
My name is Delightful58, I am 30 years old I have two children ages 10years old and 21mths. Before my last baby I was about 200 lbs but jumped up to 225 lbs. My doctors are telling me that I need to lose the weight and of course I feel miserable with the weight. Have tried so many diets but so far the calorie counting is the best. I've only been on it for about 2 or 3 days but already I feel like I have more energy. My husband and children have noticed the energy perk and they are so excited.

My goal is to lose at least 2lbs per week haven't decided quite where I would like to be with my weight but would really just like to drop the extra 25 I've gained.


  • Tanya68
    Tanya68 Posts: 16 Member
    Glad to meet you and glad your here. I just started today and I have been declaring VICTORY! over this journey... So no worries we can and will do this.