Too skinny? Tone up?



  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    1. Eat more
    2. Strength train
  • fificrazy
    fificrazy Posts: 234
    Make sure you're getting the minimum caloric intake of 2,500, first of all. A lot of underweight people discover they've grown up with poor eating habits not getting enough calories and realize upon conscientiously meeting this goal that a lot of their health issues subside and blood tests improve. If absolutely nothing changes and this is natural your weight set point, then consider a bulking work out and diet regime.
  • love this reply, Have to agree 10,000,000%
  • Replying to W31rdo
  • JosieRawr
    JosieRawr Posts: 788 Member
    You're in the right place to ask, people just don't always read... "Goal: Gaining Weight" is the appropriate section.

    Tone isn't really a thing, just going to put that out there. To look more fit you are most likely going to need to do resistance training while eating at a small surplus. If you have access you can lift weights, if you do not you can do body weight exercises(squats, push ups, pull ups, more squats, etc) If you're concerned with eating too much, just make small changes, slowly increase from what you're eating now and focus on having plenty of protein.

    SideSteel is awesome, worth reading the entire topic for tips, just keep in mind you want a surplus, not deficit.
  • I'm a bit biased so this reply is going to reflect such. You could turn your already valuable assets into a plus. You say you ride a bike every day. Well don't know your output but from my knowledge of cycling you are losing weight by default. So if you don't want to lose anymore stop the activity of bike riding. Now you say your lazy when concerning excercise???? I'm confused. How much long do you ride your bike? 5 minutes, 20? More. Um riding a bike is not easy not even for half a block for some people. That qualifies as excercise. But if you enjoy riding and you really want to gain weight then try getting off the bike, might help I promise you the weight will come. But if you do indeed ride everyday why not turn your "idea" current weight into an advantage for a "skill" you can develop by spending more time on your bike and a couple days a week in a gym lifting weights for certain parts of your body. I'm dreaming here cause I really don't know you but I'm willing to bet if you did that for say a year you would think it possible to acheive more than just a weight gain. At your age and weight with some desire you'd think bigger. Maybe Ironwoman/Ironman, a century etc etc. But I'm so like that coach who see potential so ignore my ambitions for you. I rarely see these kinds of post on any site. But I understand I do just always have this tendency to take every situation and look for a positive. I don't see a negative in yours.
  • Most women need not fear that they will get bulky like a dude if they do strength training. The women who are all bulky get like that because of all the supplements they take. Typically women doing reasonable strength training routines just get toned and athletic looking.
  • cvcman
    cvcman Posts: 438 Member
    many people say im too skinny...male 140 pounds 5'8" tall 55 yrs old....MOST all the people that say im too skinny are FAT !
  • My wife found a program on youtube that would be perfect for you. I can't remember what it's called, but it's a 90 day thing where the trainer posts a new body weight exercise each day.
  • KaraJ91
    KaraJ91 Posts: 3
    Thanks for the advice guys! I guess I have to eat more. Lately I haven't been eating as much as I should so that's hard for me. I know it's an irrational fear to have but I've always worried about becoming overweight. I'm a vegan and I don't think I get enough protein. I don't think I'm a very healthy vegan. I ride my bike a lot because I don't drive. I go around my town or to nearby towns.
  • Kevalicious99
    Kevalicious99 Posts: 1,131 Member
    My sister is 5 ft 7 and 119 lbs and looks like ****. You can fill that in .. but trust me it is not good.

    So OP, at 112 lbs, I doubt that it is good for you.

    So .. do what I do, eat every waking hour of the day. I am constantly eating .. and I do lots of exercise and am really really struggling with getting enough calories in. I think I will be making my own post here soon if something does not change very soon.

    I am not quite in a bad place yet but I am very scared of getting there.