 Member
    Please feel free to add me, I'm new to the 5:2 Diet and could do with the support and will support others. My Fast days are Mondays and Thursday.
  • xMermaidx
    xMermaidx Posts: 142 Member
    Hi all! Ive been doing intermittent fasting and starting on the 5:2 plan, my first 500 fast day today! Feel free to add me. :)
  • ladyofthelakeontario
    I'm on my 4th week of 5:2. Sometimes I only manage do fast once a week. It depends on my schedule (I have a hard time fasting on my slower days, I need to be busy enough to forget about eating).
  • chickpeas1
    chickpeas1 Posts: 29 Member
    I did this last year and it was very effective. After ill health I'm returning to it on Saturday, so if anyone wants support please feel free to add me!

    It's tough, but life changing!
  • kazz1976
    kazz1976 Posts: 61 Member
    Wow .. Hi all thanks for the comments and adds ..
    Well I'm still in week one and fast days are Tue and Thur n do far found it a doddle, but then again it is now coming up to the weekend, but I am going to stay strong and continue.

    I tend to snack through the day and have a good meal at tea time on fast days, this works good for me.

    I'm loving the 5:2 diet so let's see what the scales say Tue am xx
  • pickles0608
    Hi I'm planning to start the 5:2 diet on Monday so happy to give and receive support from friends also doing it.
  • midsomerdream
    midsomerdream Posts: 11 Member
    I have been on this eating plan since May 20th 2014, and so far I am 17 lbs down. It was not as difficult as I thought it would be, of course you will find plenty of people who will mock this way of eating and say you will never keep it up long term.
  • SrMaggalicious
    SrMaggalicious Posts: 495 Member
    I have been on this eating plan since May 20th 2014, and so far I am 17 lbs down. It was not as difficult as I thought it would be, of course you will find plenty of people who will mock this way of eating and say you will never keep it up long term.

    Yes, I notice that as well, but what most don't realize is there's more benefit to it than just weight loss....it is hugely effective on neurological diseases, as well...ie. Alzheimers - which is genetic in my family and have lost 2 aunts, a grandfather from it, and now my mom has it. That is my main reason for doing Alt. day fasting.

    Here are a couple vids discussing the physiological effects of fasting on the brain at a TEDx convention at Johns Hopkins University:


    This is one about bodybuilding and very motivational from a 93 year old man...hilarious!

  • sadiebea25
    I'm starting tomorrow 8/11 and would love to have some 5:2 friends! I'm excited to try this way of eating. I've heard a lot of positive so far!
  • gsmythmedia
    Joined this site and started this diet today. I travelled Africa last year and lost about 16lbs over there, then put it all back on as soon as I started eating normally when I came home. Looking at the pics from my trip now make me quite depressed! I'm not hugely overweight, i'm 5'5 and 166lbs, but ideally would like to get down to 140 if i'm honest with myself. I have a friends wedding in January that i'm setting as my goal and hoping this site and particularly this thread will help and motivate me. I have just come back off a trip to Korea where I ate EVERYTHING, so i'm at the heaviest i've been for a few years, probably a good time to start! So i'll be doing Mondays and either Weds or Thurs fast days, and 3 x 45min circuit sessions a week. I eat quite well, lots of veggies and meats, good carbs and nuts & grains etc. but my downfall is wine and i'm not willing to give it up, so hoping this will allow me to lose weight, keep it off, but still allow me my wine!
  • smallerrose
    Was doing 5:2 last year and had great success but then a bunch of life stuff happened and I stopped doing it...then more stuff happened and I put the weight back on. But I restarted today, will do 4:3 this week to kick off. Will add some of you as friends. I have about 40 to lose.