Need advice and support!

Okay, so this is a little extreme and most people probably wont agree with it, but I'm asking for advice and support anyway.
I have only 26 days before a trip to NYC! and can't fit into ANYTHING nice that I own. It's been okay floating through life for the past month or so wearing spandex, elastic waist shorts, baggy shirts, and cloth pants, but I CANT go to NYC wearing these things if I want to get in any decent restaurant or even a night club! Plus, I'm not happy with these clothing choices anyway and need to do something about it. Just haven't applied myself since I've been taking express classes at school and it's been killing my time.
ANYWAY, I need to lose AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE as FAST AS POSSIBLE before the 22nd of August and am willing to do whatever it takes and deal with long term, healthy goals when I get back. I'd really appreciate support on this short term weight loss goal and would LOVE advice on how to do this.
Some about me:
Weigh 164, 5'7" female
Would like to be 130-138 in the long term
Short term goal is at least 145 max!
Like I said, I know this is extreme for this short amount of time. Yes, I know it's not healthy, and yes, I know I may very well gain it all back plus some. BUT, I won't let that happen. I was 155 in December, 143 in JANUARY and let myself somehow slip to 163 by the end of February so I know its possible to gain/lose.
All of that being said....
What kind of workouts should I be doing? how much working-out? What should my calorie intake be for this experiment?
I was thinking: 45 minutes of insanity in the morning, 3.5-7 mile walk at night, and about 1500 cal intake which would only include water and Phase 1 foods of the south beach diet...
Anyone who competes or wrestles: what do you do to lose those last few lbs?


  • BigT555
    BigT555 Posts: 2,068 Member
    so you want to be 145 by august 22nd? thats 20 lbs in 26 days, so a daily deficit of 2700. assuming you would burn 100% fat (which you wouldnt), you would have to eat nothing for the next month and exercise on top of that. its unrealistic.

    just stick to a reasonable deficit and try to hit the long term goal. hate to be a downer, but 26 days is not enough time to make a large difference
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    You know how to lose that much weight?

    Take all those clothes that don't fit you to good will.

    Boom- weight gone.
    Then go shopping and buy yourself new clothes.

    That's the ONLY way this will work.

    PS- I'm 5'8" and I JUST tipped under 165 this morning- My long term goal is also around 145- but I expect to hit that next year at the earliest. 160 this summer- 155 in the fall.

    At best you're going to lose 5 pounds- at worst you're going to gain weight and a complex about eating.
    Go shopping- buy new fabulous clothes- way easier.
  • KendraA89
    KendraA89 Posts: 19
    BigT555- Hey now, that's only 19 lbs in 26 days. lol I know it not realistic, but I'm going to shoot for it anyway. If I end up working my *kitten* off and only lose 5lbs, so be it. I have hypothyroidism on top of it all, so I know it's not going to be an easy goal if even obtainable any time soon. But a girls gotta dream :-P and as long as I can fit into at least one pair of jeans before then, ill be happy and can worry about the rest of the weight loss afterward. Thanks, for the advice.
    Also, if I burn about 1400-1500 calories at rest and eat around the same (1500 cal), plus burn around 1500 a day working out, that's at least 3lbs lost a week, right?

    JoRocka- LMAO. if I were happy with my weight, Id gladly give my skinny-girl clothes away. I actually just bought a bunch of stuff at the end of last year and they were too BIG on me by January.. I did insanity a few times (as in the 63 days worth of videos 2-3 times) and think I got too cocky with all the weight loss and then gorged myself into a fat girl again.
    Unfortunately, I threw all THOSE clothes away vowing that I'd never weigh that much again wahh wahh wahh...
    I think I already have a f*cked up view about eating/food since my pregnancy-baby-weight... I don't think it could get worse. I'm not extreme, I just give good tasting food dirty looks when I eat it and get sick when I spend hundreds of dollars on the healthy stuff. But again, I guess I've always had a love/hate relationship with food. I don't hate myself enough to throw it up or starve myself so meh.

    Anyway, thanks guys. If ya care/think about it, ill post what my weight is on Monday on here .
  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    Well as long as you know it is 100% unrealistic. Good luck doing whatever you're going to do, especially on the 26 days notice you've had of this trip. Life is rough like that sometimes.
  • georgiaTRIs
    georgiaTRIs Posts: 231 Member
    Sorry -- won't happen. You need to work on it month after month. If you starve yourself all you will do lose muscle and not fat. this is not healthy. You can not loose that much that fast and stay healthy. Take your time and lose as much as possible but don't build numbers that will cause you to fail.
  • JG762
    JG762 Posts: 571 Member
    Very simply, it ain't gonna happen.
    All you are going to do is make yourself sick or worse, trying to lose nearly 20lbs in a month is going to put your health in serious jeopardy. Is losing the weight really worth possibly risking your life if something goes wrong? What if you undertake a crash diet and get dizzy and fall and hit your head on something or fall while holding (what I assume to be your) child?
    Take it from someone who has considered all the bad options, do it right or not at all.
  • KendraA89
    I never said anything about starving myself. Anyway, last Monday I was 164. I got down to 159 this week but splurged on food at a BBQ over the weekend so today I checked in at 160. I took yesterday off from working out but started back up today. Just finished my 7th workout since I started (not including my walks which are usually 3 miles)... Even though I've probably lost mostly water weight, my body is already changing. I'll post pictures before my NYC trip on the 22nd :)
  • aarnwine2013
    aarnwine2013 Posts: 317 Member
    Honey it's not going to work. I started out thinking like this. I promise you that if you go buy things that look good on you, you will feel like you reached your goal.

    Stay strong these next few days and stay the course. Any weightloss will be a bonus.

    Find something you like and feel good in! Then go live your life and do what you want to do. Life is too short to bow out of things or be too focused on 20 pounds! I bet you look beautiful!
  • ladymiseryali
    ladymiseryali Posts: 2,555 Member
    What is the point of making a post if you're NOT going to listen to reason? We don't condone dumbass behavior.
  • mirandag57
    mirandag57 Posts: 37 Member
    Try 21 day fix beachbody I'm sure you can youtube some of the exercises. I lots 15lb in 21 days on that but of course I wasn't doing anything before that.
  • KendraA89
    aarnwine2013 - Thank you for your good advice. I appreciate it. And yes, any weight loss is great! I'm finally starting to think that way and stop being obsessive over trying to lose mega lbs at once and getting discouraged when it doesn't happen (thus starting the whole yo-yo dieting over and over again)...

    Ladymiseryali - I see that your screen name matches your personality. You are clearly a miserable person. I actually did listen to what people on here had to say, but you obviously didn't read anything on this post. First off, the subject of this post is "need advice and support" not "please put me down and call me names". You could have just ignored my post and moved on to the next if you were itching to write something. There's a thought!.. Now that we have THAT out of the way... I realize that my short term goals were unrealistic, unhealthy, and just not do-able. I probably should have said "in a perfect world, I'd like this to happen by this date, but does anyone have any advice on things I could do to get me started on the right track?" No need to be a *kitten*. We are all here presumably for the same reasons and at that time I was pretty much ranting about how I wanted to lose X amount of weight by a certain amount of time. I'm sure everyone has felt that way at some point or another. I just probably verbalized it in a way that made people think this girl is crazy if she thinks she can do that. I even stated that this goal is "not going to be...obtainable anytime soon" and "a girls gotta dream"... Anyway...

    mirandag57- Great job! I need to look into that and see if I can get any of the videos on youtube. I've started doing Insanity again and can't wait to try some different videos that are out. It's getting severely boring doing the same workouts every week. The first time I did Insanity, I lost 23 lbs in the 60 days (obviously not as quick as you lost), but had phentermine to help get me through month two's grueling workouts. I have had even more extreme exhaustion since then and although I've started phentermine again, it doesn't seem to have the same effect that it had the first time around. Hopefully, with my increased dose of Thyroid medication (started 10 days ago), I'll begin having more energy again and can make it through these rough workouts and finally lose this weight!

    Thank you guys (most of you) for the advice. I've taken a lot of it to heart and am finally getting on the right track to reach my goals in a more obtainable amount of time.
    When I wrote this first post I was at 164, but got down to maybe only 159 before NYC. After, I went back up to 164, but since then have been consistently eating healthier, stopped drinking alcohol completely, and have been working out at least 5 days a week. I am at 157 now and plan to continue doing the right things in hopes of losing 1-2 lbs a week and eventually reach my goal weight.